how old was jesus when they fled to egypt

Jesus' childhood . I do not believe the comment is fair to Muslims, who, I find, have a profound respect for history and culture, even if it predates the founding of their religion. Ascribing Biblical text as mans opinions or the result of events generally can be misleading. I cant help but laugh at the thought. Read the book of Revelation charter 12 ,verss 4 ,5 ,and 6. There is no historical proof that Jesus was born of a woman, only historical evidence that he existed as an adult, because Josephus, the 1st century historian mentions him by name. He is 100% Middle Eastern and when we went to the beach this summer I was shocked at how white his (ordinarily) unexposed skin is. Grace thru Faith is a 501(c)3 non-profit. The story of Jesus and his parents fleeing from Bethlehem to Egypt is one of the biblical passages that is often seen as supporting immigration policies that deregulate national borders. Moses was 40 when he fled Egypt, 80 when he parted the Red Sea and 120 when God took him away. Everything is not readily seen therefore we have what is considered the mysteries of the Bible. The Holy Family had to leave Bethlehem because of the wickedness and cruelty of the Jews, and had been warned to do so by the Angel Gabriel . For anyone traveling in Egypt the Pyramids are hard to miss; Giza lies along the Nile River route that the Holy Family is believed to have followed. It is argued that this example in Matt. I will be looking it up. The flight into Egypt is a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13-23) and in New Testament apocrypha.Soon after the visit by the Magi, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus since King Herod would seek the child to kill him. But Matthew discreetly does not say where Jesus actually was when they arrived, just that the Magi followed the star from Jerusalem to that place. Joseph and Mary leave town without the 12-year-old Jesus, thinking him to be in another part of their caravan. So the Lords birth, the visit by the Magi, the flight to Egypt and the return to Nazareth all had to take place between 6 and 4 BC. The holy family flee to Egypt. Tis love thats born tonight! Paul also says that God leads us . Firstly, thank you for your work and this excellent hypothesis. "Wake up and take Mary and the baby to Egypt and stay there until I tell you further," the angel said. God has a reason for everything that He does, even when it is not readily apparent. Chris it seems odd to me that the most important thing that has ever happened on earth is not better documented. Humphreys and Waddington therefore suggest a scenario where Jesus was crucified and died at 3pm on 3 April AD 33 , followed by a red partial lunar eclipse at moonrise at 6.20pm observed by the Jewish population, and that Peter recalls this event when preaching the resurrection to the Jews (Acts of the Apostles 2:1421). Opening up another front against the atomization of the Scriptures: A review of the ESV ReadersBible, The Birth Of A King Part 21 | Joseph Bias Ministries, Did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to Egypt because they could blend in there, Which angel told Jesus parents to take him to Egypt? I believe Jesus was born of a virgin, both man and God. Why isnt the exact date recorded of Jesus birth? The following two tabs change content below. Your Retirement News Channels. Jonathan Cahn has explained how Jesus birth date was Nisan one, 6BC; or March 20th. It seems probable that He was between one and two years oldbased upon the account of Herods order to kill all the children two years and under. And Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh. Thanks for sharing this. When King Herod had died, Joseph could take his wife and child back to Nazareth from the exile in Egypt, where they fled to escape King Herod's order of killing all boys. The family had long since left Bethlehem and returned home by the time the Magi arrived in the area about two years after Jesus birth. When Muslims capture a city like Jerusalem they destroy every bit of history documenting any civilization before them. There is beauty in the ways of God. I am one. Jesus is born while they are in Bethlehem. Its the same no matter what religion you believe in, or whether you believe in none. So therefor Jesus was black. When Jesus was still an infant, King Herod of Judea ordered him to kill all "firstborns.". John 21:25). Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, 'Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.' Then Joseph got up, took the child and . It was Herod's attempt to destroy this new king by killing all of the boys in Bethlehem who were two years old or younger that led . . There were a few TV programmes about it. Some children see Him bronzed and brown, So depending on when Jesus was born, the journey to Egypt lasted no more than two years, and perhaps as little as a few weeks or months. The way the gospel writers see Jesus reliving the experience of Israel is another biblical example. It isnt that people want Jesus to be white. Any likely candidates? with dark and heavy hair. At your suggestion I have updated the image that accompanies this post. If you have a question, please use the link at the top left of this page to reach the comment box. They spent a lot of time in Sun also. In unreserved obedience, Joseph "rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod.This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, 'Out of Egypt I called my son'" (2:14-15). What spiritual rejoicing was there when this little family, hides in the place that so long ago was used against Gods house. Even a literal read has the child being caught up to God then the the women flees . B.C. ended as soon He was born, A.D. began after He was born. They could easily have gone to Egypt . There are many progressive believers. If Jesus stayed one year or longer in Egypt he would not have been able to observe the day of atonement and various festivals commanded in the law of Moses. Taught by tradition as set forth by God. He took his family and fled to Egypt to fulfill the prophecy found in Hosea 11:1 that God's beloved Son would be called out of Egypt. I think it was closer to seven years. Of course you are free to hold the view if you wish, but it should be acknowledged that it is not the consensus view. If Jesus family were in Egypt for much less than a year, why then does it say in the Revelation Prophecy of the Woman with 12 stars round her head, generally interpreted (incorrectly I believe) as Mary giving birth to Jesus, that she was transported to a place prepared for her for 1260 days, which equates to nearly 3 and a half years? Hi Christy. What evidence is there for the divine inspiration of the NewTestament? I thank you for your efforts. Most people familiar with the few details given in Scripture about the early life of Jesus are aware of the fact that following the visit from the wise men, Matthew indicates that Joseph and Mary took Jesus and fled to Egypt at the command of God (Matthew 2:13-14). how old was jesus when they fled to egypt. John the Baptist was born in Judea. What I understand before, a few days after Mary delivered our Lord Jesus, the wise men came and then a few days later they escaped to Egypt. They were hiding from Herod, not from the Egyptians. The 1951 language might be considered a bit politically incorrect today, but look past that to the sense of the words: Some children see Him lily white, He made it clear that him healing on the Sabbath was actually keeping it, as he was doing good, not bad. In fact, if there hadnt been a Roman census in 6 B.C., wed have even less idea of when Jesus was born. The Bible doesn't clearly state how old Joseph (the human father of Jesus) was when he died, but he was most likely aged 40-50 based on several factors: 1- Jewish men typically married once they were more financially secure, which implies that Joseph was around 20 years old when he married Mary. At least in the case of Jesus, we know that he did exist and can still believe in Him, His Message and His Promise, even if the nativity stories are myth. This is not including the mixed multitude that came out with them (Exodus 12:38) or the flocks and herds that they also brought out. Ehrman, Bart (2005),Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (San Francisco, CA: Harper). How long did he stay in Egypt this second time? revealed to him after He was resurrected and gone to Heaven. They escape by night, just before Herod orders the murder of all baby boys born in and around Bethlehem during the last two years. It is documented my brother ,tus Revelation 12:4-5-6 , 1,260 days . He didn't want another "King" to interfere with his kingdom. Most people familiar with the few details given in Scripture about the early life of Jesus are aware of the fact that following the visit from the wise men, Matthew indicates that Joseph and Mary took Jesus and fled to Egypt at the command of God (Matthew 2:13-14). The 25 Stops of the Holy Family With Infant Jesus in Egypt. Thank you for your reply and clear explanation, Christopher. He adds that God wasnt counting peoples sins against them. That is, God extended forgiveness. Jacob's other children are between 56 and 63. added). He was the sacrificial lamb. Joseph was told to take them to Egypt so that they would blend in. The Young Messiah. (Clicking on a category will display all of the posts it, in a continuous scroll with the most recent at the top.). It was between the age of eleven and twelve that he was summoned to return to Jerusalem. And under the beliefs that Christ as a child and his holy family lived there for years and not months. The Early Days of Jesus. Matthews account seems to have been structured so that the prophecy in the Book of Revelation of the Woman with 12 Stars giving birth to a child and being confronted by the dragon should be fulfilled Matthews gospel is riddled with accounts of events happening so that the prophecy should be fulfilled to the extent that his account of the Nativity is not taken seriously by scholars. He is predicted to return in the End Times and there is no suggestion in the scriptures that he is going to do so by being born of a woman then, so why should it have been any different when he came originally? two years old or . El tiempo que vive Jesus en Belen es hasta que cumple 12 anos. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 2, p.8). If it was to die so that our sins should be forgiven, why is there still going to be a Judgement Day, when those found wanting will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone?, Because salvation can only be found through following Jesus Christ. Do you think 430 days could work? A book about stones in the life of Jesus can hardly ignore the Pyramids of Egypt. Will God really give us anything we ask for if we ask in Jesusname? Egyptian Christians date their first bishop to the days of Mark the Evangelist.. The flight to Egypt by Jesus family is related by Matthew to the statement in Hosea 11:1 which refers historically to the deliverance of the Hebrews from Egypt. Our Lady of Zeitoun was a mass Marian apparition that occurred in the Zeitoun district of Cairo, Egypt, over a period of 23 years beginning on April 2, 1968. You could do research about these monestarys and churches in the Sina yourselves. Today, the University has over 11,400 students on campus with 39,000 in the Distance Learning Program (now Liberty University Online), and he is the Dean of the School of Religion.Dr. There is no known age of Jesus after His Return from Egypt, but there are supporting facts that give hints. How long did Jesus parents hide him in Egypt? Perhaps I have misinterpreted your explanation, can you please clarify? There is a wealth of knowledge available to those who hunger for its truth. May our lord Jesus Christ and the holy mother Virgin Mary be with you and family at all times. Did Adam lie before sin entered theworld? The Hebrew is Yehoshua, which means Yahweh saves. Its usually translated Joshua in the Old Testament, and its sometimes said as Yeshua today. The family traveled to Nazareth which took them a journey of at least 170 kilometers. I was made to believe that Jesus did go to Egypt again in his adult life. The final four verses of Luke 24 (vss. 50-53), however, took place more than five weeks later (see Acts 1:1-12). . Did they stay in Bethlehem long or return back? Four doctoral dissertations have analyzed his contribution to religious education and evangelism. The flight into Egypt is a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13-23) and in New Testament apocrypha. Thats where the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek in the few centuries before Christ. Heres why. Much of this artwork was created BEFORE the sixth century. Answer (1 of 20): I read the other two answers and they are fairly close in their answers. The tree is still there after thousands of years in the middle off desert with nothing around it. Jesus did not die at 33 because he never lived. Yet Luke simply recorded the various events in chapter 24 (vss. One of my favorites was about the Moses fish, where fish have only half their bodies, and the stories of those people say it happened when Moses parted the water. What I say in that post about Joseph, Mary, and Jesus would also apply to Joseph many centuries earlier: In terms of skin color, really anyone who went to Egypt at this time would have fit in, because people had long been coming there from Sub-Saharan Africa, farther west in northern Africa, and the Middle East, and so it was a place where people of many different skin colors lived together and interacted. Joseph, acting with complete docility, rose up, took the Child and his Mother by night, and fled into Egypt (Mt 2:14). I think this Christmas carol by Alfred Burt says it all. These commands make it compulsory for all Jewish males to journey to Jerusalem. The Magi told Herod that they had first seen the star that led them to come worship the king of the Jews two years earlier. The family traveled to Nazareth which took them a journey of at least 170 kilometers. y su fama de Hablar a la gente llega hasta Egypt y ahi le hacen Can you please explain further so that we can understand better? back to Jerusalem after they worship Jesus' birth, flies into a rage. book a tip slot neath how old was jesus when they fled to egypt Download our eBooks to read on your computers, phone, tablet, or eReader. How about Islamic occupation of Jerusalem being the reason there are less records that we would hope. And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast. . . Jesus name in Hebrew was Yeshua which translates to English as Joshua. Remember how he healed on a Sabbath? His Understanding the Books of the Bible study guide series is keyed to this format. He ruled from 6-4 BC. This has been a very good and interesting discussion, and the information you provided is informative, helpful, and much appreciated. Nicolas Poussin, The Holy Family in Egypt. In addition, Paul, who was indeed literate and the one who taught the world to be Christian, didnt live through Jesus time on earth, he interpreted what Jesus himself (the Holy Spirit?) So the length of their sojourn in Egypt was probably about a few months. Then in Session 19, about Galatians, I note that in this letter Paul gives several more illustrations of how Jesus life, death, and resurrection bring us salvation. Is it documented that the holy family blended in with the Egyptians? When he is eight days old, Jesus is circumcised as is traditional for Jewish boys. Some children see Him almond-eyed, The author quotes a historical recollection of the exodus from the book of Hosea, Out of Egypt I called my son, and says that through the journey to Egypt Jesus fulfilled this Scripture. The anwer is 1,260 days so l thought that was 4.56 years tus in revelation 12:4-5-6 . Reconciliation, forgiveness, victory, new creation, substitution, redemption, adoptionthese are some, but not all, of the ways that the New Testament writers and later Christian theologians would explain how Jesus death saves us. When Herod realized that he had been deceived by the magi, he became furious. Matthew 2King James Version. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain. from Northwestern College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a M.A. If Jesus is a Greek translation. Starring: Adam Greaves-Neal, Sara Lazzaro, Vincent Walsh. You have obviously done some study on these issues. 2:11 says the Magi visited the Lord and his mother in a house. The Nativity and the Flight into Egypt took place in the last years before the death of Herod the Great which is known to have taken place in late March or early April, 4BC. I dont personally believe that the symbolism of the woman with a crown of 12 stars in the book of Revelation indicates that Jesus lived in Egypt for 12 months. The Holy Family fled into Egypt, a land of the Gentiles, on February 17, 1 A.D. The biblical text does not tell us. Wells, Steve (2011), Skeptics Annotated Bible, NIV When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Matt. Heres a link that will tell you a bit more about this. They escape by night, just before Herod orders the murder of all baby boys born in and around Bethlehem during the last two years. If this were true and Jesus did not observe these festivals during his stay in Egypt. What year was Jesus Christ born? He has a B.A. Here is my question, if the Magi began their journey at the birth of Jesus and it took 2 years to reach Him, and the visitation and giving of gifts took place in a manager, wouldnt that suppose that Jesus lived in a manger after His birth for 2 years?

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how old was jesus when they fled to egypt