differences between greek and roman sacrifice

Were they used in some form of divination?Footnote 59 88. Throughout his corpus Cicero uses a range of technical divinatory terms, including augur, ostentum, and portentum, in rather general ways, even in De Divinatione where one might reasonably expect him to be more precise. 9.641. Magmentum also appears in two imperial leges sacrae pertaining to the observance of the Imperial cult preserved in inscriptions found in the Roman colonies of Salona in Dalmatia (CIL 3.1933, dated to 137 c.e.) Plu., RQ 83=Mor. 92 36 Fest. 277AC). 33 An emic explanation is essential for understanding how people within a given system understand that system, but because it is culturally and historically bounded, its use is somewhat limited. Braga, Cristina Through the outsider point of view, we can interpret it in light of comparable behaviours in other cultures. Nor, in broader terms, do I think that internal, or emic, categories should automatically be privileged over external, or etic, ones.Footnote Macr., Sat. Bottom line: The Greeks tended towards greater personification of their gods; the Romans tended towards their religion being a series of quid pro quo transactions with Once we have recognized that there are two notions of sacrifice at play, we can set aside our etic, outsider ideas for the moment and look at the Roman sources anew. Mar. 30 There is also a queen of gods in Greek and Roman mythologies. 101. Modern theorizations of sacrifice focus on animal victims, treating the sacrifice of vegetal substances, if they are considered at all, as an afterthought or simply setting vegetal offerings as a second, lesser ritual, a substitution or a pale imitation.Footnote 97L: Immolare est mola, id est farre molito et sale, hostiam perspersam sacrare (To immolate is to make sacred a victim sprinkled with mola, that is, with ground spelt and salt), a passage which also suggests that the link between immolatio and mola salsa was active in the minds of Romans in the early imperial period when the ultimate source of Paulus redaction, the dictionary written by Verrius Flaccus, was compiled.Footnote 82 Match. He does not use the language of sacrifice, that is, he does not call the ritual a sacrificium nor does he identify the Vestal as a victim.Footnote Study sets, textbooks, questions. View all Google Scholar citations He stresses the traditional nature of the burial of the one Vestal with the phrase as is the custom (uti mos est) and describes her death in neutral terms (necare).Footnote Hermes, who had winged feet, was the messenger of the gods and could fly anywhere with great speed. Another animal sometimes sacrificed by the Romans but not regularly eaten by them is the human animal. 94 The Romans performed at least four forms of ritual killing, only one of which was sacrifice. WebIn Greek mythology the king of gods is known as Zeus, whereas Romans call the king of gods Jupiter. Hammers appear in only fifteen scenes, two-thirds of which date between the first century b.c.e. Of the fifty-six reliefs, forty-one show officials carrying axes. Livy's abhorrence of the Romans action is in line with other Roman authors disgust at the performance of sacrificium on humans by other ethnic groups, especially Carthaginians and Gauls.Footnote Significant exceptions to this rule in the study of Roman sacrifice are the treatment of the sacrifice of wheat and wine in Scheid Reference Scheid2012 and the argument for the increased popularity of vegetal sacrifice in Late Antiquity advanced by Elsner Reference Elsner2012. On the general absence of wild meat from the Roman diet, see MacKinnon Reference MacKinnon2004: 1902. Furthermore, because there were multiple rituals not just sacrificium through which the Romans could share food and other goods with their gods, we can see that the Romans had a wider range of ritual tools available to them for communicating with the divine. 58 Scholars frequently stress the connection between sacrifice and eating: The idea of food underlies the idea of sacrifice.Footnote 29 Scholars are quick to identify all of them as forms of sacrifice, which may well be the case. a more expensive offering that dominates in literary accounts of sacrifice. 344L and 345L, s.v. In Books 29 and 30 of his Natural History, the elder Pliny includes lizards in numerous medicinal recipes to cure everything from hair loss (29.108) to lower back pain (30.53) to dysentery (30.55), and the only text we have that identifies the contents of a bulla, the amulet worn by young Roman boys, instructs the reader to put lizard eyes inside it.Footnote This is a clear difference from Athena, who was never associated with the weather. B. Rives provided valuable consultation on specific points and V. C. Moses generously shared her work-in-progress on the osteoarchaeological evidence from S. Omobono. I concede that, to a certain extent, the insider-outsider lens does not show us difficulties that were previously invisible. The children were drowned by the haruspices, usually in the sea. 37 85 In the sacred realm, Romans could also pollucere a tithe to the god Hercules.Footnote WebThe gods, heroes, and humans of Greek mythology were flawed. hasContentIssue true, Copyright The Author(s) 2016. Sacrifices of wine and incense are common in the Commentarii Fratrum Arvalium, e.g. 423L s.v. This disjuncture between physical remains and written accounts is another reminder of the bias of our ancient authors toward the activities of the rich and toward state ritual. Columella 2.21.4 might also refer to dog sacrifice, but the verb (feceris) leaves it ambiguous as to which ritual was being performed. Has data issue: true 17 While there is a growing body of work done on the osteoarchaeological material from other regions of the Empire, especially the north-western provinces,Footnote 37ab). Subjects. Ernout and Meillet Reference Ernout and Meillet1979: 376 s.v. Elsner Reference Elsner2012 emphasizes the heavy influence of early Christian writers on modern theorizations of sacrifice. Macr., Sat. 2 The distinction between sacrificare and mactare was lost by Late Antiquity, but it was still active in the Republic and early Empire.Footnote WebOn the whole, political development in Greece followed a pattern: first the rule of kings, found as early as the period of Mycenaean civilization; then a feudal period, the Also the same poverty has established from the very beginning an empire for the Roman people and, on behalf of this, still today she sacrifices to the immortal gods a little ladle and a dish made of clay. They were rewarded for their endeavors with the position of judge in the Underworld. ), the Romans followed instructions from the Sibylline Books to bury alive pairs of Gauls and Greeks, one man and one woman of each, in the Forum Boarium. In Latin, one does not sacrifice with a knife or with an axe. 54 Var., L. 5.112; see also Cic., Har. Greek Gods vs Roman Gods. As in the Greek world, sacrifice was the central ritual of religion. Was a portion consumed later? Moses, Reference Moses, Brocato and Terrenatoforthcoming, table 8. Decline was interrupted by the short-lived Restoration under the emperor Augustus (reign 27 BC AD 14), then it resumed. Ubiquitous in the scholarship is the assumption that if the gods receive an animal, it is sacrifice, but if the gods receive vegetable produce and other inanimate edibles, those are something different: they are offerings. Roman sacrificium is both less and more than the typical etic notion of sacrifice. Plaut., Stich 233; Cato, Agr. More Greek words for sacrifice. pecunia sacrificium; Paul. 25 Here's a list of translations. Dear Mr. Chang, Aside from the obvious differences in language (one culture speaks as much Latin as the Vatican, while the other is all Greek to me), the Romans art largely imitated that of the Greeks. This should prompt researchers, myself included, to greater caution when presenting a native in our case, Roman point of view and to greater clarity about whether the concept under discussion at any given moment is really the Romans or ours, or is shared by both groups. For this discussion, the metaphorical extension of the English word sacrifice, by which one can sacrifice for one's family or hit a sacrifice fly in baseball, is not relevant: this meaning is completely unknown to the Romans of the Classical period. frag. One was killed at the Colline Gate, under the earth as is the custom and the other took her own life Since this horrible event which occurred in the midst of so many terrible things, as is wont to happen, was turned into a prodigy, the Board of Ten Men was ordered to consult the Books. magmentum; Serv., A. Compare Var., R. 2.8.1. Unlike sacrificare, which remained solely in the divine realm, mactare did not need to involve the gods: mactare is something that one Roman could do to another, both literally (one can mactare someone else with a golden cup, for example) and metaphorically (with misfortune or expense). 15 Greek gods had heavy emphasis placed on their 66 Van Straten Reference Van Straten1995: 188. 96 32 Far less common in the S. Omobono collection, but still present in significant amounts, is a range of animals that do not seem to have formed a regular part of the Roman diet, such as deer, a beaver, lizards, a tortoise, and several puppies.Footnote 22.1.19; 45.16.6; Plin., N.H. 36.39; Tac., Ann. Greeks call the queen Hera, whereas Romans queen of gods is Juno. On the Latin terminology for living sacrificial victims, see Prescendi Reference Prescendi2009. But it does bring things into sharper focus, helping the student of Roman religion to keep in view the extent to which we have interpreted the ancient sources to fit our own (rather than the Romans) intellectual categories. Another example of a ritual that looks a lot like sacrificium but is not identical to it is polluctum. Scheid Reference Scheid2005: 4457; Reference Scheid and Rpke2007: 2639. 46 Sacrifice was just one of several rites (alongside polluctum and magmentum) that the Romans had available to them that look to us, standing outside their religious system, as if they were all identical or nearly so. Although it is sixty years old, the lesson still works well. 27 132.12). 22.57.26, discussed also in Schultz Reference Schultz2012: 1267. Neither Miner's nor his reader's understanding is right and the other wrong: they are two different views of the same set of data, and both are valuable. Footnote 23 that contain scenes of ritual slaughter where the implements can be clearly discerned.Footnote 14 Learn. Admittedly the Romans often used as a metonym for the whole of sacrificium the term immolatio, the stage of the ritual that includes slaughter, suggesting the special importance of that portion of the ritual sequence.Footnote 55 76 and for front limbs.Footnote 3 24 The numerous sources for this event are collected and analysed in Engels Reference Engels2007: 41618, 4438. 87 The ancient Greek and Roman gods did not become incarnate the way Jesus was, did not enter the stream of real human history the way Jesus did, did not die as a WebWhat are the main differences between Greek and Roman gods? Some rituals, such as the recitation of prayers, were simple. Goats: Var., R. 1.2.19; Liv. 3.12.2. The survival beyond the early Empire of most aspects of the distinction among ritual forms discussed in Section IV cannot be asserted with any confidence. 18 th century excavations unearthed a number of sculptures with traces of color, but noted art historians dismissed the findings as anomalies. Although the focus of this investigation is the recovery of some details of the Romans idea of sacrificium, I do not mean to imply that their concept is the right one and that the modern idea is wrong or completely inapplicable to the Roman context. Also unfamiliar to the Romans would be another use of sacrifice now current in the life sciences, as a term for euthanasia of research animals with no real religious significance The plea of an editorial in the Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science from 1967 (p. 241) that researchers abandon the term because there is no deity involved in the act of euthanizing laboratory animals, fell on deaf ears: sacrifice remains common in animal management literature. Nacirema is American spelt backwards, and Miner shows to, and interprets for, us our own bathroom habits.Footnote 80 It is important to note, however, that we cannot determine conclusively from the extant sources what relationship, if any, existed among them in the Roman mind. 67 The same two interment rituals would be performed alongside one another again just about a century later, in 113 b.c.e. 48 60 ex Fest. 72 See also Scheid Reference Scheid2012: 901. Huet Reference Huet and Bertrand2005; Reference Huet and van Andringa2007. Foundational is the collection of essays on Greek sacrifice in Detienne and Vernant Reference Detienne, Vernant and Wissing1989. 63 A brief survey of the bone assemblages from sites in west-central Italy is offered by Bouma Reference Bouma1996: 1.22841. ex Fest. Paul. While there has been tentative speculation that the reason behind a preference for procession scenes in Greek representations of sacrifice in the Archaic and Classical periods is due to a growing squeamishness inside Greek culture,Footnote ipsilles with 398L, s.v. ex. Thus the most likely reading of the passage in Pliny is that Curius sacrificed the guttum faginum to the gods. 89 Plut., RQ 52=Mor. 44 1 You would do well to remember that there were very few similarities between Roman and Greek religion until the Romans began borrowing from the Gree WebIn Greek mythology the king of gods is known as Zeus, whereas Romans call the king of gods Jupiter. To give just a single example, we know that there was originally some technical distinction among the different types of divine signs sent to the Romans by the gods. 37 Curius Dentatus, famous for his victory over Pyrrhus in 275 b.c.e. Similar difficulties beset efforts, both ancient and modern, to reconstruct the technical differences among the concepts of sacer, sanctus, and religiosus: see Rives Reference Rives and Tellegen-Couperus2011. D. 6.9 (which probably draws on Varro) and possibly Paul. Our author makes clear that the sacrifice of two Gauls and two Greeks happened alongside another ritual: the punishment of an unchaste Vestal Virgin. Sacrificium included vegetal and inedible offerings, and it was not the only Roman ritual that had living victims. Modern etymologists disagree on the origin of the term. Huet explains the rarity of killing scenes in sacrificial reliefs from Italy by pointing out that the emphasis in these reliefs is really on the piety of the sacrificant who stands before the altar.Footnote In contrast, as I have pointed out, Livy uses the language of sacrifice to describe the second interment and in the next breath expressly distances Roman tradition from it, calling it a rite scarcely Roman (minime Romano sacro). Hemina fr. Another famous instance of this scene is on the Boscoreale cup (Aldrete Reference Aldrete2014: 33, fig. Scheid Reference Scheid2005: 1002; Reference Scheid2012: 84. Beavers, too, had curative properties for example, a mixture of honey wine, anise seed, and beaver oil was thought to cure flatulence (Plin., N.H. 20.193) and their anal scent glands (mistaken for testicles) were part of the Roman trade in luxury goods.Footnote McClymond treats sacrificial events as clusters of different types of activities, including prayer, killing, cooking, and consumption, which are not in and of themselves sacrificial (they are frequently performed in other contexts), but which become sacrificial in the aggregate (McClymond Reference McClymond2008: 2534). 26 46 78 There is a small amount of evidence for a form of auspicium performed with beans: Fest. 5 3.2.16. 33 11213L, s.v. 50, From all this, it is reasonable to conclude that the poor could substitute small vessels for more expensive, edible sacrificial offerings. In overlooking the differences between the Roman idea of sacrificium and the modern idea of sacrifice, we lose some of the details of how the Romans perceived a core element of their own experience of the divine. Parents: Aeacus: Zeus and Aegina; Rhadamanthus and Minos: Zeus and Europa. The limited sources we have are imprecise in their use of the terms even Cicero, who was an augur and was surely aware of the distinction.Footnote 51 20 8.10.)). In fact, devotio is viewed positively by the Romans as a selfless, almost superhuman act of true leadership.Footnote The burial of Gauls and Greeks was a sacrifice, but one that Romans ought not to have performed. 176 and Serv., A. "useRatesEcommerce": false On the contrary, Greek religion did not prefer to execute rituals as much as Oliveira, Cludia Liv. Gel. Lodwick, Lisa The small size of the guttus and simpulum is assured by Varro (L. 5.124), who identifies both as vessels that pour out liquid minutatim. 65 This repeated coincidence of ritual performances suggests that the two forms of ritual killingFootnote 16 WebGreeks Romans Lived in small rural communities Polis functioned as the city-states religious center Greek Gods Sense of identity Polis isolated from one another and independent Sanctuaries to share music, religion, poetry, and athletics Classical Greek Orders basic design elements for architecture (sense of order, predictability, and Reference Morris, Leung, Ames and Lickel1999 and Berry Reference Berry, Headland, Pike and Harris1990. 95 If we allow only items explicitly identified as sacrificia in Roman sources, our list includes beans,Footnote 5401L. WebComparative mythology is the comparison of myths from different cultures in an attempt to identify shared themes and characteristics. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0075435816000319, Reference Feeney, Barchiesi, Rpke and Stephens, Reference Berry, Headland, Pike and Harris, Reference Rpke, Georgoudi, Piettre and Schmidt, Reference Lentacker, Ervynck, Van Neer, Martens and De Boe, Reference De Grossi Mazzorin and Tagliacozzo, Hammers, axes, bulls, and blood: some practical aspects of Roman animal sacrifice, Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: Ancient Greece and Rome, Imposed etics, emics, and derived etics: their conceptual and operational status in cross-cultural psychology, Emics and Etics: The Insider/Outsider Debate, Religio Votiva: The Archaeology of Latial Votive Religion, Rome, Pollution and Propriety: Dirt, Disease and Hygiene in the Eternal City from Antiquity to Modernity, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth, Martyrdom and Memory: Early Christian Culture Making, L'Invention des grands hommes de la Rome antique, Dog remains in Italy from the Neolithic to the Roman period, The Cuisine of Sacrifice among the Greeks, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages, Human sacrifice and fear of military disaster in Republican Rome, Das rmische Vorzeichenwesen (75327 v. milk,Footnote The Romans then observed a regular set of expiatory rituals, most importantly offerings made to the goddesses Ceres and Proserpina by matrons of the city and the procession of a chorus of twenty-seven virgins. 69 Footnote WebDifferences between Greek and Roman sacrifices. Cic., Red. refriva faba; Plin., N.H. 18.119. Plutarch is the only source for dog sacrifice at the Lupercalia (RQ 68 and 111=Mor. Roman sources make clear that Romans had several different rituals (sacrificium, polluctum, and magmentum) that appear, based on prominent structural similarities, to have been related to one another. and indeed it certainly fits the modern notion of an act by which one suffers great loss for the benefit of others. Expert solutions. The other rite observed by the Romans that required a human death was called devotio, and it seems to have been restricted to a single family father, son, and grandson (it is possible our sources have multiplied a single occasion), all of whom, as commanders-in-the-field, vowed to commit themselves and the enemy troops to the gods of the underworld in order to ensure a Roman victory. Indeed these two rituals appear at first glance to be identical live interment in underground chambers, though admittedly in different locations within the city and with different victims. 101 At her birth, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sprang directly from the head of Zeus. The distinction is preserved by Suet., Prat. Greek governments varied from kings and oligarchs to the totalitarian, racist, warrior culture of Sparta and the direct democracy of Athens, whereas Roman kings gave To my knowledge, the sole exception is a phrase preserved twice in the Commentarii Fratrum Arvalium (Scheid Reference Scheid1998: nn. 41 For the difference in Roman attitudes toward human sacrifice and other forms of ritual killing, see Schultz Reference Schultz2010. Although there is substantial evidence for other types of sacrificial offerings in the literary sources (see below, Section III), Roman authors do not discuss them at length, preferring instead to talk about grand public sacrifices of multiple animal victims. Thus it happens that goats are immolated to Liber Pater, who discovered the vine, so that they pay him a penalty and, by a contrary logic, caprine victims are never immolated to Minerva on account of the olive: they say that whatever olive plant a goat bites becomes sterile). The equation of sacrifice with the offering of an animal is not completely divorced from the ancient sources. 94. Pliny reports a ritual, possibly sacrifice (res divina fit, 29.58), involving a dog in honour of the little-known goddess, Genita Mana (cf. 77 As proof, he recounts a story about M. 14.30; Sil. Meanwhile, from the Sibylline Books some unusual sacrifices were ordered, among which was one where a Gallic man and woman and a Greek man and woman were sent down alive into an underground room walled with rock, a place that had already been tainted before by human victims hardly a Roman rite. See Rosenblitt Reference Rosenblitt2011 for the connection between these two passages. From here, we can speculate that sacrifice was not understood by the Romans primarily as the ritual slaughter of an animal. which I quote at some length because we shall return to this passage later on: Territi etiam super tantas clades cum ceteris prodigiis, tum quod duae Vestales eo anno, Opimia atque Floronia, stupri compertae et altera sub terra, uti mos est, ad portam Collinam necata fuerat, altera sibimet ipsa mortem consciverat; Hoc nefas cum inter tot, ut fit, clades in prodigium versum esset, decemviri libros adire iussi sunt et Q. Fabius Pictor Delphos ad oraculum missus est sciscitatum quibus precibus suppliciisque deos possent placare et quaenam futura finis tantis cladibus foret. WebAnswer (1 of 13): There are plenty of individual differences between certain deities as other posters have pointed out. The most famous vegetal offering occurred at the Liberalia, the festival of the god Liber, described by Varro: Liberalia dicta, quod per totum oppidum eo die sedent sacerdotes Liberi anus hedera coronatae cum libis et foculo pro emptore sacrificantes (The Liberalia is so called because on that day priestesses of Liber, old women crowned with ivy, settle themselves throughout the whole town with cakes and a brazier, making sacrifices on behalf of the customer).Footnote The hypothesis that only sacrificium required mola salsa is strongly supported by the sources, but because that is an argument ex silentio, it cannot be proved beyond all doubt. CIL 6.32323.13940=ILS 5050.13940=Pighi Reference Pighi1965: 117 (from Rome). This is the insider-outsider problem in nuce. Every household has one or more shrines devoted to this purpose. 28 (ed.) 82. 22 Total loading time: 0 Another example of the bias of our sources away from rituals performed by the lower classes is the dearth of references to a particular type of item found in votive deposits: anatomical votives, fictile representations of parts of the human body offered to the gods as requests for cures for physical ailments. 93 25 Incarcerated in such a body, man's only hope is to avert these characteristics through the use of the powerful influences of ritual and ceremony. 280 BC and 290D; Rom. We do not know what name the Romans gave the ritual burial of an unchaste Vestal Virgin, but we know it was not sacrifice. 69 75 6.343 and 11.108. eadem est enim paupertas apud Graecos in Aristide iusta, in Phocione benigna, in Epaminonda strenua, in Socrate sapiens, in Homero diserta. 3 For a more extended analysis of the distinction between the punishment of unchaste Vestals and, on the one hand, sacrifice and, on the other, secular capital punishment, see Schultz Reference Schultz2012. Render date: 2023-03-04T10:22:59.089Z 6 and the second century c.e. Aul. 97 Elsner has proposed that the choice, increasingly frequent in the third century c.e., to represent the whole sacrificial ritual with libation and incense-burning scenes rather than with images involving animals is an indication of the increased emphasis on vegetarian sacrifice in that period.Footnote 98 2 Published by The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. Test. Despite the fact that the Romans buried broken or superfluous gifts to the gods in deposits for hundreds of years, there are to my knowledge only two references to the practice in all of Latin literature.Footnote and the fact that the word immolatio itself derives from the Indo-European root *melh2 (to crush, to grind): immolatio is cognate with English mill.Footnote In what follows, I aim to clear away a few of the accretions that have arisen from more than a century of modern theorizing about the nature and meaning of sacrifice as a universal human phenomenon in order to gain a better understanding of those actions that the Romans identify by the Latin words sacrificium and sacrificare.Footnote Greeks call the queen Hera, whereas Romans queen of gods is Juno. 45 To explain the decision to sometimes portray one weapon instead of the other, Aldrete posits that various gods, cults, and rituals may have dictated certain procedures or tools.Footnote Poverty, I say, is the ancient founder of all states throughout the ages, the discoverer of all arts, devoid of all transgressions, resplendent in every type of glory, and enjoying every praise among all the nations. The tendency is intensified in Christian sources, which discuss pagan sacrifice exclusively in terms of blood sacrifice, distinguishing the shameful blood of animal victims from the sacred blood of Christ.Footnote molo; de Vaan Reference De Vaan2008: 3867 s.v. I use ritual killing as a blanket term for any rite, including but not limited to sacrifice, that involves the death of a human being. e.g., Faraone and Naiden Reference Faraone and Naiden2012: 4; Prescendi Reference Prescendi2007: 36 and 1089. The modern assumption that sacrifice requires an animal victim obfuscates the full range of sacrificium among the Romans. 31 It was used by Cicero in the opening of his speech Post Reditum and by the figure of Cotta, consul of 75 b.c.e., in a fragment of Sallust's Historiae to present themselves as victims for the greater good.Footnote Working with the two of them together, we can get a more nuanced understanding of a cultural habit. There is no question that the live interment of the Gauls and Greeks was a sacrifice: Livy identifies it as one of the sacrifices not part of the usual practice ordered by the Sibylline Books (sacrificia extraordinaria). 9 The closest any Roman source comes to linking devotio and sacrifice is Cic., Off. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Douglas Reference Douglas and Douglas1982: 117. Miner Reference Miner1956: 503. As Scheid has reconstructed Roman public sacrifice,Footnote 1 Answer. 14 Art historians have debated whether the choice to encapsulate the entirety of sacrificial experience in a scene of libation rather than a scene of animal slaughter (or vice versa) may tell us something about what was being emphasized as significant about sacrifice at that time or context.Footnote The exact nature of the connection between the two rituals is not clear, but I agree with Eckstein Reference Eckstein1982 that we should not see the sacrifice of Gauls and Greeks as some sort of atonement for the unchastity of the Vestals. The offering of a dog to Robigus may be the same ritual as the augurium canarium referred to by Plin., N.H. 18.14. mactus. The Greek gods domain over law had been mostly limited to the hereditary kings of individual city-states, but Rome grew into a unified Republic. The Christian fathers equation of sacrifice with violence has shaped twentieth-century theorizations of sacrifice as a universal human phenomenon,Footnote For this same poverty is, among the Greeks, just in Aristides, kind in Phocion, vigorous in Epaminondas, wise in Socrates, and eloquent in Homer.

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differences between greek and roman sacrifice