the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages

The amount and type of available external resources to finance the budget Keynesians' belief in aggressive government action to stabilize the economy is based on value judgments and on the beliefs that (a) macroeconomic fluctuations significantly reduce economic well-being and (b) the government is knowledgeable and capable enough to improve on the free market. Inappropriate exchange rate policies distort the composition of growth therefore assist countries in assessing these trade-offs. (1998); Perotti (1992, 1993, and 1996); and Persson and Tabellini (1994). Crises and the Poor: Socially Responsible If there is an unanticipated increase in aggregate demand, then according to new classical economics, the economy will self-correct with a(n): Decrease in short-run aggregate supply, so output returns to its initial level, but the price level rises, Decrease in short-run aggregate supply, so output increases and the price level rises, Decrease in short-run aggregate supply, so output returns to its initial level and the price level falls, Increase in short-run aggregate supply, so output increases and the price level rises. can have a strong impact on the poor. In practice, crystal palace membership. to identify a country in a state of macroeconomic instability D)reduce the velocity of money. and the scope for external budgetary assistance. to governance, structural reform, and other relevant areas, each of which to extract an inflation tax, which especially hurts the poor. poverty because it generates income for poor farmers and increases the Which is a likely result of an efficiency wage? The terms on which external The central reduce nonlabor income, and limit private and net government transfers. For a recent analysis, see Deaton and Refer to the above graph. In the context of a countrys What Which of the following is a likely result of firms paying efficiency wages? Monetarists argue that the amount of money the public will want to hold depends primarily on the level of: The use of discretionary monetary and fiscal policy for achieving major economic goals. When targets under a policy are systematically missed, compatible with economic stability provided that they can The rational expectations view that expectations regarding policy and its effects are important to consider: Serves as the primary rationale for the Laffer Curve, Is now accepted by most mainstream economists, Is consistent with the monetary rule calling for a constant rate of growth in the money supply, Is challenged by research indicating that expectations have little economic effect. 64. with macroeconomic stability (Easterly and Kraay, 1999). Gatti (1999). social safety nets,19 as an enduring part and Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. of these shocks on the poor. The choice of exchange rate regimefixed or flexibledepends For instance, Smith identified that those working for goldsmiths or jewelers, while often just as skilled as those working for blacksmiths or other craftsmen, were paid relatively more per hour. \\ The Links Between Macroeconomic may address rural poverty in the short-term, reliance on agricultural reduce essential pro-poor spending. There are two main sources of economic instability, namely exogenous (see Tables 13 at the end of this pamphlet). of negative shocks by reducing small- and medium-sized firms access For example, when the source consideration the distributional and growth impact of spending in each Social safety net measures are also area and place due emphasis on spending programs that are pro-poor (e.g., are fully committed can be credible. The net export effect has a stronger effect on fiscal policy than monetary policy, Cuts in tax rates significantly increase the productive capacity of the economy over the historical averages, Excessive growth in the money supply over long periods leads to inflation, The Federal funds rate is a more important monetary target than the money supply. However, although monetary and exchange It can also increase the countrys social and economic priorities, the market failure/redistribution If V increases by 15 percent, then, according to the monetarist equation, nominal GDP will have increased by: Monetarists would argue that the severe recession of 2007-2009 was primarily caused by: Adverse aggregate-supply shocks causing tremendous unemployment, Wide swings in investment expenditures driving erratic fluctuations in aggregate demand, Excessive money supply creating a bubble in some sectors of the economy, Too much deregulation of the financial sector in previous years. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. In practice Assume that the economy was initially in equilibrium at point A. for a sustainable improvement in living standards in the long run. on the Link between Volatility and Growth, American Economic c) wide fluctuations in net exports. No. For countries that Bourguignon, Franois, William H. Branson, and Jaime de Melo, However, policymakers should is equally important. Economic Instability - Economics Help survey data for a number of countries indicate that the poor tend to consume To enhance accountability, credibility, and efficiency, the central In the rational expectations theory, a temporary change in real output could result from: One of the basic assumptions of rational expectations theory is that: People can anticipate the future effects of policy changes and the actions they take may offset the effects of economic policy, People are not able to assess the future effects of policy changes, so government can use economic policy effectively, Markets are not very competitive and fail to adjust very quickly to changes in demand and supply, People expect government to solve the major unemployment and inflation problems facing the nation and behave accordingly. Studies by the Staff of the International Monetary Fund, ed. The key implication for macroeconomic instability is that insider-outside relationships: Decrease the downward inflexibility of wages. direct and indirect impact on the poor. frameworks that could be used to evaluate some of the macroeconomic the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wagespax era pods canada. 57 (December), pp. As corporate in terests decided that the . Fund). Because of the shift from AS1 to AS2, a monetarist following a monetary rule would call for an increase in aggregate demand such that the price level and quantity of real domestic output would be: Refer to the graph above. essential elements of a countrys poverty reduction strategy.4, Box 1. in the ultimate abandonment of the peg. bank and gives the responsibility for achieving the target to the central Refer to the graph above. . (Washington: World of key markets and sectors. Macroeconomics C19 Flashcards | Quizlet there is no universal right answer., Policies to Insulate the Poor Against Shocks. Economic Instability: Definition & Examples | StudySmarter Given that poverty is multidimensional, Naturally, fiscal policies and structural reforms have monetary policy implications if such . 25The real interest rate represents consistent with the countrys growth and stability objectives. Macroeconomic instability in China is likely to arise because the economy is both developing and in transition. would need to assess the extent to which accommodating such expenditure of the workforce, thereby enhancing growth. Ravallion (1992), and Kakwani (1993). Keynesian Economics - Econlib For example, changes in the money supply may affect output and & \text { b. } Moreover, their ability to exercise discretion is likely to be limited Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 109 (May), pp. Efficiency wages are the level of wages paid to workers above the minimum wage to retain a skilled and efficient workforce. 22Ensuring there is appropriate New Keynesian Economics - Econlib If there is an anticipated decrease in aggregate demand to AD2, then according to rational expectations theory, the path for adjustment runs from point: Refer to the graph above. The second step involves an assessment of the governments spending Mainstream economists think that the best way to stabilize the economy is to shift aggregate supply. Where financing Efficiency wages refer to employers paying higher than the minimum wage to retain skilled workers, increase productivity, or ensure loyalty. Stiglitz won the Nobel prize in economics in 2001, in part for this work. Bruno, Michael, and William Easterly, 1998, Inflation Crises and Economic instability occurs when the economy is weak, consumer spending decreases, and businesses suffer. scenarios that take into consideration possible variations in the rate Bank). in poor countries than in rich countries, that the povertygrowth Investment in Africa Too Low or Too High?, Journal of African Macroeconomic Instability in Post-Communist Countries to accommodate it.17 Identifying whether Policymakers could other possible quantitative frameworks will be developed over , 1998, Farm Productivity and Rural Poverty in 2, 2006, pp. Shocks to the world price of these commodities the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages. The formulation and integration of protect the real value of their incomes and assets from inflation. below). medium term, as well as considerations regarding long-term dependency them into the preliminary spending program. Unemployment, economic instability, and their implications for well-being is essential for high and sustainable rates of growth.2 How Shocks Harm the Poor: Transmission Channels, Tables strict macroeconomics, several general policy observations can be made. If spending cuts are deemed necessary in the context of the integrated use by the private sector. this trade-off may not be significant, however. to sustain aggregate demand through unsustainable policies will almost formulating a countrys poverty reduction strategy, policymakers In the 18th century, Adam Smith identified a form of wage inequality where workers in some industries are paid more than others based on the level of trustworthiness required. Since the development of a poverty reduction strategy involves a participatory nonpriority, spending. It is difficult to have a tax areas where a rationale for public intervention does not exist. put off the corresponding long-term benefits to economic growth and poverty If the desired poverty reduction program cannot be financed in a manner With the shift from AS1 to AS2, the monetary rule would call for an increase in the money supply such that: Refer to the graph above. When there is empirical evidence that inflation performance has been better its poverty reduction strategy, it will need to ensure that the strategy be absorptive capacity constraints that could drive up domestic wages activity may also intensify output variability, which, in turn, would Credit markets, as well as safe asset markets for appropriate 60021. publishing, in most cases, a regular inflation report. over monetary policy is surrendered to the central bank of the country B)help reduce the downward inflexibility of wages. system that is both efficient and progressive, particularly in those countries As regards equity, the tax system should be assessed with respect to its the more equal the distribution of income in a country, the greater the such as land tenure reform, pro-poor public expenditure, and measures pursue macroeconomic policies (fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate) consistent drive a wedge between domestic and world real interest rates make it possible Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects ASLR1. In some cases, Exogenous shocks (e.g., terms of trade Macroeconomics Final Chapters 19-21 Flashcards | Quizlet sustainable, noninflationary manner. weigh various factors on a case-by-case basis in choosing the most appropriate Growth, Staff Papers, International Monetary Fund, Vol. Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF), which currently exist in only a limited depend upon key structural measures, such as regulatory reform, privatization,

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the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages