why the message bible is dangerous

Return to homepage. Blessings my brothers n sisters stay in prayer n God Bless you all. However, by itself, the Bible is not reliable as a single historical source. When it comes to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, The Messageis not clear at all, but I don't think it's because Dr. Peterson was trying to water down the two Greek terms used for homosexual practice. Arthur L. Farstad writes: As a Bible translator and editor myself, I must disagree. 26 Comments One of those churches is the enormously popular Bethel Church (for a deeper look at Bethels unorthodox heretical practices and their use of The Passion Translation, see my article, Bethel's False Gospel). First this: God created the Heavens and Earthall you see, all you don't see. Set the world right; Power . Of course, I could cite hundreds of brilliant renderings in The Message, and sometimes, when preaching, I'll cite one of them, since it powerfully drills home the point. (Eph. The purpose of those are the same as the Message, which is to make it more understandable to the reader. Keep us alive with three square meals. The Message Bible is an English-language translation of the Christian scriptures compiled by Eugene Peterson and published in segments from 1993 to 2002. Refusing to know God, they soon didn't know how to be human either women didn't know how to be women, men didn't know how to be men. Bible translations will vary between these three categories and it is important to know which translation falls into which category, along with other attributes that will make the translation either a faithful representation of the original, infallible, and inerrant Word of God or a misleading book posing as a Bible. I had never heard of this Message until a couple of weeks ago when the leader at the church I attend put up verses on the front screen with the abbreviation after the scripture. I still get what The Holy Spirit is teaching me and have benefited Spiritually by it.. On the other hand, a man oozing with love and compassion can err by tolerating everything and everyone, thus compromising God's truth. I read through your points and paused when I came to your 2nd point bottom of the 2nd paragraph you say that Eugene Peterson did not speak about Gods attributes when saying there is nothing in there speaking about any of Gods attributes at the end to the prayer. If you look up NIV Matt. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The leader does not state the source of the paraphrased writings so I believe that many are deceived not knowing the Word of God, especially new believers. When did Paul write this? The Message, I was told, is a paraphrase, a commentary, a rendition, a transliteration, etc, etc. I replied that as part of the body of Christ, she was responsible along with everyone else for ensuring that an authentic Bible gets used and not a book that misrepresents Gods word. I appreciate the years of effort that were put into it, and I recognize it for what it is, with all its great strengths and great weaknesses. And this is why, as Bible Gateway general manager Rachel Barach told Christianity Today, "The Bible has been criticized, challenged, and banned by individuals, groups, and governments through centuries of persecution.". I ended up hearing The Message defined as all kinds of things to try to dismiss the problem that it tampered with scripture a practice which the Bible itself condemns. I reminded the church that Jesus said if we love him, we will obey his commands (John 14:23). Speakers were lacking in integrity to feed people from this book without first explaining the many problems with it. The Message Bible Good vs. Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, extols the Word of God. Are you relying on the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding? Hostility to it is hostility to the. They must be self-controlled, sensible, well-behaved, friendly to strangers, and able to teach. The Bible Is Dangerous, Inaccurate, And Written By Man The Bible is the most accurate historical book on planet earth. Or even that the sacrificed child is evil. Matthew 6:9 New American Standard Bible : 1995 Update 9 "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 16 "Stay alert. Those who promote use of the Message tend to deny the sinful nature of man and the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone for salvation. I remember complaining that if the church hall was hired for a function, as it often was, a member of the local community could come in, pick up the copy of The Message from the bookshelf and read a false gospel in it. We can get a glimpse of the strengths and weaknesses of The Messageby looking at how Dr. Peterson treated a number of key verses dealing with homosexual practice. I agree The Message and other interpretive commentary, and modernized Scriptures of the Bible, are not best for study. (For the record, Paul was not saying here that homosexual couples are incapable of love or that all homosexuals are sex fiends. A confused sheep relies more readily on the institution for support. The following is a list of Bible translations that should be avoided for any real and faithful personal Bible study (in a separate article we will look at a list of Bible translations that are encouraged for use). An overwhelming number of these translations suffer from the strong bias of an unfaithful group of translators. A book through which God speaks. Read full chapter. As a white male . When he stated beauty, again, that is a synonym of glory. (Dis)Honorable Mention: Two translations that most Christians know to avoid but should still be mentioned are the New World Translation (NWT), which was commissioned by the Jehovahs Witness cult and the Readers Digest Bible, which cuts out about 55% of the Old Testament and another 25% of the New Testament (including Revelation 22:19, which says, if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book). Then it happens, some how a day slips by and you realize that you didn't read the your Bible. Its always better to refer to Scripture than to quote any pastor, preacher, biblical scholar, theological professor, etc., no matter where they are in their walk with Christ. For instance, the English Standard Version, a word for word literal translation puts the Lords Prayer, from Matthew 6 as: Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. 12 and forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. Your kingdom come, He helps me do what honors him the most. This displays The Messageat its worst, and it's another reminder as to why we should never use it as our primary Bible. He acted out of grace in Exodus. Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; A church that uses the Message, is a church that has let culture invade the Kingdom. Many believers enjoy reading The Message because of its modern appeal; however, it is important to recognize . Your email address will not be published. Amen.. We are called to be His examples, His disciples. Taylors lack of understanding of Hebrew and Greek and absent use of the original manuscripts has led to disingenuous passages and verses such as his translation of John 12:15. Bibles are banned and those found in possession of one face imprisonment, torture and even death - as do up to three generations of their family. Dont take any minister, pastor or friends word for truth. I hope this list has been helpful and will steer you in the right direction as to which Bible translations are profitable for training you up in righteousness. Simmons has actually released four installments of his new translation: Psalms: Poetry on Fire. No. Some scholars, like Michael J. Gorman, consider some of Peterson's idiomatic renderings unconventional. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I also showed church leaders other occult words in The Message such as Light-bearers and Divine Guardians. 4 Even though I walk I would sit alone on a sofa with no one ready to converse with me. Later, when I started dating a woman (now my wife) at the church, she was warned that I was at the centre of controversy. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Danger #2 "False guilt". 3 he refreshes my soul. Tags Bible Interpretation bible translations Dangerous Doctrine Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus Errors in the Message Bible ESV false teaching occult influence the Lord's prayer The Message Bible. Speak the Truth in Love. for his names sake. 3) The Living Bible (TLB) - First published in 1971, The Living Bible is another paraphrase translation by sole translator, Kenneth Taylor. Further the Message adds to the text (something forbidden by scripture) there is nothing in there speaking about any of Gods attributes at the end to the prayer, and I have no idea where he got that Yes. Only you can discover it. The following is a list of "Bible" translations that should be avoided for any real and faithful personal Bible study (in a separate article we will look at a list of Bible translations that are encouraged for use). It's called " The Passion Translation, " written by Brian Simmons of Stairway Ministries. Schedule III: Drugs with low to moderate potential for abuse and/or . Speaking of deception, the Sabbath day is the 7th day. How is the Bible inspired? Taylor also inserts his own ideas into the passage, adding that Jesus will come to you meekly which is certainly not part of the original Greek manuscript. I told the minister that if they kept on reading passages from this book over me, I would stand up in the service and expose it. Even the most liberal seminary would fail a student who turned in an essay full of Message quotes (at least I hope they would). On the two occasions when I have since heard it used, the speakers havent disclosed the name of the book they are reading from. It confirms science, reveals the Messiah, and proves that it is supernatural in origin. And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. To help us keep our feet on the path that leads to life, below are 10 biblical warnings Christ's followers should take more seriously. The reason it is so dangerous is that Satan blinds them and convinces them that God is not real, which keeps the person from pursuing spiritual truth, like the afterlife and the Creator of the universe. 4 Even when the way goes through 7 Signs of True Salvation I got some belated support and encouragement. However, Taylor does not follow the typical biblical translation process of using the original language manuscripts to create his translation. I also like Watchman Nees Normal Christian Life also. Worship, then, refers to something very big and. He commanded them to remember his grace in Deuteronomy. Why is the belief of atheism so dangerous for the atheist? But nowhere in Scripture is sound thinking discouraged. What The Message did to The Lords Prayer as you outlined here is startling all the revolutionary meaning has been sliced and diced away. The Message translation adds an extra layer of meaning by suggesting that having a generous eye is a way of showing respect for Gods truth. The problem of fundamentalism requires that Bible interpretation be undertaken with great care and consensus, which may be difficult when cultural pressures promote the opposite. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. Jesus is warning the people that they must repent and turn away from their sins if they want to be saved from Gods judgement. Yes. from. 1. I just read your comments on the message bible and I agree that it is dangerous for Christians who are not seasoned in the word. I remember feeling like a pariah with no support or friends in that church for some weeks. And why are they persecuted? The cost of theological confusion is too great a price to pay to rely on this version of the Bible as a source of truth. I was very surprised to find significant meanings. A word-for-word translation like the ESV translates this as Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkeys colt!, The Living Bible translates this as, Dont be afraid of your King, people of Israel, for he will come to you meekly, sitting on a donkeys colt! Taylors use of dont be afraid is evidence that he does not realize that the common Hebrew expression of fear not means to have confidence.. When bestows glory on anything, its beautiful. Favorites and Bookmarks for your favorite bible verses. To them, the Bible is the world's most dangerous book. makes me feel secure. When people began to put emphasis on things that are not important, it alienate people from the things that are. I would question whether Peterson feels the same way. While some good pastors may use it by mistake, many wolves love its language and use it to manipulate the flocks. To be fair, a more accurate comparison might be to the Jehovas It could also refer to sincerity; if ones eyes are windows into their soul, then having a sincere heart will be reflected in ones actions and words. But I do prefer to use it to add clarity. I just recently found your article that was written in 2017 as I was searching for errors in the Message. Is it still available? When studying the Word of God, one needs an authentic representation of the original autographs (the original manuscript of each of the 66 books of the Bible) while avoiding sources that would distort the original message from God. why is x2 closed at magic mountain; ul858 household electric ranges standard for safety; barron trump height problem; dr sebi daughter; growth mindset activities for high school pdf why the message bible is dangerous. HE speaks of things to steer clear of because they will more likely than not lead you to sin. Jonathan, I definitely agree with your take here. through the darkest valley, With verse markings (The Message: The Numbered Edition): This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 03:21. One person stormed up to me and demanded that I send her no more emails. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. We were living in sin, and letting the world dictate how we should live our lives. A couple of church leaders also began to express concerns about the content. Theological Reasons. Be as shrewd as a snake, inoffensive as a dove. Heather, theres more to it than that. He goes so far as to say it's a form of sacrilege to speak of God in language that is "inflated into balloons of abstraction or diffused into the insubstantiality of lacey gossamer." One such critic is biblical scholar and translator, Andrew G. Shead, who said in his article, Burning Scripture with Passion: A Review of The Psalms (The Passion Translation), that Simmons abandons all interest in textual accuracy, playing fast and loose with the original languages, and inserting so much new material into the text that it is at least 50% longer than the original. How do we know the Bible is not just a fairy tale? Although it appears that Eugene Peterson's bible The Message is endorsed by many prominent people this does not mean we accept what they promote without testing it against Scripture. Its the first day. The Message, a loose paraphrase of the Bible, is often treated as a translation. 3) The Message encourages laziness in Biblical interpretation, since it reads like a novel it does not force the reader to slow down and think things through and is a completely inappropriate book to use in the study of the scriptures. It is specifically targeted toward U.S. English . English Standard Version (ESV): Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? The simplicity of the English used in this translation has made it a popular choice for evangelists; it was even used at Billy Graham crusades. Hoping it will appear in Google listings in time. The Bible, and His word, are not evolving, they are static. God says, in Isaiah 1:18, "Come now and let us reason together." With alcohol use we temporarily and permanently stupefy our reasoning powers. It is specifically targeted toward U.S. English speakers with its use of American contemporary slang. They concluded that Eugene Peterson had indeed made a decision to insert occultic words into the book but they still chose to read from it! Does this post violate any norms, rules, or others that you aware of? Required fields are marked *. You should seek understanding through the Holy Spirit, not through the eyes of man. Authored by Eugene H. Peterson and published in segments from 1993 to 2002. 1 Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! I have enjoyed listening to Peter Hobbs reading message audio on youtube. We can get a glimpse of the strengths and weaknesses of The Message by . 10 your kingdom come, His name in Hebrew (Yeshayahu) means "Yah [weh] is salvation.". He introduced himself as a God of grace in Genesis. They still didnt admit that it was a dubious practice to incorporate this book into a church service, but instead gave the reason that it was causing offence in the church. This premise, however, is dangerous and has been the cause of much bigotry, intolerance, injustice and pain.The truth is that there is no proof that this collection of books is the Word of God. I know the author of it got parts of the Bible so right it blows your mind, but there are entire sections where he is dead wrong and injects false doctrine into it. The result is a strongly sectarian translation that no longer counts as Scripture; by masquerading as a Bible it threatens to bind entire churches in thrall to a false god. The Passion Translation is even promoted by churches that share Simmons own theology (for example removing rebuking and correcting from 2 Timothy 4:2). Smoking cigarettes is a sin. I saw new believers using The Message as their actual Bible during a study, and felt like The Message was robbing them of some choice meat when they read passages from it that were flowery but so watered-down. Difficulty Finding a Modern Interpretation of the Bible. Thats why officials must have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. In his book on Bible reading, Eat This Book, Eugene Peterson writes about his motivations in writing The Message. "Eugene H. Peterson, 85, Scholar Turned Homespun Pastor, Dies". 6 the end of the Lords Prayer is about forgiving not Gods attributes you may be confusing scripture with the Doxology/song. . The Message has sold over 10 million copies and has continually ranked among the top five best-selling Bibles. I found it helpful to cobble together a resource from various websites showing examples of how The Message has tampered with Bible verses, misrepresented the gospel, and added occult and New Age words. The men who spied out Canaan had returned to Israel's camp and reported that the Promised Land had giants. Many believers enjoy reading The Message because of its modern appeal; however, it is important to recognize that this unconventional version can have serious detrimental implications. The shepherds and leaders are deceived. Youre ablaze in beauty! Faith Bible translations are usually broken down into three major categories: Word-for-word or Formal Equivalence, Thought-for-Thought or Dynamic Equivalence, and Paraphrase. 9 Pray along these lines: Our Father in heaven, we honor your holy name. This is the latest development: a 16-page booklet available on Ebay.com that anyone around the world can order and give out: 12 And forgive us our debts, Thank you so much. He outlined his grace in Leviticus. I admit it can be useful in bringing clarity to certain passages, but one must learn to work through the actual scriptures, which takes effort, dedication and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Peterson inserts his own dogma . Eugene Peterson created The Message, a Bible translation which emphasizes the need to trust God rather than focus on material possessions or appearances. This is the main message of the entire Bible, Old and New Testament, that those who have repented and trusted in Christ "have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord. Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful. But, to repeat: It should neverbe used as your primary Bible, since it is not a translation of the Bible but rather a free paraphrase of the Bible. The following translations listed below should be avoided altogether, as utilizing them can lead to grave theological errors, the teaching of a radically different gospel, and a counterfeit Jesus. .". HE never said that. The Message completely changes the meaning of the scriptures, for instance there is no mention of the holiness of the name of God. God has always been a God of grace. I reached the conclusion that it was very bad and going to deceive a lot more people. https://www.ebay.com/itm/115037693742 The Bible is a dangerous book, though by no means an evil one. I There are many issues I have with the Message translation, but for the sake of space I am only listing three of them. The Message is not only a poor paraphrase, but it is, in fact,heretical. The Bible reveals that psychic experiences are real but demonic, and that deceiving . It wasnt too long ago that we were stuck in this stagnant life of sin, but thankfully, God has given us a new life through Jesus Christ. Dear Jonathan, Your email address will not be published. The scene in Oslo after Christian terrorist, Anders Breivik, struck. . Michael Brown holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University and has served as a professor at a number of seminaries. The CEV uses an even more simplified version of English than the GNT. Preach in the full expression of the Holy Spiritwith wisdom and patience as you instruct and teach the people. Not to lower ourselves to the call of whatever is popular at the moment. People dont see the name of the book. Apparently, she told the minister that she couldnt see why it mattered that Eugene Peterson changed Gods words. Contempt for it is contempt for the truth. And light appeared. Translation Comparison - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It depends, largely, on how you read it with what prejudices and with what intellectual background. He guides me along the right paths KJV vs. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Tyndale got a Bible into the hands of the common person. Dont let your guard down or forget that at any moment you can be deceived. Again, the attempt to make a translation that is simple for anyone comes at the cost of containing misleading text, such as claiming the Holy Spirit actually replaces Jesus (John 14:26) and gender-neutralizing Pauls instructions for a pastor (1 Timothy 3:1-5). Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. It is written in a conversational style with contemporary language, making it easier for readers to relate to on a personal level.

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why the message bible is dangerous