who poisoned henriette in versailles show

It felt like if the whole world came running for us his voice thickens with emotion, we might fend off all who would take us ill. He finally looks up, at Louis. She puts her foot in her mouth. How can you be scared? (sweet Philippe!) Henriette and Philippe | Versailles Wiki | Fandom Okay, is Louvois just being a dick? The French musical Le Roi Soleil is always great to watch. Louis was deathly afraid of the more relaxed, popular and fun-loving Monsieur, who gave great parties, was social and everyone wanted to be around. When King Charles hears that his beloved sister has been poisoned in France, it is only a matter of hours before a declaration of war. Louvois: a war they cannot afford to win. Colbert now counsels Louis on the shift of power should Henriette die: Henriettes very existence strengthens your position. He was shut out of his mothers (Anne of Austria) last moments, while Philippe was in attendance, where, despite her appalling treatment of her second son, he openly wept and grieved. Anne, Hi Jules Kill him, then me, and blame it on him. Philippe raping his wife. Poisoned? again, another shagging time between Henriette and Louis, when Louis friends have been murdered and she mentions the fact she was jealous of the dead woman. Philippe turns to the guards, stands patiently at the crossed pikes as Louis stares at his back. And for those who love her. Philippe replies ominously: we are all of us in sickness here. Louis pauses, shocked, Marchal grabs his belly, echoing that look, and Im all NOOOOOO! I could see the Chevalier if not Philippe taking on Sophie as a sort of pet, his project, I imagine the Chevalier would have adored trying to corrupt a sweet young thing like Sophie. In any case, Philippe is Louis victim but definitely NOT Henriettes. And even if not, we see what Philippe is capable of when hes in a jealous snit. In my opinion, I agree with Teresa. Nor can I hold her responsible for the fact that Louis uses her as a weapon against his brother. Because he did feel something for her, despite her repeated betrayal of him, over and over. However, Madeleine de Foix, Gaston's mother, defends her son at the salon, but when facing banishment, she stabs Fabien, almost killing him. Oh, Lord receive me she softly says, opens her eyes can you hear that? And so was she. He expressed his doubts to the grief-stricken Charles II, who earnestly believed that his sister had been murdered. After doing an excellent job negotiating an alliance with England against the Dutch (which was then promptly overturned), Henriette returns to Versailles just in time to be poisoned and die in blood-soaked agony. A European history-geek friend told me about this show yesterday, so I binge watched the entire series. I am sobbing. Her intent is not to hurt Philippe by sleeping with Louis, she simply doesnt care (and I dont blame her). Easily tired, she withdrew whenever the party stopped for the night, usually going straight to bed. LOUIS. Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) - Frequently Asked Questions - IMDb And just like that, the light dims in his eyes, his face twists and his zealotry is gone. Philippe had stillborn twins and a daughter, a son who died at 2 and one at 4, plus two miscarriages. It is not clear in the show. *Deeeeeep breath* Okay. Im genuinely having real trouble understanding your position here. He did it with Prince Annaba, with Philippe and the Chevalier, with Philippe in the bath whether its just him thinking hey, Im the King, I can do whatever TF I want or some other deep need to catch people unawares, I do not know). We see a lovely shot of Versailles outside, then cut to the Kings bedchamber, where the flowers and hedges are neatly arranged around to the bed. Get him out! Henriette cries. I cannot permit it, he says. See production, box office & company info. Because Sophie steals any scene shes in with Henriette, hands down, and she even maintains a presence with Montespan, too, though Montespan is clearly the dominant one in most dynamics (the Chevalier excluded, of course swans fat flippers come to mind!) Thank you all! Thanks for the correction I listened to that audio over and over but couldnt quite get the last word! And stunned when Louis says shes in his bedchamber. We are NOT touching her! Philippe finally says. fantastic bog! Sorry to jar you There are just some things I couldnt overlook, and I admit I was looking at Henriettes character so closely, to see if the screenwriters would sweeten her up from her historical figure. I respect the fact that two people can look at the same thing and see it from completely different angles and come away with completely different interpretations. Vatel (with Uma Thurman and Gerard Depardieu). It is so interesting to watch, given a discussion I had on Twitter earlier with some fellow fans. What a great mix of observation and humor. Thank you, Amy! You can read more about Henriettas death here. Everyone shares a look because, yeah, they know. Inside Versailles Henriette Sister of King Charles II of England, Henriette - known as Madame - is the wife of Philippe and the mistress of King Louis. And Louis is left in the salon, framed by the door, the guards, and looking incredibly vulnerable and alone. The Mysterious Death of Henriette, Duchesse dOrlans, Toad Testicles, Foul-Beard and Broad-Arse. We defended our position from the Spanish all morning and in honour of your distinguished service. You really point out a lot of details one might miss when watching the episodes for the first time. Looking forward to Season 2!! Does Henriette mind being used by Louis? Henriette is viewed as property. We see a quick shot of Montcourts body being dumped from a cart into the muddy swampiness, to join other rotting, decaying bodies. He took the bottle to drown his sorrows as it were, after he hit Claudine, feeling remorse, I would think. There is no change. Says you made me marry him. Louis paranoia about his little brother is completely unfounded. Hi, We found an old building a sorry shack made of stone and moss. Seems likely in the show (historically, this is not so the case at all). Philippe was the one in strident dissent! (We wont even go into whether or not that maid wanted to be drug into the bedroom by Philippe after his jealous strop with the Chevalier or his sneaking into Louises bed. (Historical note: this happened and wasnt at all odd) The door suddenly opens, the Queenis standing there. Enriched my enjoyment of the show, and got a bit more educated on the courts history as well . apparently it is still not safe. Back outside, to a view of Versailles under construction (I love these pre-glory shots!) She has no one to keep him at bay but the king, if he chooses. As for Philippe, I cant make out what he is. We were taking the air with our governess when we made a break for freedom. . My heart breaks for him. Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. Called it!) Its emotionless. Rohan took him riding. Then he screams out: CALL THE GUARD!. Despite being a dab hand at treating people who have been poisoned, the doc announces that she . Also thanks for your detailed and in depth reviews. My biggest problem with Henriette/Louis is that I find it highly doubtful that Louis would have sex with her. So anyways, off we go. I enjoyed them very much, I must saymuch more than this series, which is good entertainement, but, God, so FAR from being historically correct, in so many ways. Moreover, we cant fault her anymore for continuing her relationship with Louis (as if she would have had the power to end it anyway) than we can Philippe for continuing his with the Chevalier. Shes genuinely quite sweet, but tenacious something Im sure our Head of Security will appreciate). He weeps for the loss and I am sure he also weeps for the helplessness he must now feel, a man so powerful and commanding, who rules a country and its people a true King and yet, still unable to save her. And Louis, who is being so totally duped, is convinced by Rohan to take his son, the Dauphin, out to ride, so he is far away from the cries of pain. She is a toy left to gather dust on the shelf and which Louis has taken from him just to prove that he can. Spooks), it was no surprise when this drama arrived with a hearty dollop of sex, violence, tension, and intrigue. Point 5: Ah, Henriettes remark about Philippes glorious death in battle. Louis and Bontemps share a look between them a kind of wtf do we do now? She actually says I could never love you well which does change the context somewhat. He is the villain if you are looking for one. I think I enjoyed your reviews as much as the show itself. A day later, I was hooked. hes a critic, but there is another who has been hidden before us. Claudine then enters and grills Bontemps, the Queen and Philippe about the symptoms while Henriette gasps in pain on the bed. Claudine Masson Fabien Marchal Henriette of England Henriette and Montespan Fabien and Sophie Isabella Braganza Claudine and Fabien Marie-Thrse and Montespan Versailles (series) Sophie de Clermont Philippe of France Henriette and Louis Philippe and Liselotte's Wedding Chevalier and Henriette Categories Versailles - Stagione 3 Episodio 10. The one with Henriette's return, the rules of etiquette and the This scene is barely seconds long, but oh, so telling as to her character. Its stoic. I was searching online for reviews/explanations of this show I was never educated about Frances history because I come from the other side of the globe and coincidentally stumbled upon your website, much to my delight. Learn how your comment data is processed. First to Henriette, and after she was poisoned, to Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess of the Palatinate. I find it interesting that Louis feels the need to add: she came to find me, to put the doubt on Montespans face to rest. Hmm. The rape scene was repugnant and Phillipes actions were out of character with the Phillipe we saw in the rest of the season. Philippe and Louis have all the best monologues and the writing is brilliant, so in character. Are you suggesting that she would have the power to deny the king even if she wanted to? Yes, it was the thinking of that time but wouldnt that make her a victim of circumstances, rather to be pitied than villified? What killed Marie Therese in Versailles? - Daily Justnow But I still dont get why he doesnt just dob them both in.? *The only voice, your own. Wow. It was total and raw and real and I wept long and bitter tears for him. Yes, it was common to talk about marriage that soon! THIS. Marchal, his shirt now stained with his wound, stumbles into the antechamber, to Bontemps and says: Listen to me. Then he says I pay you to spy on others, not on me. . They walk into a salon, where Montcourt is playing cards, and everyone suddenly stops talking when Marchal meets the mans eye. She is later arrested as the poisoner as her son is released, but ridiculed from court. I was more appalled at Louis seeming lack of concern for his brothers life. Cue some fabulous visuals of doors closing, pikes crossing, the golden gates slamming shut and locking. But he will not be resting for long the door opens later and we see a pair of bare feet, the hem of a nightgown, both bloodied, as they enter. Henriette wasnt asking the king to hire a hit on Philippe. Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. She cant honestly say that the death of the man to whom she is shackled in a loveless marriage, who feels no attraction for her and never can but can easily enough rape her, who stands between her and the man she truly loveswouldnt be entirely unwelcome. Philippe and Henriette are quite possibly the two people Louis loves most, and yet he uses and hurts them both repeatedly to get what he wants and because he is paranoid about his brother. Marchal commands to clear the room, Louis adds: Not you, Montcourt. and the doors are sealed: no one enters. Were just waiting for it to take root., Now we are outside in an antechamber again, where Colbert is frantic that Henriette must be moved, that she cannot be treated in the Kings chamber. Music. Is it fair? While your character and scene analyses tend to differ quite a bit from my own (perhaps because of that?? What if the poison spreads? I am a true friend of the king. but Louis knows. By this stage both Henriette and Marie Thrse of Spain now knew what it felt like to be jilted and cast aside in your loved ones affections by another attractive court lady. Even though Henriette had a history of pains (since 1667) and drank only milk and basically ate nothing (she was considered quite a stick in the fashion of the day, and some historians suggest she suffered from anorexia), the poison theory stuck. They talk about whats happening Marchal is questioning people, and Sophie was taken in that morning. It is only since the end of the 20th centuary up to present day that wives can now shout rape, I know of a woman in the 60s that had a baby and had to be stitched, her husband cut her stitches out and raped her. I have known your website for some time now but hadnt had much time to write a post until now. I just found out your site and I must congratulate you for your beautifully written reviews. UGH. Im guessing they were pretty equal. Louis just nods, gives Philippe a look (who is standing near the doors, looking so alone and sad, I just wanna hug him!) Previously, we see Masson offer the same bottle offered to Louis when the king is sick (and Masson reels off a list of ingredients), and the bottle being secretively replaced, so Masson definitely did not know it was poisoned. I cannot even imagine his reasoning for this, however I do know historically, Henriette desperately did want to be Queen of France, as did her mother want it, but at the time, she didnt have the pedigree, being the sister to Englands heir who wasnt even on the throne at the time. Like only a brother can. Philippelooks into the fire, whispers, I was so proud of you. Nice one, Montcourt. Colbert tries to push his point when Louis enters. Yes, she says and does little things that hurt Philippe, but he does the same and muchoh so much!worse to her. Hi Theresa, and thanks for your comment. And the next shot is Louis in slow-mo, walking out. I choose to believe it was a mistake on the writers part and will simply fast forward over it when I rewatch. *insert sound of breaking heart here*. Right. The writers of the show took quite creative liberty with the relationships some turned out to be clever and well-written, some I just eye rolled SO HARD. I just discovered Versailles this week and watched it in quick succession!!! Much later, the courtier Saint-Simon offered his own thoughts. In Paris, says Colbert. So many questions.. let me see: did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? And Louis weeps. Your question misses the question, Montcourt replies cryptically. He is genuinely happy to see the Chevalier and shows it. Henriette is Philippes wife, his property, his to do with as he wishes. Perfectly written line is delivered perfectly by perfect actor. And it is on. Philippe and Henriette were forced into a marriage with someone they didnt love or care for. The writers could have written a scenario where Henriette willingly sleeps with Phillipe to make Louis jealous and to provide in an explanation in the event she becomes pregnant. I did have a thought, though, why the writers didnt build up to her being the young version of one of Louis mistresses, he had so many. Back to Henriette, who is now laid out on a bed, hair done, powdered and dressed in her finest gown. Pale and in obvious distress, she was put to bed, but her pains were so severe that she believed she must have been poisoned and asked for an antidote. Ah, but not so devout that Louis followed all the teachings. What a total prick ). And our enemies have stopped at nothing to destroy it. And suddenly Marchal has his ah-HA moment. Your closest confidants told you to look elsewhere! P.S. BRILLIANT acting. Close the doors! The Queen adds: we must put her in the bed. Louis nods; in she goes. Aaaaaand there we have the end of the episode and the end of Season One. Rohan slits the other guards throat, watches from a distance as the young prince has a sack put over his head then bundled off. (since you mention here she is his love). Then, as they both walk through the salon (Vaux de Vicomte again) and to the doors, the guards bar their way and Louis enters. In which case, I dont blame her one bit! A letter from the King of Sweden has arrived, telling Louis he has agreed to break his alliance with the Dutch and support the French. And were never coming back. The Chevalier makes the sign of the Cross (like the good Catholic he is), sweeps a look across the room to Cassel? And silently walks to the window. Her husband is openly gay and has no problem flaunting it in the public. Only 4 of his children grew up, and even then, another died at 27. On the other hand, Ive never doubted for a moment Philippes loyalty to his brother or his love for him. The first time we see Philippe is with his lover. The Chevalier is still silent, still focused on Henriette. Henriette, however, happens to be in love with the king and, more importantly, it seems he with her. Henriette fulfills her duties with. Is it fair? Does she want to end things with Louis? UHGGH. It happened so fast, but did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? Ive found some interesting, unedited sources about him and I hope to write very soon a book to make some justice to this very, very mistreated character. Thank you. Nup. NOT I dont want you to die, (that comes later) she says my problems cannot be solved, you know that. Way to avoid his question. Ridicule. Anyways, he says: we cannot be seen together anymore. . Right away, I am feeling negative towards them both, and yes, judgey about Henriette. That doesnt mean a woman would feel affection for her abuser. Louis is a shit to Philippe. Some were obviously written for massive impact. But, this is my interpretation or thoughts based on the real life events. Montcourt to Marchal: You are a fool. Louis replies: And you are a MURDERER! Montcourt continues with the wrong man thing, but Louis will have none of it. Philippe: my brother always trusted you. Claudine: I am honoured. Philippe whispers: I dont believe I know what it feels like. .. Emo Philippe, so dark and tortured! While it seems like shes being unfair to Philippe, he doesnt really put up an effort to make himself lovable most of the time. But of course, she has no power to rid herself of him, so his death would be her only chance. And who can blame her? . And then of course, Philippe rapes her (only the once? I have heard many say they see angels before they die. (Ahhh! Season 1 | Season 2 Getting Started | Contributor Zone Contribute to This Page Add episode It is clear these two have a long relationship and are not allowing a small (read: large) thing as marriage get in the way. We see Henriette asleep in the bed. Claudine looks sad: this must be frightening for her. Louis: you are grieving. Philippe shakes his head: I grieve alone. Louis swallows then says: You will marry again. Philippe interjects: I simply want to live. Louis: It is your duty. Philippe hisses: I have had my fill of duty. Thanks for reading! Next morning and Louis opens the shutters on a sleeping Montespan (aside here: Louis has a habit of walking in on people sleeping or in a state of undress. You see it in Ep3 where he yells where is MY wife? You see it in Ep2 with his angry speech to Louis: do you tell yourself that when you are fucking MY WIFE? In so many subtle ways Philippe is being demeaned by Louis. However, lets assume they are both equally dire sins. Seizing upon Henriettes dying reproach of Philippe, he asserted that she had been the victim of a plot orchestrated by Lorraine, who held Henriette responsible for his exile and sought revenge. There was no indication of poisoning, so death was attributed to cholera morbus caused by corrupt and boiling bile, which had led to gangrene in the entrails and other parts of the lower abdomen. Then he turns and suddenly a Man In a Mask is standing there. I thought so but no. He was brought up and ruled as absolute monarch, and believed for the good of France. In the show Philippe tries time and again to offer his support and love, but is constantly betrayed or rejected (this happened with the historical figures, too. She had always been painfully thin and Louis once tactlessly referred to her as the bones of the Holy Innocents. It was all out there. Especially as her lover was the king. Dear Anne, Im guessing I know a fair bit more about rape, the history of rape, the history of rape within marriage and womens rights (and lack thereof) than you realise. Why should we fault Henriette for not ending her incestuous relationship with her brother-in-law, the king, but Philippe can be forgiven for continuing his homosexual relationship with the Chevalier? When she travelled to England, she was excited at the prospect of seeing her brother, Charles, again. Ugh. Louvois and Marchal agree. Louis orders the Versailles garden to be brought into Henriette's deathbed scene. You dont get to my age and experience with your naivete still intact. It is always Louis for her. We now join Rohan with the Dauphin, riding out with the Kings Guard. Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. Quite a few. Only a year or so to go until a new season arrived on fledgling network Ovation, its U.S. cable home. Eww. Josephine Wilkinson is an academic and author. I love it). : . It is my experience that it is only those closest to a man that can inflict the greatest pain. I was merely pointing out how such treatment of his wife would hardly help warm her feelings towards him. Anne. I will come, says Philippe. Rohan is the Masked Man! Pity that they made his character too emo, too frustrated and angry with the world, when he actually was full of joie de vivre, always smiling, always chattering, always ready to find the good in every person and every sistuation. Dance. Point 3: Good question, which is the greater sin? throughout the show, we see Louis attempts to belittle and emasculate Philippe. Philippe, despite their mutual loathing, was upset and distraught, so suspicion then fell to the absent Chevalier de Lorraine, who at the time was still in exile in Rome. Cultural factors, too, played a part. Philippe is no more vulnerable to the hurt and damage done to him than she is to the hurt and damage done to her, simply because he is a man with rights and she is a woman with no rights. There could have been some anger involved without resorting to rape. I think the problem with him is that we still miss a decent biography, taking into accounts ALL sources and not only the same, always the same stuff as Saint-Simon and such. ), Back to Louis outside his bed chamber, where Henriettes screams of pain can be heard. I knew hed say that line! Versailles Altadefinizione Stagione 3 Episodio 10 Streaming Ita The Kings son. FOCUS. Of course, nothing happened and the doctors said colic but nine hours later, she was dead. needless to say, all my writing is copyright to me, so don't be a dick and steal it. First of all, ladies, stop spewing vitriol. I know times and attitudes were different then, but a person violated still feels violated, whether they are allowed to acknowledge it or not. Also I have to add SPOILER ALERT!!!! Oh, Louis most definitely would choose France over his brother. When we are the kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend. In perfect sync. Point 8: Again, refer to comments on Henriettes lack of power as a woman and as a subject of the king to say no to said king. Youre brought up, its your duty. How accurate is Netflix Versailles? We now see Philippe, so resigned, with tears down his cheeks, then Louis with a no, this is NOT happening. look on his face, eyes still dry. Henriette wanted to go!). the rest will do her good, Bontemps says. They have some banter, and Rohan invites the boy to play a game A game of war? The Dauphin says excitedly. No context is provided about who he is, no indication he is married. The marriage was doomed from the start, because Henriette was already in love with Louis, it seems. I must be poisoned! so Philippe ordered her dog to be fed the water. My loyalty still lays with Philippe as her husband, he has a right to lay claim to his wife. Director Daniel Roby Writers Simon Mirren David Wolstencroft Stars George Blagden Alexander Vlahos Tygh Runyan See production, box office & company info To my observation, we do not know who messed with the bottles I was assuming it was Mike or Rohan, because the hand is gloved and we do not see the face. There are only two men in this court who move freely between the outside world and the Kings inner circle, but only one who has never raised a single voice against him. Bontemps is surprised: the Kings brother? NO, BONTEMPS. The advice you took came from only one source. the door opens, and Montespan enters. I think this comes down to loyalty one would assume the Kings guard would be fiercely loyal to the crown so no one would suspect any plotting. I will try, but I trust you wont publish it if you find it too long. I think Teresa is being a bit naive re. Im genuinely curious to know why you consider Philippe the victim and Henriette the traitor in that relationship. Pretty sure he was not the one who did the poisoning thing. Henriette feels nothing for Philippe, he not having put any more effort into endearing himself to her than she to him and he also complicating things for her where Louis is concerned. Louis decides to go to Paris to bless the sick. The door suddenly opens, Claudine walks sombrely in. At a Mass said for her soul, Bishop Bossuet conveyed the sense of shock at her sudden death: Oh, disastrous night; oh, dreadful night, in which resounded like a clap of thunder the unbelievable words Madame is dying Madame is dead!. Henriette. Louis and Philippe approach the bed, to the dying Henriette who looks really bad. But for that one unforgivable act, I could have felt real sympathy for that walking, talking mess of dysfunction. You admit her situation is unfair and certainly, she is powerless where her husband (and Louis) are concerned and yet, simply because of the screwed up thinking of the day, the thinking that removed a womans personhood and reduced her to mere property, she is the villain for not being able to love a man who ignores her and rapes her? We begged you. I am a friend. Today you get the chance to kill a king! While hes saying this, Marchal behind them is taking out a knife, and suddenly he slides it across the floor, and Louis picks it up, and Montcourt lunges another candlestick is involved.. OMG And then Louis grabs Montcourt from behind and sinks the knife into him! So Louis sequesters the palace. Which one? Louis asks. Colbert and Louvois look considerably worried. When an autopsy was done (observed by 17 French doctors, two English physicians, the British ambassador and around 100 other onlookers) death was deemed to be from cholera morbus (gastroenteritis) caused by heated bile. The poor Chevalier, accused when he wasnt even there! Is it any wonder she couldnt work up any concern over the possibility that her rapist might die in battle? But Montespan kind of brushes it off with, Yes, I would do the same. She is hurt, nonetheless. I love this show <3. Ive mentioned before that his intimate interactions with women in the show are used as a form of punishment towards those who have hurt him Louis (with Louise and Henriette) and the Chevalier (with the maid). Oh, and was it common in this era to talk about new marriages literally 2 minutes after your wife/husband died? These reactions perfectly suit and says a lot to their characters, plus George Blagden and Alex Vlahos as hugely talented actors. What the king wants, the king gets. He is genuinely distraught, going to a collapsed Henriette on the floor while Louis is just standing there, seemingly frozen. No one leaves. Only honestly acknowledging that Philippes glorious death in battlesomething that would not displease Philippe, himselfwouldnt necessarily break her heart. Arguably, as a man, it was within Philippes power to end his relationship easily enough whereas Henriette, a woman, would very possibly not have had that same power. He tucks Louis in then gets into his small cot (that looks like a camping bed), fully clothed. But Sophie declares she has no life: what her mother told her was a lie. Louis persists. We were young. He gives as good as he gets and so much worse. ! Louis is stunned: Why are you casting all this rage at me? Philippe: Because you deserve it. Bontemps says: protocol demands that if the air is impure and if you are at risk, you must leave immediately. (this is true) Marchal strides in to take command. The only protection offered is by Louis. Nup. Absolutely enjoyed your recap of the finale. We now see Philippe asleep. We establish right from the start that she has no powershe was forced to marry a man she did not want because the king wants to keep her close. He goes on to make threats and trouble for her.

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who poisoned henriette in versailles show