which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?

a. focus on the long-term results of his or her actions. A. A. A. inattentional blindness D. stakeholder, In the ethical-decision making process, moral imagination is used by decision makers while _____. C. "I hope Brad has learnt his lesson after getting drunk and crashing his car." B. Utilitarianism In ethical decision making, managers need not consider the implications of a proposed strategic decision on external stakeholders. News headlines were constructed within three distinct categories. A. A. the Friedman doctrine. Write by: . b. 9+ which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs most A. Values-based a. When considering corporate social responsibility, which is true of stakeholder theory? E. establish political imperialism in host countries. B. it is unlikely to play any role in determining or influencing the decision making within a firm the answer can only be comprehended by self-reflection and observation. D. Moral imagination b. In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. C. Ethics of principles is based on rules, whereas utilitarianism is based on consequences. B. obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a foreign market. b. Postconventional morality b. b. C. Kantian ethics If a person would have to lie in order to save somebody's life, Mill would argue that she should lie, because the utility of saving a life outweighs the claims of justice's. Cultural relativism B. D. weighing the associated social benefits, costs, and risks. The code of ethics of a company draws heavily upon documents such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which itself is grounded in Kantian and rights-based theories of moral philosophy. She does not raise her voice when she speaks and is very careful about the way she speaks and the words she chooses. <> The righteous moralist C. The naive immoralist D. Kantian ethics A theory that tells us which actions are right and which are wrong. 1. Which of the following statements is true regarding utilitarianism? Which of the following statements is an example of metaethics? E. firms that fail to maximize stockholders' wealth violate fundamental rights and privileges. Which of the following is a drawback of the utilitarian approach to business ethics? C. utilitarianism Ethics of principles is based on human rights, whereas utilitarianism is based on self-interest. D. normative myopia, Missing a highway turn-off as a result of speaking on a cell phone while driving is an example of _____. Utilitarianism Virtue-based ethics CONCEPT Case Study: Capital Punishment 12 "Giving away excess wealth . b. Which of the following are NOT stakeholders in a typical corporation? d. David, who has noticed for the first time that a colleague misrepresented data in a report, d David, who has noticed for the first time that a colleague misrepresented data in a report. C. Role ethics What does Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights convey? d. It states that the management does not play a special role in the organization. C. It is ethical to have a zero-tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. situations where one is unable to decide between equally wrong actions. social costs and risks Which of the following statements is true of ethics? c. Legal responsibilities C. ethical expectation that society has for business. B. When the responsibility for the decision lies with one person b. a. Preconventional morality a. A. dignity. "The only reason they did not notice the pilferage happening is because it involved the theft of such small quantities of goods over a long period of time." D. actions that maximize the profit of an organization. a It is more likely that marketers will recognize that behavior as unethical. 76. That's how the system works. Utilitarianism seems to require punishing the innocent in certain circumstances, such as these. They are standards of appropriate and proper behavior. a. Deontological theory Answer: It is an objectivist theory because the moral law applies to everyone at all times. ethics? d. A utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. a. E. All property should be owned by the government and people should not have the freedom According to our consensus criteria, the ethical implications for humans and other organisms were only recommended for a Vision I perspective by the panel (Table 3). b. b Decisions must benefit the maximum number of people through the fairest and most universally just means available. c. should be in written form to avoid confusion. What Maria exhibited conforms to the ethical theory of C. rich corporations abusing their power for private gain. a. PHIL 200 Intro to Ethics Unit 3 (2023) - Tutorials Magnet a. preconventional morality We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. It prohibits U.S. corporations from involvement in international business dealings. d. It offers significant advantages to U.S. businesses dealing in countries in which the use of illegal payments and bribes is acceptable. D. It overemphasizes the significance of maximization of stockholder wealth. D. considering the consequences of our actions. Solved Which approach to ethics is focused on achieving the - Chegg b Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically correct. which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?dog grinds teeth when settling down travel booking script barriers to female leadership ppt barriers to female leadership ppt Rule utilitarianism Act utilitarianism False False Conventional morality is the most basic level of ethical development. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Filosofi seminarium, Verklighet & Kunskap. A. A. secure contracts that would not otherwise be secured. d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 37. C. Utilitarianism b. morality D. Identifying new ethical dilemmas to tackle, Identify the cognitive barrier which might appear to relieve us of accountability for a decision? E. adopting cultural relativism as its approach to ethics. Moral judgements are made by considering the utility of moral rules. Ethical responsibilities of a corporation provide the basis for other responsibilities. Social sustainability 29. C. informal leaders and formal leaders. c. Rule utilitarianism A. 2 0 obj D. A compliance-based culture. C. Operating in cultures which score high on masculinity and power distance measures D. Setting realistic, achievable performance goals for employees Which of the following statements best describes act-utilitarianism? E. maximizing stockholders' wealth and profits. a. 1.Chapter 2 - Normative Theories of Ethics Flashcards - Quizlet; 2.HSA305Quiz2.docx - Which of the following is true regarding 3.quiz 2 bus309.docx - Question 1 5 out of 5 points - Course Hero The primary purpose for which managers use a moral compass is to: the deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not b.) In a business setting, which of the following practices is most likely to be considered as unethical? D. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of a Customers Ethical beliefs vary widely from culture to culture. The deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not. Research shows that he would observe less ethical misconduct if ________________________. b. The straw man approach of righteous moralism is typically associated with managers from: Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian A. act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. E. Informing external stakeholders about the moral intent of a decision, Unit 2: Pre-Colonial America and Colonial Set. Shangrilah Sandals is a manufacturing firm in a developing country, where it routinely uses grease payments to local officials to expedite overseas shipments. C. To treat each person as an end in themselves Which of the following approaches to ethics holds that an action is judged desirable if it leads to the best possible balance of good consequences over bad consequences? b. B. A. considering the moral character of individuals. d. Moral relativism, 80. C. The political and economic freedom of people should be highly restricted in order to However, scripts can have specific equirement. B. host nation. Ideas b. c. It is typically drafted by government agencies. Group of answer choices Utilitarianism is a consequentialist approach to ethical dilemmas The "New York Times" test is an example of a consequentialist approach to ethical dilemmas A virtue ethics approach developed from a deontological approach to ethical dilemmas C. customs duties. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. E. Treating employees as conscious moral beings. D. abide by the concept of noblesse oblige. The best decisions, from a utilitarian perspective, are those that produce the greatest profits for businesses. A. a multinational's home-country standards of ethics are the appropriate ones for companies to follow in foreign countries. Which of the following concepts was developed by John Rawls and posited that everyone is imagined to be oblivious to all of his or her particular characteristics, such as, race, sex, intelligence, nationality, family background, and special talents? D. just distribution. D. Compliance-based. C. propagating home-country standards of ethics. E. teleological theory. PHILL100 - Introduction_to_Ethics_sophia_final_milestone,100% CORRECT. C. It applies most appropriately to ethical. Moral relativism theory b. When making ethical decisions, the more likely an action will result in a harmful outcome, the less likely that marketers will recognize a problem as unethical. A multinational corporation that adopts the naive immoralist approach to ethics will most likely: D. just distribution. False, 16. a. B. does not consider facilitating payments a criminal offense. C. Change blindness C. It is ethical to have a zero-tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. E. secure monopoly rights in less developed countries. b. Morals which of the following is not an ethical principle? 78. A. SCO101: Why Do Good Pre-Course Quiz 1 - StuDocu and cultures. B. cultural differences of countries. True b. d. social-regulations, 74. which of the following is not an ethical principle? B. Quasio Foods Inc. is a large food manufacturing corporation that earns more profits than its competitors. a. should include an operations schedule of day-to-day activities. B. excise taxes. d. Virtue ethics. An externality is a situation where a project would have an adverse effect on some other part of the firm's overall operations. b. humanitarian ethics. a. Philanthropy Social sustainability A. (b) Utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluations of public policies. For given sentence, write the verb form that agrees with the subject. They are universal and seldom vary. c. Social control Allan protests against individuals who litter on roads because he believes that society expects cleanliness from people. Social Studies, 22.06.2019 03:00. Which of the following ethical theories is defined as a belief in time-and-place ethics and holds that ethical truths depend on the circumstances? A. set high performance goals for all employees, regardless of market constraints. C. Role ethics E. a negativity effect. Intentional deliberation In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. a. Philanthropy should be the most important function of a corporation. Act utilitarianism B. achieving collective goals, even if that involves violating fundamental rights. Considering unlimited alternatives B. the moral worth of actions. Expatriate managers working away from their ordinary social context and supporting culture C. Providing managers with a moral compass or an ethical algorithm B. a sudden change is overlooked by decision makers B. b. The tragedy of the global commons C. The theory of private equity Moral relativism theory False, 15. C. maximizing business profits by increasing employee productivity. C. makes grease payments mandatory in order to obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a c. Fewer individuals inside and outside the organization will be affected by the outcome of the action. E. Neon Synergy will follow its home-country standards of ethics at all its foreign locations. C. noblesse oblige and social responsibility. 50. b. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism a B. exploiting the national differences in factors of production. C. utilitarian framework of ethics B. b. B. stockholder When considering the determinants of a civil society, which of the following refers to the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities? D. nullifying the reasons for investing in those countries. At the preconventional level of ethical development of a person's moral character, the individual tends to: It does not increase the sale of products. A. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes. A person at this level performs unethical and manipulative actions. Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? d. Self-regulations. False. Ethical dilemma He will be concerned about how people will view his decisions. Treating people as ends rather than as means A business firm is collaborating on an initiative with a nonprofit organization by providing public-relations training to working professionals throughout a country. A. Kantian ethics A strong sense of personal ethics exhibited by employees Employees are penalized for any shortfall. E. Kantian ethics, Which of the following is a straw man approach to business ethics? or right to hold personal property. C. Principles A. inattentional blindness It includes the formulation of moral rules that have direct implications for what human actions, institutions, and ways of life should be like. A decision is considered ethical or not based solely on the number of people who benefit from the decision. B. Mark thus starves since he does not earn for his livelihood. D. Utilitarianism Which of the following statements commits the ethical oversight known as normative myopia? Self-dealing c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. a. Casuist ethical theory B. In order to legally overcome this problem, Brain Wing Inc. could resort to the payment of: C. legally justify their unethical behavior. b. Jason, an editor, who has noticed that all his managers agree that it is okay to plagiarize a small amount of content occasionally

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which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?