fuji film simulation recipes black and white

Now this may sound obvious but it really helps. Is there no other way so I could get similair results? Thanks so much! Cloud Above The Wall - Draper, UT - Fujifilm X100V. So go on then, get of your arse and go make some great photographs. Joe D'Agostino - 7 useful film recipes including Kodak films such as Kodachrome 64 and Portra 400. Subject: Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipes & More. The next tip is just my opinion but I find if you slightly over expose, coupled with what I have already mentioned, that can help you get a nice filmic look. https://jimilo.de/f8/index.php?album=Fuji/Infrared, Average pics from an average photographer. Just looking back is all. I think it is perfect for urban scenes and it has a fixed white balance. Even in situations where this recipe doesnt resemble infrared or full-spectrum, it will still produce a dramatic, high-contrast look that you might find appealing. Here are the settings you need: Film Preset: Across Red Filter Again, thanks. I had this post sitting my in drafts folder for a weeks now. is there any way to replicate this recipe on XT-3. I really like it. This can be inspirational even if you . Creative Collective 042: FXW Zine Issue 16 March2023, Try These 5 Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipes Today for a Color Negative FilmLook, How To Add Film Simulation Recipes To Your Fujifilm Camera, My Fujifilm X100V Kodachrome 64 Film Simulation Recipe. Im glad youre enjoying the recipes, Fuji cameras are the best for those of us who dont like wasting time editing images. Hopefully this helps. If you make it all blue it rejects more of it, such as sky and pronounces the effect except for truly reddish and whitish things! Join Me LIVE Today to Talk About StreetPhotography! Unlock advanced features by becoming a Patron. Apples and Oranges. Thats why the classic Ansel Adams books are three volumes: The Camera, The Negative, The Print. It might be the sharpness, the strong shadows and the white balance shift that makes it interesting to my eyes. I have no idea what was written in the original. Custom film recipes can also be applied or done in post-editing using Capture One to Fujifilm cameras without the film simulation; however, it is preferable to shoot SOOC JPEG anyway by using the FujiXWeekly film recipe or creating X-T4 film recipes. Base simply identifies what the current settings are. The trick is to use a low Kelvin white balance in conjunction with a dramatic white balance shiftwhen using Acros+R. On canon users would have to approximate the values for RGB and set them manually. Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Using a fixed white balance is something I will keep in mind. 5:30 pm. When I purchased my Fujifilm X-T1, I had the intentions of converting it to full-spectrum, but the cost of the conversion has prevented me from doing it. Summary: How to apply Fujifilm Film Simulation Modes to Raw Files. I like this recipe very much. Chinatown KL Street Photography. I also did not follow very low sharpness settings (especially with old lenses). I appreciate the comment! 1/3 to 2/3 stops over exposed is usually nice, at least in my opinion anyway. I feel Im covered for most situations with this set up. My pleasure! But so probably showing well what someone like me can do with this recipe . Consumers tended to overexpose it as the simple cameras were designed for print film and its ability to handle several stops of overexposure. The problem is the film held up so well in almost any lightingsort of had a built in Auto WB and digital seems to render differently as the light changes, One of things youll notice is the Nat Geo pros images look slightly underexposed and more contrasty if you really study a lot of them. Many of my posts can be applied across the board as general photography topics rather than Fujifilm related topics. Something that I realized from using his simulations is that the biggest defining factor in the final look of the jpg is the Auto White Balance shift applied. Thank you Janice, Im glad you found them useful! Yes, I know the title is a bit.well bland and if course thats the last thing you want when thinking about recipes. Color Chrome Effect Blue: Off February 28, 2020 @ Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Im still confused by the custom film simulation and how many film simulations can be saved. It isnt quite the same as the Classic Neg I was using on my previous Fuji, an X-Pro3 but its differences are both subtle and intriguing. I do, its https://www.instagram.com/luiscosta76/, Fantastic recipes, Luis. When I got my X-T3 I suddenly could use the then very much fawned upon Eterna profile. I want to set myself the goal to be consistent in my styles. I always use the same camera settings on the x-pro1, which are: Auto ISO, Auto DR, Astia, Color -2, NR -2, H: 0, S: 0 (or 1), WB shift R4 B-5. I try to shoot like Im shooting film. It looks natural, realistic and slightly warm. I even saved a preset on my camera with it. ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. From all the Classic Chrome recipes this one mimicking Portra400 really speaks to me. My plan is to use these 12 styles to narrow down what I am maybe subconsciously drawn to. I shot almost as many images with the Portra 160 recipe but found the contrast and colors here always somewhat more pleasing. Hi Jamie, I have recently purchased an X100V (to accomplish my X-T2) and have set-up your recipes Chrome Urban, Forest, Acros Punch and Kodachrome Hot. Thank you for sharing! there is no film look when you shoot digital. zack But it kind of does not work very well for me. Unfortunately thats not possible, considering the original X-T30 doesnt have Classic Negative. It all depends. Yes! Here are some sample shots with these settings; (No editing at all! Another Classic Chrome recipe. Nice images, cheers. Vlad I will be trying out your Kodachrome formula for sure. ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. Looking for a good Fujifilm film simulation recipe for portrait photography but can't seem to find one that fits your mood? Grain Effect: Strong, Large Because I dont see these settings in the customisation itself? Updated on Feb 15, 2023 Top 9 Camera Lenses for Portrait Photography Another very colorful recipe but again too colorful. Hes a friend of this blog, and Im honored that he allows me to share his recipes here! Grain Effect: Off Grain Effect Weak (Masazumi Imai is the chief designer and "father" of the Fujifilm X100. Again shoot this 1/3 to 1 full stop over exposed for the best results. The Forest - Fruit Heights, UT - Fujifilm . Do these two settings still need to be done externally after saving the custom recipe, or can they be saved within the custom recipe itself? White Balance: Auto (set to 0 Red and 0 Blue) June 22, 2020 @ If your lucky enough to be using the new Xpro 3, then Classic Neg is also a great choice. Jorge Perez. It is a little more contrasty than the colour recipes but thats fine, most black and white film has slightly stronger contrast. Below youll find the different iterations of my recipe for the different camera/sensor generations (there is no X-Trans II version, but you can easily use the X-Trans III recipe for those cameras with some minor adjustments). There are also a few favourite film stocks that I like the look of for their colour and tones, that takes me nicely into sharing some of my favourites that I use regularly. I like the subdued and de-saturated colors of classic chrome although I usually push the vibrancy a bit. Your email address will not be published. Velvia especially is too saturated for my taste and doesnt look very film like to me, unless, you trying to achieve a look for a film stock that is very colourful! Thank you for the quick reply will definitely be trying these settings out this weekend. Automatic white balance while often very useful can produce quite varied results under different lights. ISO: Auto, up to ISO 6400. When making custom recipes (the 7 custom recipes available) does this overwrite Fujifilms built-in recipes? I have imported the JPEG+RAW but that uses so much disk space. Anyway, thats the intro to the post out of the way, lets dive in! I find that it doesnt always work well. Im a fan of contrasty, grainy images when it comes to B&W, so I experimented a bit and discovered that the Acros film sim when shot at high ISOs produces some very film-like grain, which looks much more natural than the grain effect in the film sim settings. The Base setting thing is confusing. My favorite color recipe is Kodak Portra 400 v2, and my favorite black-and-white recipe is Kodak Tri-X 400. Noise Reduction: -4 Highlight: +2 One thing to note before we really dive in. The images look great straight from camera.). 68 thoughts on " My favorite Fujifilm film simulation recipes " jamiechancetravels says: September 14, 2018 at 10:41 am. As you can see below my Custom 7 displays a nice range of gradients ending in Black & White. 5:21 pm. The sheer number of images was overwhelming. I have a newer sensor camera but I also have an X-E1 that I have cherished for many years and there arent too many sites with SIMS for that generation of camera. Im glad that you like the recipe! This new Classic Monochrome recipe was made by Thomas Schwab (B&W Instagram), who has created several of the film simulation recipes on this website and collaborated on several others. That is exactly my style of black and white. You are doing a great job. They are the three film presets I use the most right now. Film Simulation Settings: Classic Chrome. Im working on more for sure. Shadow: +1 Of course it does-Ive had it all inverse-blue skies usually would mean more pronounced effect so send blue into red! The built-in default recipes are nothing special to lose, and if you really want one you can reprogram it if youd like. When I need high contrast but also vibrant colours, Pro Neg Hi hits the spot. Even though it's tricky to use in certain lighting situations (just like real film) when you get it just right, it works perfectly. Thomas said that he started with one of the Ilford recipes, and this evolved from that. Last Update: 20.1.2023 In this page i am trying to list down some of Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipes that I fond on the Net or I create. Highlight: +2 I really like the Portra too but like I said it can be finicky if not exposed correctly or if in less than ideal lighting. , Beautiful color setting there! It was love at first sight as soon as I saw Jonas Rasks images with this film sim, as it seemed to fit my film-look aesthetic right out of the box. Unlock advanced features by becoming a Patron. FujiXweekly - https://fujixweekly.comKodak Tri-X 400 - https://fujixweekly.com/2020/06/18/fujifilm-x100v-f. Enough of all that lets dive into my preferred 7 Custom Recipes for the Fujifilm X Series Cameras utilizing the X-Trans IV Sensor. . I would love to hear from you all and experiment with new flavors. Thank you, Thomas! Please keep it coming! Its all about making the most of the Fujifilm Jpegs; which are amazing, but with a few tweaks or sometimes a lot of tweaks, they can be made even better. This camera is nothing short of outstanding. I also have a X-E1 (the x-pro1 is long gone) and thats still the only color recipe I use on that camera. Fujifilm X100V Silver Amazon B&H. White Balance: 2750K, -5 Red & +9 Blue The biggest limitation is time, unfortunately. Thank you so much! So my second colour film profile is similar to the look of Kodachrome. Or maybe u could suggest or onces I could try? What monochrome setting should it be at: Y, G, or R? The Noir Film Mood is great for portrait, landscape and street photography, known one of our best Fujifilm simulations for portraits. One option where I still have some doubts is the grain effect I feel the new size option is a definite improvement, but somehow I still dont find it as convincing as the grain from Capture One, let alone real film. So I know this blog is called FujiFeels but that doesnt mean I want to disregard any people who shoot other brands. This was my first recipe and it still holds a special place in my heart. Overall I feel that this is Custom 7 has me set up for most situations. ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. The first thing I would say is, DONT BE SCARED OF GRAIN! Just got an X100V and Im putting in some of your recipes. teen pregnancy prevention websites. Markus Arike Works amazing on flowers and high contrast scenes such as sunsets. Im using your colour recipe on my (recently acquired) X-T3. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Definitely trying this one this weekend. 12:32 pm. There are so many Kodak simulations that the differences are sometimes just marginal. I got the idea from Fuji X Weekly reader James Clinich, who uses between 3800K and 4500K with a 0 Red & +8 shift to achieve a darker sky, which is something you can apply to other B&W recipes if youd like to better mimic the use of a red filter. Amazing! My Best Fujifilm JPEG Settings for 2020 from Kevin Mullins. I love using this black and white preset for street photography. Film Simulation Bracketing. As with Acros, there are three variants for this mode; you can add a red, yellow, or green filter. I stumbled onto this recipe at some point while searching out Fujifilm recipes. I shoot this at 0 to +3/4 Ev and adjust on location as needed. Best All-Around Fuji Film Simulation: Kodacolor Recipe. Film rarely looks contrasty in the way most people edit their digital images these days. What I really like about this recipe is the fixed white balance of 6300K. Noise Reduction: -4. Most of us do this with a lens filter that blocks most of the visible spectrum (like 750nm) and custom white balance set with a white card and the filter. I might just keep this recipe as it is. In my last post, I talked about how I am really starting to shy away from the editing phase of photography. Sharpening: -4 We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Velvia will surely not be part of my vision. So in order to simplify my shooting process and get more consistent results, I decided to stick with just one color simulation and one black & white simulation recipe. Isle of Wight RAW file. Weve come all this way just to return back to film? Posted on August 11, 2020 by Ritchie Roesch, Stop Here on Infrared Yellowstone NP, WY Fujifilm X100V Black & White Infrared. You can obviously tell which are my favorites just by way of subject matter. I have thousands of yellow boxes in my closet from decades of shooting that very emulsion. I would modify this recipe with a slightly warmer toning. You can use filters with infrared, too, to control what light comes through, but not to the extent of full-spectrum. 7:55 pm. Life, Unintended - 7 excellent film recipes from Lus Costa, that bring out the character of Fujifilm's film simulation. The Day You Became A Better Photographer, Filmmaker, Artist. If you have favorites you would like to share add them to the comments below. Have you tried importing the jpgs to lightroom instead of the Rafs? Im terrible with titles so I never named it! Maybe for really colorful neon lit scenes it might work but I tend to shoot either in a more realistic or even gritty style. Thanks for the recipes! Sigh. Top 20 Most Popular Film Simulation Recipes of2020, Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Portra 800 v2 | FUJI X WEEKLY, Fujifilm X-Trans IV (X-Pro3, X100V, X-T4, X-S10 & X-E4) Film Simulation Recipe: Fujicolor NPS 160 Pulled | FUJI X WEEKLY, Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Fujicolor Super HG (Part 1 of 3) | FUJI X WEEKLY, On Being Ripped Off Or, Stop Stealing fromMe, Top 10 Film Simulation Recipes of 2022 (& 2023 SoFar). For your black and white preset, do you overexposed or under? They will not effect your Fuji RAF / RAW files. Now you've got the details, it's time to see Fujifilm's Acros simulation in the real world. In doors or less than stellar light yields a somewhat muted look especially on skin tones. Its a weird quirk of the programming. Its free! Why You Need A Black & White Dedicated Camera 23 Jul 2021. Tri-X has a good reputation as a photojournalistic film therefore I was drawn to the recipe. Acros+R doesnt actually resemble the use of a red filter on black-and-white film, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Ektar 100. Even though you are only using the visible spectrum of light, it can appear as though you are actually doing infrared photography. . I would advise Classic Chrome, Eterna, and Pro Neg. Colour Chrome Effect: Strong Best wishes Andreas, Thank you very much! So I have opted to push the JPEGs to my iPhone for posting and import the RAF to Lightroom. My mindset towards photography has changed drastically over the last 2 months. If you like an old-fashioned color palette, you will love this collection of Fuji Lightroom Presets for giving a new feel to your photography. Thanks for all these recipes. Originally I came up with this recipe when I was using a Fujifilm X-T20, but since then Ive also owned a X-Pro1 which didnt have Classic Chrome available, and now Im using a X-Pro3 which has the amazing new Classic Negative. Overall Im posed with them but I feel I achieve better result shooting RAW files then adding some of my own Presets in post to achieve a more accurate representation of the original look of Kodachrome. Select the Film Simulation mode you like the look of and hit return. These photos are all taken with either the X-T2 or the X100F and I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do! I have a question about WB. You can compare film recipes to real film stock on this wonderful site. This can give some great odd-colour shots which can be desaturated to B&W. Again this gives a nice warm look and greats a gorgeous effect on any blues and greens in the image. Urban Decay (2019) Fujifilm X100F Ilford HP5 film recipe. A black and white with strong contrast and a real film stock look. Similar to Pushed Kodak Tri -X. Thus I entered a phase of trying out every possible recipe to get a feel for what I can do with a Fujifilm camera. The Fujis are indeed the perfect cameras to carry around with you everywhere, I think thats one of the main advantages of the system. Thats awesome! Lastly, dont choose the overly colourful film presets that Fujifilm offer. Shadow: 0 It works very well at daylight either with sun or overcast. They wont look the same as the stills, but it can still look good and save you time color grading. White Tree Black Sky West Valley City, UT Fujifilm X100V Black & White Infrared. Certain images will feature all modes, while others will forego the black & white modes. This is a great all rounder, and I will definitely be using this a lot more over the next few weeks and months. Open the image in Adobe Camera Raw or Lightroom's Devlop module. Thank you so much for all the inspiration, and all the useful and wonderful recipes, specifically! Strange that it ended up in third place. Film simulation: Classic Negative. Thank you in advance! Thank you! Full spectrum photography is similar to infrared, but also includes ultraviolet and visible light (not just infrared light). I just published one, called Chrome Bypass, very recently. Fake grain is for hipsters or Instagram. Can u tell me the recipe so it works correctly on my camera? I also like the fixed white balance. So makes perfect sense nowif you make it all red with WB it passes it all through actually allowing more to pass through filter. The whole reason for me to buy the X100F was to get access to the Fuji Acros film sim. Why not! 2:15 pm. My first recipe I use is similar to the look that Kodak Gold 200 creates. I have spoken with someone at Fujifilm, but only a couple of times. Most FujiFilm simulation recipes are for Fujifilm X-Trans IV sensor cameras, predominantly in JPEG format. Hi! I began exploring different possibilities using the in-camera film simulation settings and came across Ritchie Roeschs Fuji X Weekly blog, which features some really excellent Fujifilm recipes inspired by classic films. This gives a consistent warm look to my images. If you enjoy black and white photography, save this vintage Noir film simulation recipe in your Fujifilm camera for portrait or street photography. I did not like what I saw. Push/Pull Process: 0EV, Dynamic Range DR100, Film Simulation Classic Chrome, Grain Effect Weak, WB Auto, WB Shift R0 B0, Highlight Tone -1, Shadow Tone -2, Color -4, Sharpness . In my opinion it works well over exposed ( just like real portra ) and in contrasty outdoor lighting. For example, Ive set the custom Tri-X simulation. Oh, I dont throw away the Rafs, I keep them on an external drive for backup. Note: I have always taken some freedom with film recipes. For stills, we like using it for scenes that would normally work well in black-and-white, but have some pop of color that adds to the texture. Not really any particular film stock was referenced for this one but fun to use at times. Fuji X Weekly Film Recipes is a free app that gives you access to over 100 Film Simulation Recipes for Fujifilm X cameras! I dont see this with the other custom film simulations (for example, theres no Base C1 and C1 for the Kodachrome64 simulation). It seems to be suited to urban photography though especially for an emotionally darker and more thoughtful look. Check out the Fuji X Weekly App for iOS and Android. So I sat down with a test scene and took images with every possible film recipe that my camera is capable of to see what would fit most to my photographic plans and artistic vision. Noise Reduction: -4 Soon I will be able to take more pictures in Berlin which is my personal photography playground and niche. Photography Techniques, Fujifilm Gear, Editing Tips, Reviews, YouTube, fujifilm gfx50s, canon 40mm, gfx adapted lenses, digital xpan, Zine Editions, Fujifilm Gear, Photography Techniques, Travel Vlog, Fujifilm, Fujifilm gfx50s, leica q, leica qp, zine, free Lightroom presets, kodak portra preset. 12:57 am. Choose your sensor to find the film simulation recipes that are compatible with your Fujifilm camera: X-Trans V X-Trans IV X-Trans III X-Trans II X-Trans I Bayer GFX New: Community Recipes! Check out Nikon Z recipes (11 Here, 3 Here, 4 Here)! animal crossing x male reader lemon craigslist search or operator thicc hoppou vrchat a90 supra front lip dsp jobs amazon. Considering how weve come so far with the newest what-have-you digital age. This is a keeper for sure. I used an X-E1 with the 35mm /1.4 for my testing as I wanted a 16MP X-Trans sensor and the 35mm /1.4's edge to edge quality is uncanny. So Ive had to tweak my color recipe a few times along the way to fit each camera generation theyre not exact matches, of course, but I believe they have the same overall vibe. This recipe has quickly become one of my favorite black-and-white options! Its name refers to a step in color negative . This recipe pushes up the highlights even more than the shadows which works very well for dark scenes to bring out a few more details. It accentuates structures, light and textures by taking out the colorful distractions. Your T-Max 400 has become my go-to recipe. It also added some very slight toning on the warm side which I like very much. I love its look and its the one I currently use on my x100F: Since the first-generation X cameras didnt have Classic Negative or Classic Chrome, I had to try out different alternatives to get close to the look of my original color recipe. Ill have to give the R72 filter a try. For me, this preset cries out film. Ive seen some recipes online trying to mimic Classic Negative without having Classic Negative, but to be honest I never found them very similar. Like so many other Fujifilm users out there, one of the main things that drew me into the X series system was the quality of their jpg files and the film simulations. ISO: Auto, up to ISO 6400. October 11, 2020 @ This recipe intrigued me because it mimics motion picture film stock. Colour: 0 I do, however, need to explore more in-depth learning of digital PP. Film Simulation Recipe Compatibility: X-Trans IV | Fuji X Weekly, https://marcbeebe.wordpress.com/2019/08/09/the-infrared-zone/, https://jimilo.de/f8/index.php?album=Fuji/Infrared, Fujifilm White Balance Shift: What It Is + How To Use It | Fuji X Weekly, Travel: 10 Film Simulation Recipes in Arizona | FUJI X WEEKLY, Fujifilm Infrared Experiments | FUJI X WEEKLY, Best Fujifilm Film Simulations | FUJI X WEEKLY, https://www.instagram.com/antonio.campofreddo/, On Being Ripped Off Or, Stop Stealing from Me, Top 10 Film Simulation Recipes of 2022 (& 2023 So Far). Sample shots? Check out theFuji X Weekly Appfor iOS and Android. 12:22 pm. Whites +32. https://www.shopmoment.com/reviews/why-shooting-jpegs-is-so-popular-10-fujifilm-simulation-recipes, On Being Ripped Off Or, Stop Stealing from Me, Top 10 Film Simulation Recipes of 2022 (& 2023 So Far). How would I reproduce these in older x trans sensor? The only change that I added was Toning, which is optional, but it seems to look nice with these settings. . Choosing between them became an extremely time consuming task and it got to the point where I would sometimes spend over half-an-hour with a single photo going back and forth between different looks. Some recipes are made for different generations of Fujifilm sensors and had to be adapted somewhat. For example, if you prefer Fujis classic film tones, you can change the WB shift to -2 Red to enhance the greens. 10:20 pm. This is an interesting take on near-infrared photography. Exposure Compensation: 0 to +2/3 (typically) ISO: Auto up to ISO 12800. In 2019 Fujifilm released Classic Neg, which quickly became one of my favourite film simulations for street photography. Sharpness: +2 I have a custom user style that I apply upon importing the jpgs, which does the following: The differences compared to the original jpg are pretty subtle, as you can see on this example (left is the original, edit on the right): And thats it. Id rather just accept the modern equivalent of grain called sensor noise. Im a big fan of Kodaks tones especially in its slide films so my color simulation is geared towards that warmer look, but you can change that just by changing the WB shift. It reminds me of Agfapan 25 printed using a high-contrast filter (maybe a #4, or even split-filtered). Thanks a lot! Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs using this Dramatic Monochrome film simulation recipe on my Fujifilm X-T30: Chair Near a Window - Farmington, UT - Fujifilm X-T30. Take a look at the film simulation recipes by Fuji X Weeklys Ritchie Roesch. I often omitted the extra grain setting which I find almost always pretentious. You can get as many different looks as you want, none necessarily better than the others, just different. So I thought about not using a systematic approach but rather to see which film recipes I used the most. Sweet, I will add to my list in my cheat sheet. ETERNA Bleach Bypass is the newest of Fuji's film simulations, only available in the X-T4 and GFX100 as I'm writing this in early August, 2020. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The recipe also cranks up the sharpness which I think works well for urban structures. Join Me LIVE Today to Talk About Street Photography! The exposure times tend to be very long unless you can turn the ISO way up and dont mind the resulting noise. http hss3uro2hsxfogfq onion houses for rent middletown ny black teen gangbang pornhub luxury fishing lodge colorado cheat engine pointer scan emulator young naked female athletes. It has a weird golden, yellow hue to it and seems just too much. I suggest you reset your custom WB that you use for Portra recipe once with a white card (maybe in daylight). Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs using this Black & White Infrared film simulation recipe on my Fujifilm X100V: Crafts & Hobbies - West Valley City, UT - Fujifilm X100V. Straight out of camera as they are. You need to bare that in mind when shooting with this film recipe. I dont. So a quick change from DR 100 to DR200 or even DR400 on your Fujifilm will help achieve that filmic look. Theres a real cost to operating and maintaining this site, not to mention all the time that I pour into it. Click on the profile icon in the Basic panel. For me it looks middle of the road good. Colour Chrome Effect: Weak Choose your sensor to find the film simulation recipes that are compatible with your Fujifilm camera: X-Trans IVX100V, X-Pro3, X-T4, X-T3, X-T30, X-S10 & X-E4, X-T30 II, X-Trans IIIX-Pro2, X100F, X-E3, X-T2, X-T20 & X-H1, X-Trans IIX100S, X100T, X-E2, X-E2S, X-T1, X-T10, X70, X20, X30, XQ1 & XQ2, BayerX100, X-A1, X-A2, X-A3, X-A5, X-A7,X-A10, XF10, X-T100 & X-T200, GFXGFX-50S, GFX-50R, GFX100, GFX100S, GFX-50S II, How To Add Film Simulation Recipes To Your Camera.

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fuji film simulation recipes black and white