nj title 40 police promotions

Section 40:54D-4 - Tourism improvement and development districts, Section 40:54D-5 - Exemptions from taxation, Section 40:54D-6 - Collection, administration of tax, assessment; determination, certification of revenues, Section 40:54D-8 - Applicability of tax imposed. Section 40:56-88 - District management corporation; annual audit. NJSA 40:37-95.23 Ballots NJSA 40:37-95.24 Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days NJSA 40:37-95.28 Submission of adoption of act to voters NJSA 40:37-95.29 Ballots NJSA 40:37-95.30 Adopted law immediately operative NJSA 40:37-95.33 Submission of adoption of act to voters NJSA 40:37-95.34 Ballots Section 40:75-2.1 - Change of form of government--Continuation of commissioners and others in office, Section 40:75-26 - Construction of article, Section 40:75-28 - Clerk to examine petition; amendment and refiling, Section 40:75-29 - Clerk to call election; notice of election, Section 40:75-30 - Notice of election served on commissioners; publication, Section 40:75-31 - Time for holding recall election; arrangements; expenses, Section 40:75-32 - Petition nominating successor; form and content; filing, Section 40:75-33 - Clerk to examine petition; if defective clerk to return petition, Section 40:75-34 - Procedure where incumbent resigns; where incumbent contests recall; incumbent's petition, Section 40:75-35 - Clerk to examine incumbent's petition; amendment and refiling, Section 40:75-36 - Failure to file incumbent's petition deemed resignation, Section 40:75-37 - Several recall petitions may be consolidated, Section 40:75-38 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:75-39 - Adding names to registry list; no primary election, Section 40:75-40 - Conduct of election; duties of clerk and election officers, Section 40:75-41 - Conduct of election; laws applicable, Section 40:75-42 - Result of election determined; vote required, Section 40:75-43 - Successor to incumbent; eligibility, election, powers and duties, Section 40:75-44 - Clerk to present objections to Superior Court judge, Section 40:75-45 - Superior Court assignment judge to sit on election day; action to insure fair election, Section 40:75-46 - Election not to be restrained or delayed; effect of writs, Section 40:75-47 - Petitions need not be on single paper; minor defects immaterial, Section 40:75-48 - Reorganization of board after recall. Section 40:37-204 - Establishment and location of parks; acquisition of property, Section 40:37-205 - Lands for parks; lease with option to purchase, Section 40:37-206 - Surveys and maps of parks; records, Section 40:37-207 - Condemnation for parks; law applicable, Section 40:37-208 - Construction of roadways; acquisition of real estate, Section 40:37-209 - Survey and map of roadways and boulevards; records, Section 40:37-210 - Commission may establish grades; pavement and improvement of roadways, Section 40:37-211 - Condemnation for roadways; commissioners appointed; benefits assessed, Section 40:37-212 - Commissioners; appointment; duties; oaths, Section 40:37-213 - Hearing and notice; view premises; report, Section 40:37-214 - Court to hear objections to report; confirmation, Section 40:37-216 - Compensation of commissioners; expenses; inclusion in cost of improvement, Section 40:37-217 - Benefits assessed deducted from damages awarded, Section 40:37-218 - Award collected by suit, Section 40:37-219 - Assessments a lien; collection; action at law, Section 40:37-220 - Assessments for benefits; disposition of funds; payment of bonds, Section 40:37-221 - Assessments a lien until paid, Section 40:37-222 - Sale of lands for unpaid assessments; notice and publication, Section 40:37-223 - Sale for term of years, Section 40:37-224 - Adjournment of sale; notice, Section 40:37-225 - Certificate of sale; issuance; assignability; recording, Section 40:37-226 - Redemption of property sold, Section 40:37-227 - Time for redemption; declaration of sale; contents; filing, Section 40:37-228 - Effect of declaration of sale; liability for waste, Section 40:37-229 - Redemption by mortgagee; notice to mortgagee; rights after redemption, Section 40:37-230 - Unsold lands struck off to board, Section 40:37-231 - Freeholders to borrow money upon requisition of park commission; bonds; limitation, Section 40:37-232 - Additional bond issues, Section 40:37-233 - Appropriations; action by freeholders, Section 40:37-234 - Appropriations for current expenses included in county budget, Section 40:37-235 - Bond issues; law applicable; deductions from debt statement, Section 40:37-236 - Certain expenses replaced by bond issue; limitation, Section 40:37-237 - Amount collected from benefit assessments applied to payment of bonds, Section 40:37-238 - Lands used only for park purposes; railroads excluded; exceptions, Section 40:37-239 - Sale of real estate in certain cases; vacation of roadways, Section 40:37-240 - Rules and regulations; notice; penalties; disposition of, Section 40:37-241 - Transfer of municipal parks and streets to county park commission, Section 40:37-242 - Referendum; submission at general election; notice, Section 40:37-243 - Ballot, form and content, Section 40:37-244 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:37-245 - Results returned and certified; record of, Section 40:37-246 - Clerk to deliver copy to freeholders; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-247 - Election expenses; payment by county, Section 40:37-248 - Petition for submission, Section 40:37-250 - Freeholders choose law to be submitted; notice to county clerk, Section 40:37-251 - Ballot; law applicable, Section 40:37-252 - Maintenance; annual appropriation, Section 40:37-253 - Acquisition and improvement of other lands, Section 40:37-254 - Purchase and condemnation of contiguous lands, Section 40:37-257 - Condemnation procedure; assessments for benefits; award of damages, Section 40:37-258 - Construction of casino, stadium and other structures, Section 40:37-259 - Rules and regulations; penalties, Section 40:37-261 - Establishment of park police system; composition; rules and regulations. Section 40:14B-22a - Municipal authority may charge certain additional fees. Section 40:60-51.2 - Power to waive restrictions. Section 40:54-8.1 - Limitation on increase in amount raised by taxation. Section 40:54-29.6 - Notification of governing bodies after adoption of ordinance; submission of question to voters, Section 40:54-29.8 - Approval of resolution. Paskelbta 2022-06-04 Autorius homes for sale in northern michigan with acreage Section 40:48F-4 - Forwarding of tax collected. Section 40:65-12.1 - Definitions relative to snow removal from fire hydrants. Section 40:37-155 - Powers of park police. Section 40:11A-6.3 - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipal parking authority. Section 40:33-13.15 - Disposition of revenues, Section 40:33-13.16 - County library commission; termination; assets and obligations, Section 40:33-13.17 - Regional library as "public agency or organization" within Public Employees' Retirement Act, Section 40:33-13.18 - Withdrawal of participating county, Section 40:33-14 - Law library; maintenance; purchase of books; annual expenditures limited, Section 40:33-15 - Morris County; reorganization of free county library; resolution, Section 40:33-17 - County library commission; members, Section 40:33-18 - Proposal of operational amount for ensuing calendar year, Section 40:33-19 - Funding county library services, Section 40:33-20 - Municipalities; continuation of receipt of services from free county library; exceptions, Section 40:33-21 - Report on effectiveness of second level services, Section 40:33-22 - Application of provisions on free county libraries, Section 40:33-23 - Consideration of increase in county tax levy to fund second level services for purposes of calculating permissible expenditures, Section 40:33A-1 - Creation; membership; terms; vacancies; compensation, Section 40:33A-2 - Organization; chairman, Section 40:33A-3 - Responsibility of commission, Section 40:33A-4 - Museum and cultural programs; exhibits and displays, Section 40:33A-6 - Gifts, grants and bequests; solicitation and acceptance; deposit; budgeting, expenditure and accounting, Section 40:33B-2 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:33B-4 - County historical commission, Section 40:33B-9 - Powers to county cultural and heritage commission, Section 40:33B-10 - Approval of commissioner, Section 40:34-1 - Erection and maintenance, Section 40:34-3 - Proposition printed on ballot; ballot; form and content, Section 40:34-4 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:34-5 - Powers conferred deemed additional, Section 40:34A-1 - Counties; authorizations; acquisition of property; construction of facility; raising money; issuance of debt obligations; operation of facility, Section 40:34A-2 - Establishment as part of county's public parking system; municipal public utility of county, Section 40:34A-3 - Limitation on period of usefulness, Section 40:34A-4 - Exemption from taxes and special assessments, Section 40:34A-5 - Municipalities; powers, Section 40:34A-6 - Municipalities; authorization; validity and binding effect of obligations and pledges; use by county as security for its bonds or notes, Section 40:34A-7 - Municipalities; cooperation with county; acquisition of property; provision of services, Section 40:34A-8 - Authority of municipality to incur expense, Section 40:34A-9 - Counties; authorization and power for agreements with other governmental agencies, Section 40:35-1 - Purposes for which plants may be erected, Section 40:35-2 - Operation and supervision, Section 40:35-3 - Contracts for services instead of building plants, Section 40:35A-1 - Establishment of service and operation of system; resolution or ordinance, Section 40:35A-2 - Contract with public or private entity, Section 40:37-1 - Shade tree commission; freeholders' powers, Section 40:37-2 - Commissioners' term lengths; alternates, Section 40:37-3 - Organization; officers; salary of secretary, Section 40:37-4 - Commissioners serve without compensation; expenses, Section 40:37-5 - Powers; regulations; trees on highways; parks, Section 40:37-6 - Regulations for protection of trees and shrubbery; penalties, Section 40:37-7 - Enforcement of rules and regulations; jurisdiction of courts, Section 40:37-8 - Copy of rules as evidence, Section 40:37-10.1 - Estimated expenditures; purposes; annual appropriation, Section 40:37-10.2 - Immunity from liability for death, injury, Section 40:37-11.1 - Contract with federal agency for occupation and use of property by federal government or agency, Section 40:37-11.2 - Contract with municipality or administrator of Public Housing and Development Authority for use of lands for veterans' emergency housing, Section 40:37-11.3 - Gifts or trust funds for park purposes; investment, Section 40:37-11.4 - Capital improvement fund; investment of moneys, Section 40:37-11.5 - Indemnification of park police for costs of defense of civil and criminal actions. Section 40:41A-121 - Report, certificate, ESRI Shapefile. Section 40:48-5.1 - Contracts with humane societies where no pound established; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:48-5.2 - Contracts for separation of grades at railroad crossings, Section 40:48-5.3 - Exhibitions of products and industries; poultry or agricultural exhibitions, Section 40:48-5.4 - Celebration of public event, anniversary or holiday, Section 40:48-5.10 - Amendment of permission granted by municipality to comply with federal regulations, Section 40:48-5.11 - Right of municipality to grant permission for interconnection of systems in operation prior to June 17, 1971, Section 40:48-6 - Records kept and business conducted in municipal building; vaults, Section 40:48-7 - Power of taxation; generally, Section 40:48-7.1 - Tax credit for properties with service charges payable to other municipality, Section 40:48-8.15 - Retail sales tax in fourth class cities. Andrew Baldino, Ptl. Municipalities and Counties New Jersey Statutes Title 40. Section 40:14A-4.2 - Provisions relative to budget of certain regional sewerage authorities. Section 40:12-1 - Board of recreation commissioners; appointment, terms. Section 40:9D-4 - Plan for proposed activities. Section 40:11A-12 - Bonds; powers of authority, Section 40:11A-14 - Securing bonds by mortgage or trust indenture; powers of authority after default; pledge of revenue, Section 40:11A-15 - Real property exempt from levy, Section 40:11A-16 - Bonds; legal investment for banks and trustees, Section 40:11A-17 - Contracts respecting labor and materials, Section 40:11A-18 - Powers of authority pertaining to other governmental agencies, Section 40:11A-20 - Restriction on alteration of powers, Section 40:11A-21 - Municipal and county co-operation, Section 40:11A-22 - Municipal parking authorities, Section 40:11A-22.1 - Parking enforcement officer. Section 40:44-15 - Report on ward boundaries; filing, format. Section 40:54D-29 - Pledge of State to bondholders. Section 40:43-66.40 - Petition for formation of joint municipal consolidation study commission; certification of sufficiency; transmittal. Section 40:33-13.3 - Establishment by joint agreement, Section 40:33-13.4 - Provisions of agreement. Section 40:5-18 - Service charge for NSF checks; collection, Section 40:5-19 - Service charge on checks returned for insufficient funds; county imposition, fee, collection, Section 40:6A-1 - Costs of assignment of counsel or other related costs for defense of indigent person; notice; filing; duration of lien; service on defendant, Section 40:6A-3 - Remedies and collection of moneys due, Section 40:6A-4 - Compromise and settlement of claim, Section 40:7-1 - Liability of county or municipality; negligence of driver, Section 40:8-1 - Acquisition and use of lands for airports; lease to others. Section 40:48-2.65 - Definitions; impoundment of shopping carts by municipalities. Section 40:11A-8 - Bonds; power to issue. Section 40:9D-8 - Payment of prevailing wage rate. Section 40:15A-5 - Immunity from liability for certain civil damages. Section 40:11A-7 - Right of eminent domain, Section 40:11A-7.1 - Relocation or removal of public utility facilities. Section 40:48C-5 - Alcoholic beverage tax. Section 40:55D-159 - Purchase by development transfer bank. Section 40:55D-67 - Conditional uses; site plan review, Section 40:55D-68 - Nonconforming structures and uses, Section 40:55D-68.1 - Year-round operation, Section 40:55D-68.2 - Determination of eligibility, Section 40:55D-68.3 - Penalty for violation. The ordinance may provide for the appointment of a chief of police and such members, officers and personnel as shall be deemed necessary, the determination of their terms of office, the fixing of their compensation and the prescription of their powers, functions and duties, all as the governing body shall deem necessary for the effective Section 40:55D-88.6 - Master plan for physical, economic and social development of Dismal Swamp. Section 40:54D-35 - Property exempt from levy, sale. Section 40:48-2.54 - Model schedule of towing, storage services adopted by municipality, county. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Section 40:14B-41 - Interest on unpaid service charges, Section 40:14B-42 - Lien for service charge, Section 40:14B-43 - Failure to pay service charge; shut off of service, Section 40:14B-44 - Failure to pay sewer service charge; shut off of water, Section 40:14B-45 - Enforcement of service charges, Section 40:14B-46 - Civil action to recover unpaid service charge, Section 40:14B-47 - Cumulative and concurrent rights and remedies, Section 40:14B-48 - Grant of utilities to authority, Section 40:14B-49 - Contracts for treatment and disposal of sewage or solid waste, Section 40:14B-50 - Effectuating terms of contracts, Section 40:14B-51 - Connections with or closing off other public facilities, Section 40:14B-53 - Availability of maps, plans, specifications, records, books and accounts, Section 40:14B-54 - Payment of service charges owed by public bodies, Section 40:14B-55 - Connections with sewerage system required, Section 40:14B-56 - Reports by water distributors within district, Section 40:14B-57 - Stoppage of water by water distributor, Section 40:14B-58 - Disposal or encumbrance of utility, Section 40:14B-60 - Discharge of sewage; discharges into sewage, solid waste or water systems; violations; injunction, Section 40:14B-61 - Approval of sewage disposal plants within district, Section 40:14B-62 - Investment in bonds of authority, Section 40:14B-64 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:14B-65 - Undertakings for deposits of municipal authority, Section 40:14B-67 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:14B-71 - Findings, declarations relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-72 - Definitions relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-73 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14B-74 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to municipal authority, Section 40:14B-75 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14B-76 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14B-77 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14B-78 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit. Section 40:62-25.6 - Municipality providing heat, light or power, electronic billing, payment, permitted. Section 40:55D-154 - Rebuttable presumption that development transfer ordinance is no longer reasonable. Section 40:23-7 - Power to raise money by taxation, Section 40:23-8 - Appropriations to Civil War organizations; purposes, Section 40:23-8.1 - Appropriations for observance of Memorial Day, Section 40:23-8.2a - Junior college; appropriations in counties over 300,000, Section 40:23-8.3 - Protecting roads against erosion by tidewater, Section 40:23-8.4 - Blood and its derivatives; contributions for collection and distribution authorized, Section 40:23-8.5 - Appropriations for blood collection purposes; borrowing money, Section 40:23-8.6 - Appropriations annually for expenses, Section 40:23-8.7 - Appropriations during year when blood collection act is adopted--borrowing money.

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nj title 40 police promotions