rare astrology placements

Just hit them up whenever, theyre like a best friend to everyone. For example; Person has Leo rising with Pholus opposites their rising, they may find themselves changing their hair a lot (Leo risings are known for hair). I have water void or perhaps low water chart as I only have Jupiter in cancer and Uranus in Scorpio. 30) Sun Jupiter either in 5th house or in 11th house unafflicted can make one a very famous artist or popular creative person. Aquarius placements tend to strive on healthy friend groups even if their circle is small there is an aura of being friends with everybody even if you dont really know them. I am not sure about your other question as I dont really understand what you are asking, Friend. Rare astrology placements tumblr - ryrp.vasterbottensmat.info Often misunderstood. oculus drivers windows 10 Taurus risings, yall look rich. Mercury in 1st people have this effect on being whoever you want them to be. they lowkey be judging everybody. I think you will abuse or want to very much until you can take this to God, hopefully, and turn it around for service. Very interesting Dreaminess--never thought of looking at numerology for this..now I'm wondering if I know any 11s! I had a tarot reading that said I'd marry someone famous. Ive noticed a lot of Water risings like the color light blue. Cancer Venuses & Moon (Overall placements Perhaps) love making promises in relationships, breaking a promise no matter how small it was, will really mess with them. Because of this youll see people with an exalted & domicile mars & strong mars (Scorpio Mars, Capricorn Mars, Aries mars); more easily able to fuel up the energy for competitiveness therefore being able to win more & etc. Darkest placements in a Natal chart - Astrology Weekly 5 Habits of Emotionally Strong People. Lilith in 10th individuals (Choose whatever Lilith) tend to have people trying to tame them down or control them in career life and perhaps spread rumors. take in and be pushed out, avoided.. People are just not interested. Venus square Pluto individuals are most likely to go back to toxic exes. Water risings have the tendency to keep things inside but they can very very social on the outside. I commonly see Aquarius placements getting very praised (as you should) but it could even for the smallest things. You have the tendency too give too much love when you know you shouldnt because once you set yourself on something its very hard to bring you down because of that intense drive towards things you love, start shifting that to healthier things, you always know whats best deep down. ARIES: aggressive, impulsive, but don't live in the past, and are not given to holding grudges or feeling resentful listen to their instincts, make fast decisions irritated by indirectness TAURUS: You are very hard-working when it comes to things that makes you emotionally full-filled. Inspiration give credit. People with North Node in Leo may have dreamt of being recognized for their talents and artistic abilities, may have wanted to grow up as a princess or prince when very young. They need constant breaks for the mind since they can get stressed quite easily. How to Use Astrology to Figure Out What Kind of Witch You Are How about horrible negative moon and 4th house placements? Pluto in 10th may attract people who think they dont deserve their success. ive noticed a lot of air venuses, especially Aquarius have considered an open relationship or its not completely off the table.. virgo mercuries are usually really honest or people usually dont suspect them of lying + they usually have evidence or anything to back up what theyre saying, mars in leo probably fantasize about getting a lot of attention and pampering in sex lol or the complete opposite complete domination, i noticed a lot of scorpio risings / pluto in 1st struggle a lot.. but they never seem that way? 3. cancer moon males arent as comforting as the females, they tend to give you a hug but it seems they dont know what to say most of the time. Gemini I.C (Pisces Rising) could have more of a talkative & chatty household that could be more emotionally detached. As for more specifically, which ones, I don't know. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Scorpio risings have a sparkle in their eyes and they tend to look very piercing, even if its a darker color, Ive noticed their eyes always stand out. Scorpio placements find it very hard to not get obsessive over their hobbies. If your natal Mercury is in either Cancer or Pisces, you were likely born with a hand up, and have a natural dialogue with your intuition. They tend to like making healthier habits for their friends. Try activities that will help your mind calm down because it is very hard to completely shut it off and try to make healthy standards for yourself and motivate yourself every day and dont be a perfectionist, youre an over-achiever and are very hard-working but make sure it you have a healthy way of achieving things. I tend to avoid war movies because all the excessive killings and violence make me sad. Does that sound right? Lol. airbnb with pool in detroit, michigan; firefly axolotl for sale twitter; super bowl 2022 halftime show memes instagram; what happened to suzanne pleshette voice youtube There is a pure testosterone-beauty. Sagittarius moons (And fire moons generally) love the thrill of new experiences in love & they usually love the chase. Pluto in 4th individuals are more prone to having a haunted house or being witches / having witch heritages. Trust me these placements have main character syndrome. (As you should!) Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! The Astrology of Beauty - Astrology Anonymous Sagittarius moons naturally can be happy spirits, but a lot are prone to isolating themselves from the world to not burden anyone when upset. always amaze me. There are 12 signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius + Taurus energy in a chart will make someone who holds their opinions in a very high way and stays loyal to themselves and what they believe in. a lot had rlly thin lips as well, with a REALLY pretty slim nose, aquarius risings are the ceo of having really nice thick eyebrows!! Libra placements are the type to glam up look pretty but just be at home doing nothing. extremely sneaky and quick.. no one can win agaisnt people with these in their chart.. no one, scorpio risings we get it.. you cling on to that one person once you trust them and wont let them go ever , cancer venuses. Aries placements go to extra lengths to make sure what they fight for has justice. People with 18 degrees in their chart may find themselves having a battle with the mind especially if placed in moon or mercury. But Scorpio appears to be well within an average waiting range. Ive never felt very liked by people and I am miserable with my appearance. Many women and men with this aspect are considered universally beautiful. Leo placements literally have cat eyes, some have round eyes, or whatever shape it may be, they tend to intimidate people by their eyes, in my opinion Leo placements have very bright noticeable eyes no matter the color. Virgo mars tend to like formal and mature approaches, they hate arguements and are the least to entertain anything childish or have people that they know arent good for them around. and our @astrology-flower / astrology-flower.tumblr.com. I have some Astrology books on FB you could join. Negative Moon placements such as what would you think, Denise? To have a planet ingress into a new sign at the exact time of the full moon is extraordinary and very rare! These are two vital karmic placements in astrology. They can give too much care and love once they think someone deserves it but not everyone deserves an Earth rising, thats when they isolate themselves and most would wonder what happened to them, they need frequent breaks to heal themselves, make sure to prioritize your ways of healings. Example someone having a Sagittarius mars in a libra degree may be a little more shy and less confrontational way they may think through it more. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It instills a core level of self doubt and insecurity. Much thanks xoxo. Im not English native. watford town hall vaccination centre contact. You could put an Aquarius placement with 100 people who are very different and theyd still feel as if they dont fit in. They provide everyone a safe home especially for venting and etc. You tend to be hesitant of letting yourself feel- free at times because you put your emotions on a structure that can easily break through once you snap. Do you have this. This isnt to mistake them as fake but they can camouflage into situations very well. Trine Moon (1 degree) Low water is a less intense version of this. Ex; Capricorn in 11th: Karmic experiences with the internet. Dealing with them is like dealing with a sunburn. In 5th grade, when I used to come home for lunchtime from school, the door would be locked and I always had my keys but I forgot to bring then like 2-3 times by mistake. xx. Aries in your chart is where you are a leader. You may have had a very hard childhood. Check up on them & be consistent as fuck & keep promises thats how youll get to their heart. LOL You deep down just want a best friend for eternity and you constantly wonder why does it have to be so hard to get someone that just gets you, even though youre very open-minded you need someone who matches your vibe and understandings and it is very hard to find that easily, you just want a best friend and you value trust more than youre given credit for, this is why you may have the tendency to emotionally detach from situations because you dont wanna be vulnerable yet deep down you yearn for what could happen if you were to open up a bit. Omens of Witchhood in the Natal Astrology Chart - WITCH Another manifestation is that they attract people who wanna use them for what they have and leave. Your email address will not be published. They really reflect on what happened. They couldve been popular / well liked as well. Someone with a Libra rising in the ascendant persona chart may be seen as conventionally attractive & charming & very aesthetic. Theyre also subconsciously able to tell if someone doesnt have their best interest. As with a lot of the squares to Uranus, it. Your sun sign is literally the astrological sign through which the sun was passing when you were born. Because of that I have learned how to take care of my delicate nerves and have probably avoided other mental illnesses because of what I now know. Im not saying Uranus / Aquarius dominants have bad luck but things are very unexpected in their life with them. You really have deep knowledge of astrology. #1 What are some rare placements and what are some very uncommon placements?? 37) Saturn in 10th house or 7th house in libra sign gives stable successful career with substantial wealth but there will be lot of struggle till 35 years of age. Simply because they are the fastest moving so there's a smaller window of time for a birth to happen to hit that window. People with Gemini in 4th may have a family with a lot of talking & information spread like wildfire. Love, Yeah thats a Scorpio mercury / Scorpio placement, Moon in Aries individuals hate toxic everything they are definitely not the type to pull with any bullshit.. no second chances that is unless theyre emotionally involved. Mercury represents the freshness. I meant that it could be a TENDENCY. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Pisces placements may start to believe they are those rumors themselves. 9th house placements in synastry / composite could indicate long- distance / travels in relationships. They need friends who will motivate them and not bring them down. for the longest time has been way too hard way too frequently for me to come by and keep even though Im conscientious and have great work principles. Do you miss opportunities with Jupiter Retro, Mimi? Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Scorpio in 2nd individuals may not like sharing and if they do share things then youre a very special individual. This is my opinion based on doing charts and picking peoples brains which is one of my hobbies. Pluto in 10th individuals especially Women are most likely to be used by men. Hence, Saturn moving into Pisces just 49' after the exact Pisces-Virgo full moon - carries some gravitas! Im just curious. Fortune will rise after Marriage. Please do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. Somewhere where they can investigate. They may see themselves having communication problems in relationships, netherless working on this will be able to fix this. Is that bad? Here, every degree counts. I just thinks shes a bitch and she thinks Im a negative, depressing person. Some are harder than others. I have a lot of scarring from it. You are very hard-working when it comes to things that makes you emotionally full-filled. LIKE I SWEAR EVERY TAURUS WOMEN OR PLACEMENT IVE MET HAS CONSIDERED GETTING BANGS AT SOME POINT.. scorpio mercuries scare me tbh they can literally ruin you with their words, theyre so sharppp, ive noticed a lot of women with pisces / cancer placements attract people especially men who wanna take care of them like no theyre an independent woman, why are people with venus in 10th so hot ok bye no for real yall be so beautiful physically and the fact everyone knows this too and most of them deny it like model agencies would love your ass, why do so many sagittarius moon have such low self attention span? also its impossible to get them to do something they dont wanna do they need the thrill & passion, leo moons yall are petty asf when someone crosses the line and im here for it, aquarius moons to the contrary belief of being detached yall are too nice for your own good tbh, sagittarius risings have amazing hair, usually really curly or/and puffy too its not just the leo risings yall looking like a whole hot babe and im here for it, libra placements have probably fantasized abt the perfect romance since young age theyre wayy more loveeeee sick than given credit for.. they always in the clouds too (especially libra moons yall are too kind), gemini moons.. yall r so intelligent?? Cancer placements tend to have an intuition that they could sense when something is up with their loved ones like literally they can feel all their emotions. I have Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Part of Fortune in the 12th in Taurus. Same with Neptune in 11th but its your closests friends that try to be you. not even trying to ego boost but yall are beautiful.. why do pisces moons desperately try to love everyone and try to make sure everyone feels included? They have ways of detaching themselves emotionally and preferring to live somewhere else (their head) and just be in their thoughts all the time. The closer the degree, the worse. Detriment: In its detriment, a planet is uncomfortable and cranky. Remember all you feel is valid and that youre not too emotional. Uranus dominants may be forgetful of little things. Bad Placements in Astrology - Shining Moon Astrology You can come and post your chart in my Forum, too! Someone you date / you have a crush on most likely shares your 5th house placement especially the Venus. All symptoms of a Mercury square Mars aspect. Do you have many accidents but escape unharmed? And what do they do. There were some freaky coincidences sometimes. This can severely hamper self confidence. ( Libra in 7th). Master-mind energy. ? like they the type to say ill always be here with you and if you wanna talk ever. As far as I know there are more Virgo suns than other sun signs, presumably due to people getting weird over Christmas and New year. Virgo placements if underdeveloped can have big egos as Leo placements are stereotyped to have.. they hate being more wrong more than Leo placements. They can purposely make themselves believe something that is false. Ex; Scorpio in 4th= Secretive about family & doesnt wanna be in a vulnerable spot & secretive about how they truly feel and so on. If you wrong a Capricorn placement its like adding +500 karma to yourself instantly. Gemini placements could be really good shufflers. People with Aries in 2nd are respectfully, very bad with their money. What is the most rare and strong planet conjunction in astrology? You see the good side in things even though you shouldnt at times. Make sure to put healthy structure and dont put routines that you cant handle because you guys are very much prone to over-working yourself because you guys have high hopes which is very admirable but it can go far and you guys could become pessimistic. These are the aspects. Distinctive traits and sexual preferences in a horoscope Certain planets do not do well in certain house because their significations bring out their worse qualities and these placements can get ignored sometimes but they have a deep suffering quality and can bring out more karmic challenges than usual. These people are incredibly understanding of things maybe even to a fault. They could give off an Aquarius vibe. Nessu 29.5 Cancer People tend to often wonder their ways of doing things and this could cause them to get envy or rude remarks. However, you tend to let things pile up until you have had enough and become very stubborn into what you think is right. Leo/Sun Symptoms: Humble to an unhealthy extent/low self-esteem, shy in groups, almost never leads, and has a timid vibe. (No stereotypes.) Are you and your love interest meant to be? Moon in Gemini individuals may have short- quick witted arguments with their moms, maybe even debates. Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu Expert, & The Teacher of Occult Subjects Shankar Bhattacharjee, a respected & well known name in the Vedic Astrology field. Yay Im special because my Ceres conjuncts my Sun and SN (just kidding). They are very good advice givers because of their analytical nature. Rest of my planets are in earth, fire and air. Posts: 2665From: Pandora's Box TechRegistered: Mar 2015. The house its in also plays a role though somewhat. Mercury - Saturn individuals have an intellect that goes beyond their years. Virgo placements tend to be skeptical of Astrology at first. 6) Moon-Sun Combination, aspect or Conjunction in Horoscope can make some healer, Nurse, Doctor, Psychologist etc. You commonly find people trying to spread rumors about Pisces placements. Subtext is what you pick up under the surface with your emotional radar. Theyre just really good at keeping it together on the outside. Not sure what that means though. My chart ruler is found in the 8th house. They can give too much care and love once they think someone deserves it but not everyone deserves an Earth rising, thats when they isolate themselves and most would wonder what happened to them, they need frequent breaks to heal themselves, make sure to prioritize your ways of healings. Saturn in Capricorn could bring transformation and positive renewal, while Saturn in Pluto is encouraging transformation. But, it comes through the mind a lot. Thanks for your comment! Everything that you said about me and my personality, my husbands personality was absolutely true. Okay, I know opposite moon signs are similar, but sagittarius and geminis are sooooo fucking similarr. (Heard stories, underdeveloped energy ONLY). A lot of you guys have a hard time processing emotions because it doesnt fit your standards of what they should be. For instance, you might be very outspoken about your opinions and ideals, perhaps in the form of writing or debate, but not necessarily ready to go and start a riot. Planetary Alignments for 2021 - Susan Heinz North node in 12th individuals tend to be very spiritual and intuitive. House placements can also be a mitigating factor. (Check whole chart), Virgo placements love the little things in life and when something little becomes somewhat chaotic is why theyre prone to breakdowns or seen as perfectionist. People with Sun in 9th / Sun in Sagittarius may make a lot of long distance friends who make them happy. Saturn in 10th individuals even if they are super popular they are still self-conscious on how they show themselves and if what they do to the public eye is appreciated. Easily liked by everyone. Venus in Aries may like playing uninterested at times to see if the person is really down for them. Leo risings / placements (developed) know when to cut off negative energy / people in their life!! 42) Rahu in 12th house with Sun or Saturn gives success and trouble both in foreign land. It isnt something I would wish on anyone. If the 12th house planets are Conj. do not repost my shit without my permission. That Sun square Saturn in my chart it also fits the description you gave of Sun conjunct Saturn. One has to be real about Astrology or everyone would be dressed in pink frills and chirping like robins . (They sextile). Like pisces placements Ive met are soooo weirdd. Who wouldn't want to fall for them to be honest!. Also you guys are more prone to having a dirty mind. I also have moon square pluto and moon square mars. Someone told me that when lilth touches one of your angles or personal planets its a big deal, Posts: 1059From: I live at 667Registered: Sep 2014, Awe, I have lots of 11 in my numerology chart and my libra Pluto exact sextile saggy Neptune@11 and cap Valentine/Eros conjunct@11. The 1st astrological house is the most personal one of the 12 houses. Pluto in 4th= Psychic environment, definitely not for everyone, perhaps Witchy stuff, divination tools could be around & things of that nature. Uranus in 3rd is a psychic indicator as well, Uranus rules intuition however, native tends to overthink things + add on to things that isnt intuition. Mercury Id bet with moon in Virgo.but not sure. Use your advanced ethics to the best of your ability and dont be so hard on yourself. Required fields are marked *. These people hide things like crazy and will take things to the grave if they have to. have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. Astrology offers us a portal to explore another dimension of ourselves. if a virgo placement compliments you, its REAL these people just dont give out compliments! Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. The opposition would be the same effect except much easier. And, north node in Pisces. People with Leo Venuses are often very well liked and people tend to admire them, they care a lot about aesthetics and how they are put together (especially outfits) so they may love getting compliments on their physical beauty or arts. Mars in 5th individuals tend to get a random burst of creativity out of nowhere. The charts are not ones fault and they will play out. Venus in taurus tells me you settle once you get that security in someone and when they start acting up you find security in another person like you pack your bags and leave haha no bullshitt from this person. Mercury in 12th individuals struggle to be heard and people tend to ignore them and what they have to say quite often. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. Check your midheaven degree for farther insight on career this lifetime! These are the type of people to plan out things a while before it happens. Libra + Pisces placements in a chart makes someone really into aesthetics and most likely into Anime too. Common aspect in models and influencers. They could be mistaken as a Cancer rising often. What do people usually forget to look at for rare findings in the birth chart? The car was damaged but I only got a small blue mark on my right knee. You see the good side in things even though you shouldnt at times. Virgo placements may love candles / plants or really nice nature / grounded things around them. Water risings ( Moon in 1st & Neptune in 1st) ) I always believed that having a Water rising will always tone down and make the natal chart more softer. For more information, please see our One worse manifestation can be= Nudes leaked all over the internet or personal info they confided in someone leaked), personal advice would be to be careful and remember youre not doomed because of a placement.

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