excuses to get out of drill weekend

Weekends are usually the time when we schedule important family gatherings like weddings, christenings, birthday parties, and anniversary get-togethers. And if you are not looking up for one, have a detailed conversation with him,and I bet you will scare him off. Shortly after this, one of the fire stairwells smelled like dead rat. OP, Im sorry you have to deal with this. My heart goes out to you, OP. and our We had a meeting with security at our clinic because now we are also a target. And I absolutely think you should do the same. Local law enforcement trains other law enforcement organizations. If you're looking to develop your communication skills for professional environments even further, we think youll like the following video course from LinkedIn Learning. Criminals have bad aim and bullets dont discriminate. If you felt deeply about every shooting you hear about as you did about the first, youd be in a padded room. Some of these excuses are a little ridiculous, others are genius (if we do say so ourselves)! Best case, that employee will now have even more inside information about strategies, hiding places, and escape routes. Theyre valuable for kids because kids suck at hiding, staying still and being quiet. Dont they do drills and practice?. Lets be honest; we all havethese episodes(ifyou dont, most of us do). This is all scary and horrible. My problem is my unit has decided that not enough people will show up so they moved Sept's drill to Aug 5-6 and made it mandatory. Its similar to gallows humor. This is almost enough to make me start using makeup on a regular basis! I would totally wake up with a migraine that day and never feel bad for a moment. I hope you are able to easily opt out, OP. Take care of yourself! No job is worth having coworkers or your boss threatening to put you in harms way, joking or not. Alternatively, its too difficult to talk about also works. Unexcused absence from an annual training or from nine or more training units in a one year period often results in a discharge from the reserve component for failing to meet the training requirements. About HQHIREAffiliate DisclosureTerms & ConditionPrivacy PolicyContact usSitemap, Education ArticlesGetting A JobCareer SuccessEducationCareer ListCareer Tools, Career ChatroomAsk QuestionsRegister or LoginRecover Password, Copyright 2023 HQ HIRE All Rights Reserved. Additionally, I grew up in a part of the States that has very little gun culture to speak of; I wasnt around guns at all, didnt know anyone who owned one, never touched one till my mid-30s. Ill clear my head first, get in a better place and come to the next one. It will not be possible for me to participate.. I would be looking for another job immediately if my boss said that to me. I already think about mass shootings every single day, including every time Im in a crowded public place, and while I would be happy to read about the hiding protocol or do a self-defense practice, the idea of experiencing a full-scale active simulation makes me feel physically ill. For example: "Due to some past history that I don't want to go into at work, I am going to opt of out Tuesday's training.". Sadly, its not a very exclusive club. Read More Why Quiet Quitting Your Job is Not All Wrong?Continue. None of this is a joke, and Im so mad at this LWs boss because the drills are meant to protect people and theyre done out of fear but we cant have TOO MUCH FEAR, mind you, because thats negative somehow. All The Hidden Clues In Squid Game That Pointed To That Twist Ending As a result of that experience and the PTSD that it caused, my elder kid takes a sick day any time there is an event or training or other triggering occurrence at work. Ahh, thats the stuff. Tell them how you were all dressed up for this party, and you are afraid that the mechanic workshop m, Even if it isnt, its going to take a while. 2. I hope LW is able to realize his insensitivity is plenty of cause for reconsidering her stance on him and using all her effort to pushback on such terrible behavior from him. Regardless, if you want to tell your boss you dont want to work on the weekends, you should be honest and genuine, oftentimes your boss will not force you to come to work as it will be bad for the teams morale and productivity. Not the building burning down. I really cant imagine what benefit they are to adults. This knife-edge behavior, scared enough to schedule drills, not scared enough to take it seriously it has to stop. Combine that with the militarization of police, and these trainings are an abusive nightmare. If you know ahead of time that you wont be able to make it to drill, try to work with your units first sergeant or commander to see if theres any way you can make up the training. When my grandkid was 5 their school was involved with an active shooter, luckily, it was resolved fairly quickly, but thinking about how it could have happened still makes me shake. In a real event, it takes a long time for law enforcement to secure each room. Everyone knows how to call 911. Thats such a heartbreaking thing to hear and yet, I understand why shes thinking about it. He has to fly armed. no one is going to know that you are bluffing. Same shoes. I dont think I could do a drill again. This whole topic is not funny in the least, but I have to admit I snort-laughed when I read about that factory worker. I mean your boss sounds delightful so maybe he is concerned he may be a target, but the chances of you ever needing to use that mass-shooting situation at work is low. We should be marching and burning government buildings and performing citizens arrests of corrupt politicians and 1%ers over this. What kind of work does this company do that they think theres such heightened risk of a mass shooting in their workplace that this over-the-top training is necessary? Never did an illness/epidemic one, which is too bad, because the covid response here was pathetically weak for the first year or so. He does not understand the psychic toll that shootings have taken on many people in my generation and does not understand that anxiety means something more than just sort of worried about something.. If their is no way to get internet or their would be no time they could complete their assignments, i would approve the SUTA - I started out enlisted in MNARNG and have two AC/RC assignments. This workrelated excuse is only going to work if its not a work gathering. 10 points are given just for being in the Reserves, which leaves 14 from AT + 26 MUTA (13 drill days). But last summer I had to attend one of these trainings at work (though much shorter) and I completely melted down. Do you know what are the common types of spam email messages? I know you said your boss is normally nice, but hes being a bonehead, insensitive jerk about this if he doesnt allow you to quietly bow out. Call out the day before/after if you want to make it look less intentional. Unless responding to active shooter scenarios is a commonly expected part of your job duties, theres no way this training is a reasonable requirement. My sons had fire drills, but no active shooter drills. This LW has done THIS TYPE of drill so has met her obligation and should have no guilt or issue dropping out of this particular drill. He/She has a fever. Same. My all-women department once went to a shooting range for a super fun team building event at one of their self-defense courses. I lost someone I knew to a mass shooter several years, and have been dealing with anxiety for these types of situations since, with professional help. Im sorry about your boss, OP. The training process can take awhile, so dont expect to be an expert overnight. by I have no polite words about your boss. 5. Editor-in-Chief & Career Development Expert. So long that the lights went out. Dropped about $1500 which basically emptied my bank account. i hope you get out of this smoothly op! -You are sick or injured (documentation from a doctor may be required) I am lucky in that my dean is sympathetic. In that case, the advice to advance schedule a dr appointment for that day applies. Even seasoned writers need a helping hand at times, thats why we trust Grammarly Premium. On my stomach lining, which makes me puke, nearly immediately. Uggggghhhh. Good for you for advocating for yourself. A person can seem nice on the surface without actually being a truly caring and empathetic person. A drill period is usually one 4 hour period. Its almost perfect. Asking the host for a favor right before they are, holding a party is going to result in your favor. But I like a little theatre. Its amazing how many men who dont know how makeup works will be like wow, are you okay, you look tired., Expectations around makeup in the office are unfair so I think its reasonable to use it to our advantage on occasion :P. My daughter had mono in HS and was going to talk to the guidance counselor to see if she could get out of quarterly tests I told her not to wear her makeup that day and she got out of those tests. Survivor of gun violence here. If youre outside the immediate blast radius, being killed by a falling ceiling tile is preventable that way. 9 Best Practices for Career Success in Your 20s, no.7 get you Promoted, 10 Effective Ways to Deal with Gossip at Work, 7 Common Types of Spam Emails and How to Identify, How to Write a Professional Email At Work (with Examples), how to tell your boss you are not working on weekends professionally, between 10 and 14 days of paid vacation per year, US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, importance of fostering a work-life balance, How to Introduce Yourself at First Day of Work (with Examples), 5 Best Types of Goal Setting Techniques (Succeeding at Work), 10 Basic Types of Leadership Styles and How to Find Your Own, Bad Boss? also, to clarify, it needs to be an employment lawyer. Tell them how you were all dressed up for this party,butat the last moment,youfoundoutthat your car tireispunctured. How horrible. Theyll know all the doors to block, all the hiding spots, all the weapons to hide. Well have to reschedule another time Im afraid! Your goal should be TO LEARN during the drill, not avoid it. I think many people would freeze. Call in sick and deal with it later. Im sorry. We managed to cover fire, health emergencies, active shooters, bomb threats, weather evacuations, you name it, all in the span of a couple hours. 100% agree with Alisons statement that active-shooter drills are counterproductive. One of our locations had had an employee shot and murdered in the block between the facility and the bus stop: another experienced a shooting in the street while an adjacent outdoor facility was full of children and families. 7 hours is ridiculous Id definitely call in sick. I hope she takes option #4. No one will ask an explanation for this one as we all know how severe it hits. Things have been chaotic and I need a little time to recoop. I wish very much I had opted out. then you can divert questions with details also to the oh no, im afraid its a private matter, they asked me to not divulge all the details, hey mom, would you like to have an emergency where you slip and fall and twist your ankle next tuesday. All rights reserved. The next year they just showed a video, called Run, Hide, Fight. We started calling it Run, Hide, Die as a joke, if only because if we didnt laugh at it we would all have gone insane. You can only use this one if its raining there. They dont even have scissors at their desks. Hey, would love to come tonight- would you mind picking me up? They're royalty-free and ready to use. Call out sick. If you have a doctor's note stating that you are too ill to participate in drill, this is a valid excuse. I feel for commanders and NCO on this issue because the people at the top REFUSE to truly find ways to resolve this issue because a number on the books is all that matters. There is an entire industry built around mass shootings. 3) Train everyone! You need to see that your fear is that a single instance will make you one of the people he isnt nice to, and that is terrifying. Ive never done a training myself, but my children have since preschool (note: they are intentionally vague at that age, calling it bad guy training). Now the thought of visiting my friends in the US on holiday absolutely terrifies me. If she calls out sick, she can just insist Im sick; cant come in regardless of what the boss says. What if theyre going to do it several times? I definitely think Id go the call in sick route. So weird, right? The perfect, no commitment excuse. I personally couldnt be a stay at home mum, as I love my career but I think if I lived in the US, I would very, VERY seriously consider homeschooling. Now, were reminded at church that in the event of an active shooter, there are three options, in order of preference: 1) RUN! That made a huge difference in everyones mindset regarding the training. We get our images from the OG in stock assets. Can confirm, this works well. They dont have any problem with reading anything, its the simulations. It wasnt really an active shooter simulation, but for some reason, the approach at the time was Its really important to stay silent, so try to imagine that its real as you cower in this corner. (Spoiler alert 20ish seven- and eight-year-olds are REALLY bad at playing silent sardines, even when the imaginary stakes are high.). Sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook so you always know where to find us. You asked about the information parts of the training, and I can say that I have learned some first aid in these sessions that provides a little peace of mind (wound packing, improvising a tourniquet, etc.) its kind of a variant on calling in sick but honestly, recruiting a trusted accomplice is what i would do. 4 is not just a valid option but a truthful one. But seven hours? elizabeth baptist church pastor oliver. Ive worked at a college for two years, administrative assistant to a Dean. Call in sick. Call in sick, OP, please. No one in management cared. These drills are not helpful! Also: Now after 30 years, trying to get out of teaching. My elder kid went through a shooting at their workplace a few years ago. Sick of this a-hole you work for! And a quality training, I cannot stress this enough, does not last seven hours. From my recollection, they never talk about peoples legit reactions in the moment. Understanding how to tell your boss you are not working on weekends professionally can help you to say no, with confidence and courtesy. No amount of training can mitigate the danger of letting anyone have a gun. Even if it doesnt, she would still have to face a conversation about it the next time she shows up to work, so it doesnt help the problem any. They cant ask to leave them alone at home nor do theywant their party blessed by the presence of these little party wreckers. According to the US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, approximately 44% of people in postsecondary education are adults over the age of 24.

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excuses to get out of drill weekend