taming of the shrew act 2, scene 1 puns

Understand every line of The Taming of the Shrew . No, not a whit. Dont have an account? Come, come, my little wasp. The Taming of the Shrew is a comic play written by William Shakespeare around 1590 and first published in 1898. The two phony schoolmasters leave to ply their trades on Bianca, while Petruchio presses Baptista further for information about Katherine. A vengeance on your crafty withered hide! It was as if she'd been practicing and planning to abuse me like this. GREMIO enters with LUCENTIO, dressed as CAMBIO the poor schoolmaster. Basins and ewers to lave her dainty hands; In ivory coffers I have stuffed my crowns. In its tail. I think she'd do better as a soldier. Fathers commonly Do get their children. Scene 1 - CliffsNotes Ha, it's nonsense! Why, how now, dame! I have nothing left. Oh, then you probably prefer money. I doubt it not, sir, but you will curse your wooing.. Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well. But thou with mildness entertainst thy wooers, With gentle conference, soft and affable. A room in Baptista Minola's house. To conclude, we've gotten along so well together that Sunday will be our wedding day. Romeo, my cousin Romeo, Romeo! I am your neighbor, and I was her first suitor. If your father will second your guarantees, then she's yours. Pray accept his service. Why do you look so pale? Test. Taming of the Shrew: Act 5, Scene 2 - PlayShakespeare.com Nay, come again. I won't stand for that. A vengeance on your crafty withered hide! Of all thy suitors here I charge thee tellWhom thou lovest best. Don't speak to me, I will go cry and wait until I can get my revenge. Petruchio enthusiastically agrees. What, you don't think you can break her to the lute? Stand backyou're too forward. Oh, pardon me, Sir Gremio. The introductions begin in a whirlwind of deception. He agrees also to present Hortensio, in disguise, to Baptista as a music teacher named Litio. [to LUCENTIO as CAMBIO]and you take the set of books. Otherwise, you must pardon meif you should die before your father does, then what would become of all the wealth Bianca is supposed to inherit from you? I'll now go to Venice to buy clothes for the wedding. If you affect him, sister, here I swear Ill plead for you myself, but you shall have him. Or I'll do anything else you command me to do, for I know that it is my duty is to obey my elders. Not for bearing the likes of you, if you're talking about me. An old Italian fox is never that kind, my boy. He ran this way and leapt this orchard wall. Thou dost not halt. The Taming of the Shrew Act 2, Scene 1 Translation - LitCharts Now, Sir Petruchio, how's it going with my daughter? What's going on, woman? BIANCA 1 Good sister, wrong me not, nor wrong yourself, 2 To make a bondmaid and a slave of me; 3. gawds: ornaments. Call, good Mercutio. He is wise. 'Twas told me you were rough and coy and sullen. Everything else I own is of a similar high value. See thou dissemble not. I am a foreigner in this city, but I have come to make myself a suitor to your daughter, the fair and virtuous Bianca. can determine the winner here. For shame, you vicious creature, you devil! Now, Signior Petruchio, how speed you with my daughter? to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. But now, Baptista, let's think about your younger daughter. May you be successful. Marriage in The Taming of the Shrew is negotiated like a business transaction. Call you me daughter? Good morrow, neighbor Gremio.God save you, gentlemen! 'Tis age that nourisheth. And woo her with some spirit when she comes. And so I take my leave, and thank you both. Signior Petruchio, will you go with us, Or shall I send my daughter Kate to you? I don't know what to say. Sirrah young gamester, your father were a fool To give thee all and in his waning age Set foot under thy table. Now, Kate, I'm the only husband for you. But in this case of wooing, a child will father a father, if my wits don't fail me. Go about it with more ceremony. Shes apt to learn and thankful for good turns. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Full text, summaries, illustrations, guides for . Why, heres no crab, and therefore look not sour. Taming of the Shrew: Act 1, Scene 1 - PlayShakespeare.com I know not what to say, but give me your hands.God send you joy, Petruchio. But who's this coming? And on my side, if I die before she does, as her widow's inheritance she'll get all my lands and the rent from my property. Yours, if we're telling tall tales of tails. The Taming of the Shrew: Act 2, Scene 1 Enter KATHARINA and BIANCA. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Whom thou lovest best. and you take the set of books. As hazel nuts, and sweeter than the kernels. I'll wait for her here and woo her forcefully when she comes. Petruchio. But thine doth fry.Skipper, stand back. Alas, good Kate, I will not burden thee,For knowing thee to be but young and light, Alas, good Kate, I would never burden you, for I know you're young and light. No cock of mine. Oh, you are all just beginners! Instant PDF downloads. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. 'Twas told me you were rough and coy and sullen, And now I find report a very liar. Hortensio cuts him off by returning, his head now bleedingapparently, when Hortensio attempted to teach Katherine how to play the lute, she promptly took the instrument and smashed it over his head. Where are you from, sir? Match. Youre welcome, sir, and he for your good sake. Please wait while we process your payment. Everything else I own is of a similar high value. | The Taming of the Shrew, Act 5, scene 2 - The Folger SHAKESPEARE [as LUCENTIO] Of Pisa, sir, son to Vincentio. The Taming of the Shrew | Folger Shakespeare Library WIDOW Right, I mean you. Ay, to the proof, as mountains are for winds. What, you'll leave with my tongue in your tail? Let me fret you then!". Provide the feast, father, and bid the guests; I will be sure my Katharina shall be fine. And to conclude, we have 'greed so well together. You are pleasant, amusing, polite, not sharp-tongued, and as sweet as springtime flowers. Nay, then you jest, and now I well perceive. Now, Kate, I am a husband for your turn, For, by this light, whereby I see thy beauty, Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well, Thou must be married to no man but me. I will settle this quarrel. What, with my tongue in your tail? Well mayst thou woo, and happy be thy speed.But be thou armed for some unhappy words. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. My fair Bianca, bid my father welcome, 4. Brother Petruchio, sister Katherina, 6. All I told her was that she was using the wrong frets, and I bent her hand to teach her the right fingering. She demands that Bianca say which of her suitors she prefers, and when Bianca does not, Katharina slaps her. Talk not to me. I'll be the great gust to her fire, and she will yield to me, for I am rough and don't woo like a child. When we were alone, we agreed that she would go on being a shrew in public. Chaos rules at Baptistas house the next morning as Katherine chases Bianca, cursing at her in a fury. 'Twill bring you gain or perish on the seas. And all things answerable to this portion. Though little fire grows great with little wind. [To PETRUCHIO] You are too blunt. I tell you, it's incredible how much she loves me, though. I am thus resolved. for a group? I see that you don't intend to part with her, or else you don't like my company. Boy, lead these gentlemen to my daughters, and tell them that these are their tutors, so make sure to treat them well. My father is Vincentio. Ill fume with. Why does the world report that Kate doth limp? [To TRANIO]What, have I silenced you with a ship? Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Enter KATHERINE and BIANCA, her hands bound. Then, at my farm I have a hundred milch-kine to the pail, Six score fat oxen standing in my stalls, And all things answerable to this portion. I see no reason why the pretend Lucentio shouldn't produce a father, called "pretend Vincentio"and that'll be a miracle. Baptista agrees to award Bianca to Lucentio as soon as his father can guarantee the wealth that he has claimed. But as for my daughter Katherine, this much I know: she won't meet your expectationsand that's a pity for me. How but well, sir? [As LUCENTIO]And I am a man that loves Bianca more than words can express, or your thoughts can guess. And so I pray you all to think yourselves. Skipper, stand back. That is everything. Read Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, Act 4, scene 1 for free from the Folger Shakespeare Library! If she is silent and won't say a word, then I'll praise her for being talkative, and say that she speaks with piercing eloquence. He agrees also to present Hortensio, in disguise, to Baptista as a music teacher named Litio. March 3, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 You are passing welcome. You lie, I swear, for you are called Kate, plain Kate, and pretty Kate, and sometimes Kate the shrew, but always Kate, the prettiest Kate in God's kingdom, Kate from Kate Hall, my delicious Katefor all delicacies are. If I may have your daughter for my wife, I will leave her three or four houses in rich Pisa, all of them as good as anything old Sir Gremio has in Padua. Oh, you be Diana, then, and let Diana be Kate. Say that she frown; Ill say she looks as clear As morning roses newly washed with dew. Father, and wife, and gentlemen, adieu. A curse on your crafty withered hide! All I ask is that, once you know who my parents are, you make me as welcome as Bianca's other suitors, and give me the same freedom and permission as the rest. She's not fierce, but as mild as the morning. Continue to start your free trial. I'd be a cock without a comb, if Kate will be my hen. For patience she will prove a second Grissel, And Roman Lucrece for her chastity. In cypress chests my arras counterpoints. Well, go with me and be not so discomfited. Let me fret you then!" Katherine has tied Biancas hands together and is trying to beat her sister because Bianca will not tell her which of the suitors she prefers. Indeed, I do mean to keep myself warm, sweet Katherine, in your bed. Accept of him, or else you do me wrong. God send you joy, Petruchio. Next Sunday my daughter Katherina is to be married, you know. And no doubt Petruchio will have a quiet catchno one's going to fight him for her. In the same way, Petruchio treats her like she doesnt exist when telling the others of their wedding plans. Sly is surrounded by servants who offer tasty snacks, expensive booze, and the coolest clothes, all of which Sly rejects on the grounds that he is Christopher Sly, the . Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. And how are you, daughter Katherine? But enough chatter. I will unto Venice. He arrives at his old friend Hortensio's house and fills Hortensio in on his financial situation. Test. As the leader of the Minola family, he is in a precarious position. Moved, in good time. Nor is your firm resolve unknown to me, In the preferment of the eldest sister. Now listen, Kate: you won't escape like that. The Taming of the Shrew Induction, Scene 2 | Shmoop Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! Sir Baptista, I'm in a bit of a hurry with this business, and I can't come wooing every day. If you accept them, then they are valuable indeed. To express the like kindness, myself, that have been more kindly beholding to you than any, freely give unto you this young scholar [presenting LUCENTIO , disguised as CAMBIO ] that hath been long studying at Rheims, as cunning in Greek, Latin, and other languages as the other in music and mathematics. It were impossible I should speed amiss. The Taming of the Shrew - Act 5, scene 2 | Folger Shakespeare Library Welcome, good Cambio. She's not fierce, but as mild as the morning. Ill leave her houses three or four as good, Of fruitful land, all which shall be her jointure.. for a customized plan. If you accept them, then their worth is great. who thinks that he can force his way through with enough cursing! Petruchio is my name. That you shall be my wife, your dowry 'greed on. Then tell me, if I get your daughters love. Taming of the Shrew: Act 2, Scene 1 The Taming of the Shrew Scenes Overview Synopsis Characters Scenes Full Play Reviews Documents The Tamer Tamed Taming of the Shrew: Act 2, Scene 1 Jump to a scene A - A + Line - Line + Short names Hide Line Numbers Padua. I' faith, you are too angry. Baptista accepts the present and intends to tell Petruchio as kindly as possible that Petruchio must be crazy to want to see Katherine, when Gremio, who cannot stand being upstaged, interrupts him. O, how I long to have some chat with her! The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. When we were alone, we agreed that she would go on being a shrew in public. Oh, you be Diana, then, and let Diana be Kate. Eventually, she becomes so enraged that she hits him, but he continues the game just the same, saying that he will marry her whether or not she is willing: will you, nill you, I will marry you (II.i.263). On Sunday next, you know My daughter Katherina is to be married. Give me thy hand, Kate: I will unto Venice, To buy apparel 'gainst the wedding-day. Tranio (as Lucentio) If it be so, sir, that you are the man 231. If she tells me to get out, then I'll thank her as if she'd asked me to stay with her for a week. If you can't, then she'll marry Sir Gremio. If she frowns, I'll say that she looks as cheerful as morning roses newly washed with dew. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs. [as LUCENTIO] Thats but a cavil: he is old, I young. [As LUCENTIO]That "only" came just in time. You are very welcome, sir. His name is Cambio. "The Taming of the Shrew": Act II, Scene 1: Sisters and Suitors (11:23) Tied up, Bianca begs to be released. Then she jumped up with impatience and said, "'Frets,' is that what you call them? [BIONDELLO b rings the gifts forward] If you accept them, then their worth is great. [To himself]All my land together doesn't add up to that much!Well, from me she'll have all that, plus a merchant ship that's now docked in Marseilles harbor. Marry, so I mean, sweet Katherine, in thy bed. And, in possession, twenty thousand crowns. Never make denial. Thou dost not halt. Pray accept his service. She must have a husband, dance barefoot on her wedding day and lead apes in hell. Although the turning point of the action in a Shakespearean play usually occurs in the third act, here, in Act II, we already witness an emotional turning point for Kate when she fails to refute Petruchios assertion that they are engaged. For our accesswhose hap shall be to have her 235. Six score fat oxen standing in my stalls. Both sisters leave in a huff, just before a group of visitors enters to see Baptista. 'Tis a world to see, How tame, when men and women are alone, A meacock wretch can make the curstest shrew. Give me thy hand, Kate. What, you can't even stand my presence? If she rants and scolds, I'll tell her that she sings as sweetly as a nightingale. May I be so bold to know the cause of your coming? So may you lose your arms.If you strike me, you are no gentleman;And if no gentleman, why then no arms. and my cypress-wood chests are filled with quilted bedspreads, expensive clothes, bed curtains and canopies. I will compound this strife. That I disdain. But for these other goods, Unbind my hands, I'll pull them off myself, Taming of the shrew is based on a king named Baptista who had two daughters named Katherina and Bianca. To conclude, we've gotten along so well together that Sunday will be our wedding day. Welcome, good, methinks you walk like a stranger. Sunday is coming soon. You shall go see your pupils presently. Your dowry is agreed upon, and whether you want it or not, I will marry you. We will go walk a little in the orchard, And then to dinner. Let me go. And then to dinner. Now is the day we long have lookd for. You're welcome here, sir, and he is too, for your sake. While I with self-same kindness welcome thine. And toward the education of your daughters, I here bestow a simple instrument And this small packet of Greek and Latin books. Nor do they wonder why Kate chooses to maintain her behavior. Oh, you are all just beginners! And so I bid you farewell, and thank you both. O slanderous world! Now, by the world, it is a lusty wench.I love her ten times more than e'er I did. How dare you!Bianca, step away from her.The poor girl, she's weeping! Contact us Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. 20% If she deny to wed, Ill crave the day When I shall ask the banns and when be marrid. Let's have contracts drawn up between us, so both of us will be sure to keep up our end of the agreement. The Taming of the Shrew Translation Act 2, Scene 1 Also check out our detailed summary & analysis of this scene Original Translation Enter KATHERINE and BIANCA, her hands bound KATHERINE enters with BIANCA, whose hands are tied. When did she cross thee with a bitter word? Ay, when the special thing is well obtained. [To BIANCA] Go ply thy needle; meddle not with her. I know not what to say, but give me your hands. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. What, will my daughter turn out to be a good musician? [As LUCENTIO]Gremio, it's well known that my father has no fewer than three great merchant ships, along with two large galleys and twelve smaller ones. What a slanderous world! And as for the education of your daughters, I here contribute a simple instrument and this small pack of Greek and Latin books. [To BAPTISTA] Neighbor, this is a very gracious gift, I'm sure. Strangely, Kate remains silent after this remark, and when Petruchio again claims that they will marry on Sunday, she says nothing, and they both leave. You must be jokingand now I can see that you've been joking with me this whole time. Order your servants aroundnot me. Indeed, compared to the other suitors who simply run from Kates temper, Petruchio fires a countering shot at each and every one of her arrows. Be patient, gentlemen. She must have a husband, while I must dance barefoot on her wedding day and lead apes in hell, all because you love her most. The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare | Act 1, Scene 2 If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. I will compound this strife. Bid them use them well. Analyzes how shakespeare's katherina of the taming of the shrew and . PETRUCHIO and KATE exit at different doors. You do me wrong, Sir Gremio. But here she comesand now, Petruchio, speak. It's Hortensio, isn't it? Say, Signior Gremio, what can you assure her? Taming of the Shrew | Act 2, Scene 1 - myShakespeare His friend Hortensio suggests that Petruchio woo Katherine. But here she comesand now, Petruchio, speak. After my death, the one half of my lands. With all due respect, Petruchio, please let us poor petitioners get a word in too. I'll wait for her here and woo her forcefully when she comes. I am your neighbor, and was suitor first. Go, fool. I'm also aware of your firm decision that your eldest daughter must marry first. Father, and wife, and gentlemenfarewell. Pardon me sir, for the boldness is all my own. [To KATHERINE]For shame, you vicious creature, you devil! Why, no, for she hath broke the lute to me. Now, Kate, I'm the only husband for you. What, will you not suffer me? I have now boldly come as a guest to your house to try and see for myself all the things I've heard reported. And, let your father make her the assurance. I see you do not mean to part with her, Or else you like not of my company. Now, by Saint George, I am too young for you. Left solely heir to all his lands and goods. After my death, the one half of my lands, And, in possession, twenty thousand crowns. Scene 2 - CliffsNotes Read more about the theme of the effect of social rules on individual happiness. Don't refuse my proposal. But now, Baptista, to your younger daughter. [To HORTENSIO as LITIO]Well, come with me, and don't be discouraged. She says she'll see you hanged first. And time it is, when raging war is done, 2. Your dowry is agreed upon. If she's a shrew, then it's for some crafty purpose, for she's not naturally willful, but is in fact as modest as a dove. That's just what I do, when I see a crab apple. wakingup. and like Beatrice is always making jokes and puns. Good morning, neighbor Gremio.Hello and God bless you, gentlemen! But for my daughter Katherine, this I know. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% You can view our. After Petruchio invokes this simile, Kates resistance falters. Along with this, she'll get two thousand gold coins a year, which is what my land earns me. Refine any search. She is not for your turn, the more my grief. Good sister, don't wrong both me and yourself by turning me into a slave. Lucentio's marriage to Bianca is prompted by his idealized love of an apparently ideal woman. Good sister, don't wrong both me and yourself by turning me into a slave. Proceed in practice with my younger daughter. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Why dost thou wrong her that did ne'er wrong thee? Oh, let me see you walk, Kate! Now I fear thee not. 'Tis a match. [as LUCENTIO] But youth in ladies' eyes that flourisheth. First, as you know, my house in the city, which is richly furnished with gold and china, and basins and jugs for her to wash her dainty hands. This is the day we've been waiting for. No, come back, good Kate. Course Hero Literature Instructor Russell Jaffe provides . THE TAMING OF THE SHREW - Act 2 Scene 1 - YouTube her for being talkative, and say that she speaks with piercing eloquence. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? May God give you joy, Petruchio. [To BAPTISTA]If you choose me, she will have me and mine. I tell you, tis incredible to believe How much she loves me. And on my side, if I die before she does, as her widow's inheritance she'll get all my lands and the rent from my property. Really, you're too angry. On one hand, he has a lovely daughter who inspires the admiration of men. Then tell me, if I get your daughters love, What dowry shall I have with her to wife? Whoever can offer my daughter the most wealth and property as her widow's inheritance will have Bianca's love.

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taming of the shrew act 2, scene 1 puns