pictures of ebens

Not all aspects were different, however. There is the possibility that Project Serpo is just the latest in a long line of disinformation released to a public with an insatiable appetite for UFO and alien conspiracy theories. Evenings and nights never got sufficiently dark. Perhaps, when the beginnings of Project Serpo are taken into account, it explains the bizarre and shoddy way the military would deal with the press releases at the time. A dedicated website has been created that chronicles this story in a more detailed fashion. It is also speculated that certain Reptilian species are likewise 'native' to Earth, having lived here and extracted Earth resources for some time. 08/01/2007 Part 3, Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards. Such as the March 1997 sighting known as The Phoenix Lights that they claim responsibility for. Due to radiation exposure, two of the members of the expedition died while on Serpo. Whether (then) President Johnson was present at the meeting in 1964 is unclear. The Ebens returned in July 1965 and picked up their passengers. According to the source, a technological device of the Ebens allowed these talks to proceed in English. And, they are one of the beings in the Milky Way that closely resemble humans. As it turned out, there were Two Crashes. Of all the claims of secret space programs, perhaps one of them might one day prove to be Project Serpo. The Eben lived on a world they called Serpo, which is located within the Zeta Reticuli star system, best known as the origins of the visitors documented in the Hills abduction of 1961. The author of this series of emails refused to go into personal details beyond his admission that he was a retired Government employee that had an active role in the program. In 1984, Ronald Ebens and Michael Nitz were indicted on two counts of conspiracy and violating Vincent Chin's right to be in a place of public accommodation because of his race, and sentenced to. According to some reports, they also have tails. Biblioteccapleyades The Apollo 1 Conspiracy; Did NASA Cover Up Gus Grissom's Death? This is almost a funny story, until one remembers that Iran is a moderately powerful nation of 76 million people, with a possible nuclear arsenal, relatively large conventional military power, extensive terrorist capabilities through its intelligence agencies and Hezbollah, and a fundamentalist government that could easily engage in hostilities against the U.S. In the first half of Friday's show, reporter and editor for, Linda Moulton Howe presented an interview with "Don," a man who phoned in during her January 20th, 2006 Coast appearance and said his uncle had shown him top secret files and photos taken in 1947 of crashed discs and small entities. This does sound like a Utopian society taken straight out of the Star Trek universe. Have you ever wondered why gold is so valuable? JOHN EBENS OBITUARY. We have written before of the apparent secret talks between President Eisenhower and various aliens races in the 1950s. The astronauts learned about the Ebens religious beliefs and technology. Whatever it is the 3-second Eben is remarkably similar to the short grays, the ones I refer to as the A-Team. The Ebens had bases on a nearby planet known as OTTO, but it was otherwise barren and lifeless. Two Americans liked life on Serpo so much, they decided to stay there. The slit for the mouth, very little nose or ears and large bulbous head is eerily similar to the real thing. The Ebens had leaders but no real form of government and they lived in small communities with one large city which acted as the central point of the civilization. Some individuals of both groups were better at it than others, Anonymous states. EBE1 seemed very intelligent and was able to quickly learn English. The transcript of a President Ronald Reagan briefing by then CIA Director William Casey was discovered. Serpo was a binary star system that meant elevated levels of heat and radiation. The CIA's In-Q-Tel is Investing in Startups That Can Predict the Future. They are believed to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. Ronald Ebens was born on October 30, 1939, in Dixon, Illinois.He served 2 & 1/2 years in Army Air Defense School. The second craft, however, would lay undiscovered until sometime in 1949. Fred Ebens of Twin Brooks, Grant County, South Dakota was born on October 22, 1909. But the Nordics are a species that come into contactwith humans almost as much as they do. More than that though, the two sides agreed to a bizarre exchange-program. Later in the program, Linda spoke briefly with Dodie Crain, mother of famed Area 51 microbiologist Dan Burisch. Both Ebens and his stepson, Michael Nitz, also accused of the murder, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter. And evolve into the best beings that they can be. The CARETAKER: Mr President, the five (5) species are called, [SEE: ], There are two (2) common links between each alien group and the, Level 2 at the S-2 facility is where JROD and the other alien [. Three CACA women revised their family obligations and braved the intense 111 temperature to attend the mini photo exhibit & candlelight vigil on Friday. Some Grays have wrinkled skin, or what resemble pock marks or indentations on the face. Whenever a new invention comes about we weaponize it first, feed the hungry second. EBE1 worked with the salvaged communication device in his space vehicle to try and contact his home planet. Those that are open-minded and curious may be able to find these tunnels, and pop in for a visit. The Ebens retrieved the remains of their dead comrades and left. However, communication would prove to be difficult, with many technical difficulties arising. And theres even video for anybody who missed it. Even after selection, the twelve crew would undergo six months of intensive, invasive and secretive training. The Ebens wished to retrieve their fallen pilots. And, they resembled dinosaurs or dragons. Other Resources: ", We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything, The 5 Species Described in Serpo Releases 23 and 27A. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. Man admits taking 'sexual' pictures of public in St Helier. You may not republish the article in its entirety. They handed out Vincent Chin literature to neighbors and to drivers passing by on the street. Read about the Serpo Exchange Program and President Ronald Reagans knowledge of Project Serpo. The name in Spanish means "painted" or "spotted.". Twelve military members would make up the crew for the mission. Live Nightly 1am - 5am EST / 10pm - 2am PST, Sign up for our free CoastZone e-newsletter, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. A major difference between us and them is that; They are particularly sensitive to the physic energies that are constantly streaming across the universe. Their skin has dark green or brown scales. For more updates, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus or click the Follow button at the top of this page. Standing at up to 22 feet tall these bad-ass beings are made up of pure muscle. However they are more interested in the well-being of the human race than the Grays are. Some creatures have been reported with 6 or 8 appendages, some have 2 eyes on separate stems. Of the twelve people that made the journey to Serpo, only eight would return. [3] One particular of these alleged missions, however, stands out among the many. You've probably run into snippets of Yellow Book and Ebens conspiracies in cyberspace, but in case you haven't, this list will catch you up. However it gives no genetic variation over successive generations which lead to problems. We have written on several occasions about black budgets and secret space missions, and with good reason. Hotel Lobby Window Wall. The population of Serpo at the time of the visit was about 650,000 and all were Ebens. During their stay on Serpo, the Americans learned what they could about the history of the Ebens. While he was bound by security clearances, he was undoubtedly privy to information that he was unable to share publicly. While many are still skeptical of the landings, there are other strange reports that have roused conspiracies about unexplained phenomena experienced by Apollo astronauts,including reports of a base on the dark side of the moon. Whether there is any validity to these theories is up for debate, but some are so intriguing they cant be ignored. The top-secret mission left Earth in 1965 on their way to the planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli star system (incidentally Serpo is the crew's name for the planet - the Eben's refer to it as Eben). Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. Those talks helped set the stage for the Holloman landing, which gave us The Yellow Book. WM CASEY: Mr President, we have intelligence that would indicate this one (1) species of aliens have ABDUCTED PEOPLE FROM EARTH. Ronald Ebens, the man who killed Vincent Chin, apologizes 30 years later Emil Guillermo After 30 years, the killer of Asian American icon Vincent Chin told me in an exclusive interview that the murder known as a hate crime, wasn't about race, nor does he ever even remember hitting Chin with a baseball bat. However they are still active on our planet with puppets placed in the high echelons of government, as they bide their time in an attempt to take over once again. Following a plan set in motion by President Kennedy in 1962, the alien visitors known as the Ebens welcomed 12 astronaut-trained military personnel aboard their craft for the 10-month journey to their home planet, Serpo, 39 light-years away. And arebelievedto be where humans will one day be. Considering that they were millennia away from inventing devices powerful enough to see Sirius close-up, it makes sense that they had visitors from that section of the galaxy who told them about it. Two Eben spaceships landed as planned. Flora mainly consisted of several species but was chiefly found in the cooler polar regions. Its inhabitants are referred to as Eben. Ebens is believed to. According to the claims, two alien craft came crashing to Earth that evening over the desert outside of Roswell. For those new to the topic, the title of Spielbergs movie came from the UFO classification developed by astronomer and UFO researcher, J. Allen Hyneks Classification of UFO encounters: + Encounters of the first kind: Someone sees a UFO at a distance closer than 500 feet and is able to give a pretty good description of the object + Encounters of the second kind: The viewing of an UFO creates a physical sensation. The 37 light year journey took a reported nine months to complete. If this 3-second Eben is fake it looks so real I'm sure it has . It received a number of accolades, including nominations for four Golden Globes and eight Academy Awards. However considering that were the reason that they cant come up for a breath of fresh air. The Extraterrestrial, released in June 1982. In the movie, there are human encounters with extraterrestrials (ETs) and, in the end, one person voluntarily decides to join the ETs and travel with them back to their planet. Our motto always is, "you make up your own mind". On the off-chance that theyre not happy with their selection then they bring it back and choose another. We take care of filtering profanity as much as we can. . Read more about how we fact-check content here. The Apollo missions, one of which led to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrins iconic first landing, are some of the most profound accomplishments of mankind. They were then given their own planet and allowed to roam free. Witnesses Reports:It is not clear whether this would be their name, or whether the expression is used in a generic way to refer toExtraterrestrialBiologicalENtities. Paranormal phenomena and bizarre oddities. It seemed they lived fairly primitively for a culture that also had advanced technology. Its likely that theyll skin you alive and leave youre skeleton on a stick hanging outside of the entrance as a warning to any other scale-less punks who decide to invade their territory. Information gathering focused on all aspects of life on their planet, including their society and political agendas, the Eben technological capabilities and Ebens home. The Night Sky. A Military was reported but weapons were never used and violence was completely unheard of. Is it possible that Earth has contacted ETs or that Americans have visited other planets? Stephen Blease-4 March 2023. According to the anonymous source, the surviving extra-terrestrial was hiding behind a rock! After declining food from the military, it accepted and drank water, before transferring it to Los Alamos. We have written for example of Paul Hellyer and his controversial but very clear claims several times before. Where they are said to still reside today in a network of complex underground tunnels. Eugene L Ebens was born on June 11, 1926. Memorialize Eugene's life with photos and stories about him and the Ebens family history and genealogy. Headless 'Mothmen' have also been reported. Isnt that grand? A tornado spotter named Jason Dalton reported seeing a funnel cloud at about 4:28 p.m. in Pickton, a town in Hopkins County. As you can imagine, they were very unhappy when the Anunnaki showed up and took over. Creepy Theories About the Yellow Book and the Ebens. Their human-like bodies are very muscular, with long arms and legs, three long fingers, and one thumb on each hand. Picture # 19 Project Serpo, according to the claims, would see a dozen human beings take part in an intergalactic exchange program! One where they would find themselves in another galaxy in the name of research and relations. You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. News Search for missing man scaled back. When the spacecraft landed and the Americans disembarked, they received quite a positive welcome. Two members each from the navy and army ranks, along with eight members of the US Air Force. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. On June 19, 1982, Vincent Chin was celebrating his upcoming wedding at a bar in Highland Park, Michigan, with his friends when he encountered two white men, Ronald Ebens and his stepson Michael Nitz. The Planet Serpo exchange project traces its origins to the Famous Roswell Incident where a UFO reportedly crashed in the plains near Socorro, New Mexico, on May 31, 1947. A large number of Ebens were present to greet them and an Eben female spokesperson spoke to them in fluent English. And, they even knew how long it took for Sirius B to go around Sirius A. The Yahyel know that were not the friendliest beings out there. and were given to the U.S. Government for observation/examination/study by the Ebens. The essential facts of the alleged secret document were extracted from a series of emails sent to an online UFO discussion group organized by a UFO enthusiast, Victor Martinez.. The fate of the crew who returned is recorded but what of the couple that remained on Serpo? EBENS HEAD. Ebens and Nitz were convicted in a county court by Wayne County Circuit Judge Charles Kaufman of manslaughter, after a plea bargain brought the charges down from second-degree murder. She indeed made a massive fortune working as a TV journalist for many news corporations. Even though some eye-witness reports claim to have seen Nordics in the samealiencraft as Grays. The Ebens themselves would most often live in small communities, relatively spread out from each other. Through the years, officials who are privy to this information have provided some acknowledgement that the reports are true. The Kingman UFO Crash A Discreet Downed UFO That Slipped Under The Radar? Thats right, out entire existence is based on working our socks off every day. PHOTOS. Youve been warned. He would send the information to a UFO discussion group, itself headed by former US government employee, Victor Martinez. He tried six times and all six times, the communication system failed. Also, they have been touted as the best beings to make firstcontactwith us due to their advanced and harmonious relationship with technology. So you could probably take one of them in a fist-fight. And while they were here they enlisted us as their work-force to mine it for them. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience. They have yellow eyes with vertical pupils and very large, beaked noses. Theorists believe we've sent people off to live with the Ebens, which is only fair, given how much they've helped us out. According to the whistle-blower, however, the surviving alien would reveal a legion of information concerning their ships and their technology. Hotel Great Room Dining Area. The main race of Arcturians stands to about 5 feet with green skin and large eyes that can see right through you. They are genetically engineered by the Ebens [cloned?] Watch. They have performed scientific and medical tests on these humans. Bhutan's "human bloodline is linked to Eben manipulation of DNA in the Himalayas.". And are also the beings that are most commonly described byalienabductees who have been returned back toEarth. Part 2: Data and Standard Libraries, covers Lua's built-in data types and some of the standard libraries. Specifically, Ebens had anti-gravity vehicles they used for ground transportation. If these theories are to be believed, it's out there. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. The missions successes were heralded as a new era for space exploration and a harbinger of our civilizations technological evolution. They had more than extreme heat and radiation to contend with though; food was a crucial factor that every member was enforced to overcome. Comments and Analysis About The Most Interesting Appearances By and Interactions With Other Intelligent Species. [2] Two of the original members had died during the thirteen years they had been away. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. The Troy Chamber of Commerce hosted its Business Excellence Awards on Thursday, March 2, at the MSU Management Education Center in Troy. Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. There was no other race or species on the planet other than Ebens. UFO Insight does not take responsibility for the content of the comments below. It is said that in 1965 the US . February 8, 2023, 3:12 am, 10 Alien Races in Contact with Earth Believe it or Not, 10 Space Theories That Will Blow Your Mind, 10 earth like planets that can be the future earth, TOP 10 Scariest Monsters That People Claim To Have Seen, 10 Mysteries of Human Behaviour Science Fails to Explain, 10 Most Stunning Aerial Lifts Around the World, Hot Bolivian Women: Meet The 10 Most Beautiful Girl from Bolivia, Top 10 Most Beautiful and Hottest Cambodian Women, The 10 best women volleyball players in the world. We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. Last Modified Date: February 19, 2023. Crain confirmed that Burisch had once worked at Area 51, having on occasion followed him to McCarran Airport, where a 'Janet' flight transported him to the secret Nevada base. Hotel Lobby/Great Room. Of all of the species knownbelievedto inhabit to the Milky Way, the Arcturians are the most ancient and the wisest. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. So why do we as a species desire it so much? Two of the men chosen to participate quickly succumbed to the conditions and perished. The official news story from the Roswell Daily Record. On the journey, they explored the spacecraft and were able to communicate with Earth. . Motives:These are the TallGreys that made an agreement in 1954 (or 1964) with theUS Government that allowed them to abduct humans in exchange for technology. Before its news Reagan had quite a few questions that he was told would be answered later in an additional briefing session. And the resulting collision created a planet that we now callEarth. Are they correct to do so? The Americans expected to stay on Serpo for 10 years. They are were not the first race involved in the racket of mining minerals on our little blue planet. The total population on the planet was around 650,000. As a former employee of the CIA and contractor for the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden had access to some of the nation's most closely held secrets. They've, In 1965, an Ebens craft landed on American soil and. Project Serpo was underway. The war lasted about 100 years. February 27, 2023. This would take place at a secret base in New Mexico in April 1964. The Sassani are a hybrid that was developed from reptilians and gray-humans. The type of neighbors that you conveniently forget to invite over for a dinner party. The Decade After Roswell A Wave Of UFO Crashes And Recovery. We desire it because the Anunnaki desire it. Newest comments appear first, oldest at the bottom. Your email address will not be published. Pictures, paintings, sculptures events in London Full and accurate description of Pictures, paintings, sculptures events Schedule, tickets, accommodation, travel arrangement and participation. Before them came the Alpha Draconians. Scaly and standing to about the size of a human being. A possible explanation for this is that those Grays were slaves or servants to the Nordics as a Grays lack of empathy makes it an ideal butler. February 19, 2023, 4:48 am, by The video below is an interview with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, researchers who discuss at length the Project Serpo. This means that the best way of reaching out to one of them would be by concentrating on sending out psychic messages. Add Event; Find. Then, out of nowhere, communication would open and the crew at least the surviving members returned to Earth in 1978. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Creamy texture when cooked; delicious pured. They were then allowed to go back to their normal lives. Several callers urged George not to go through with his tentatively planned interview with the Devil. Thankfully they do have a reputation for being the most kind and loving beings in the galaxy. Many people seem to think so. According to the anonymous source, the crew would speak of time being the key difference between humans and the Ebens. The remaining astronauts Returned Home in 1978 and the government quarantined them for an entire year. The top-secret mission left Earth in 1965 on their way to the planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli star system (incidentally Serpo is the crews name for the planet the Ebens refer to it as Eben). Distribution centers existed in place of shops, with goods and produce issued upon request. In the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, written and directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1977, an alien spaceship lands, by prearrangement with the U.S. government, on a high mesa called The Devil's Tower in a remote corner of Wyoming and an ambassadorial exchange takes place. With these examples in mind, maybe the idea that such a secret mission did happen is not as bizarre as it at first seems. secret talks between President Eisenhower and various aliens races, aliens and top-level persons of the worlds governments. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. Eben Byers: Radithor and the Man Who Lost His Jaw Eben Byers: Radithor and the Man Who Lost His Jaw Posted by Charlie Hintz | Medical Oddities By the time Eben Byers realized how dangerous Radithor was, the Radium-infused cure-all had already eaten away much of his skull and jaw and it was too late. Born 1926 and died 1991. So they came toEarthand convinced a few people to share our genetic information with them. Post a new comment! Oendrila De So, perhaps it's not necessarily a bad thing that Tehran thinks its main adversary is backed by the power of space aliens. Secret Journey to . The latter seems the more likely scenario, which in my opinion casts doubts on the name Eban for the tall greys as well. And is known to be kind and loving. The Pleiadians come from a bright star cluster known as the Pleiades. When the time came, this was a challenge that all members managed to adjust to. It was slightly smaller in size but the atmosphere was consistent to that of Earths. Unfortunately, we do not have a transcript of that session, so many questions are still left unanswered. The Handshake In Space The Apollo-Soyuz Project. All citizens were issued with whatever they needed on a need to use basis and basic commerce was not in effect. Trade Paperback 9781591431466. According to Kasten, only one Eben stayed behind on Earth. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images) Studio Bathroom w/Shower. Flanked by pictures of Ebens and Chin, the cover quotes Ebens as saying Chin "was looking for trouble and got it." Ebens will eventually find company among legions of regretful Moore interviewees.

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